Official Track Titles (
Music file names (
"Why the hell do they have mouths: a Final Fantasy 7 PC retrospective" - PC port interview ( - 2017
TwilightFantasy's Thread ( - 2006
AKAO's music information ( - 2007
Hinting at the many PC midi issues ( - 2006
Aali's post on lb2_awe ( - 2008
Covarr's Thread #1 ( - 2009
Covarr's Thread #2 ( - 2010
Reunion's Audio Replacement features ( - #1 ( #2 ( #3 ( #4 ( #5 ( #6 ( #7 ( #8 ( #9 ( #10 ( #11 ( #12 ( #13 ( #14 ( #15 ( - 2011 to 2014 ish
Not present in the OST: fanfare, cintro, mogu; Not used: Comical, oa, lb2_awe, fin ( - 2012
FBX's thread, tidbits ( - 2013
sound effects description ( - 2014
How does FF7 PSX generate sound effects? ( - 2016
ID total of 732 sound effects ( - 2016
Audio effect flags ( - 2016
Sound effect looping info ( - 2017
Reverse Engineering of FF7 PSX sound effects system ( - 2018
Nisto's psfisolate ( - 2019
Main PC music sync issues:
1) "Barret's arm gesture at the start of the game will sync with the music." that's a deliberate choice in Reunion 06. (
Actually Cloud's first jump at the start of the game should sync with the music and not Barret's arm. Like here: PS1 JP. (
2) Cloud and Sephiroth's scene, music sync issue ( - "The music lock / unlock function does not work correctly in the PC game. The flag is being reset to 0 on field change, when it is supposed to carry over. This broke the music on the following fields (list is likely incomplete):
blin67_3: "Who are you?" fails to continue playing after Cloud looks into the chamber.
canon_2: The music will change to "Bombing Mission" during the Hojo cutscene.
chrin_1b: "Turks' Theme" fails to continue playing.
mtnvl6b: "Those Chosen by the Planet" fails to continue playing during a Cloud's Past scene.
nvmkin1: The alternate "Main Theme" fails to continue playing during the Cloud Revealed scene." from The Reunion Database ( (CTRL+H "music" "SFX" "audio")
Correct Version: here. (
Incorrect Version: here. (
3) Yuffie's Recruit - Theme Song not playing; Kalm Choco dance's music cut short; Kalm flashback when Cloud's running back into reactor plays wrong song (
4) PC Turks Theme issue? (
PC SFX issues:
0) Phoenix Summon camera goes far away from the Phoenix for one instance (compare with PS1)
1) Ladder on the ship deck? (
2) PC vanilla SFX inferior to PS1? (
3) Bahamut missing sound after blue flames? (
4) Tifa's Lifestream Sequence - vanilla SFX issue (
5) Cait Sith roulette, Comet2 SFX issues fixed (
6) Leviathan and Omnishlash SFX issues and SFX volume not applied fixed (
1) PS1 vs PC port - (
2) Cut content - (