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Basically Mandatory => 7th Heaven => Topic started by: lionheart82 on 2016-01-12 20:43:35
Hi guys, dont know if i should ask this in any existing thread, but i want to extract spell textures iros and put them into mods textures folder. I have old lap so its les RAM intensive like this and saves space.
I can do that for spells which is folder magic and bunch of other files outside of it(directly into textures folder) but where do i put coins, and limit breaks, enemy skills? Because there are many folders with different coins for example, how does the game know which we want to use if we put all folders in it?
The other reason is that probably because of my old laptop opengl 2.0 isnt supported so music movie and all textures iros won't work even when loaded, so im using manual file placement into textures folder.
Thanks in advance and many thanks to all modders and authors for wonderful restoration of this dear game!
Sorry for long title btw! ;-)
Also since im on this topic, is it easier on the pc (thinking about ram) to get files into textures folder than loading iros(into ram im presuming since my ram is continually growing when playing)?
I just discovered that spell textures iros works now, but since i already got spells manually loaded would prefer to stay with it.
I can do that for spells which is folder magic and bunch of other files outside of it(directly into textures folder) but where do i put coins, and limit breaks, enemy skills? Because there are many folders with different coins for example, how does the game know which we want to use if we put all folders in it?
Hi. Longtime reader, first time poster.
If you unpack the spell textures iro, you'll get a bunch of files and folders. Each folder corresponds to one of the options in 7thHeaven. For example, the folder <unpack directory>\Limit 1 - Mike\ corresponds to the option "Spell Textures->Limit Break->Limit 1 - Mike" in 7thHeaven. To use one of those options manually, copy the entire contents its corresponding folder to your <FF7>\mods\Textures\ folder.
It's probably best not to use these things manually, but if you really need to do so here's an example using the "Green Original" coin option, JOUTLAW's limit option, and Grimmy's magic textures:
0) First you should probably back up your <FF7>\mods\Textures\ folder
1) to use the coin image, move the contents of <unpack directory>\Coin_Ver_01\ to <FF7>\mods\Textures\
2) To use the limit image, move the contents of <unpack directory>\Limit 7 - JOUTLAW\ to <FF7>\mods\Textures\
3) move the entire contents to the <unpack directory>\Magic - Grimmy\ to <FF7>\mods\Textures\
The important thing is use only 1 coin folder, only 1 limit folder, and only 1 folder for a set of spell textures.
It works for the Coin thx a lot! Im presuming for the coin as well, but its irrlevant to chase that enemy that has it, ill just presume it works and move my choice coin into folder.
Thank you for explanation and example. :-)