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Final Fantasy 7 => Other Mods => Releases => Topic started by: NicoChirry on 2023-05-24 21:05:13
Hi all just sharing a couple of mods ive put together with alot of help from Sega Chief and Quid?.
first iro sephiroth mod is a cloud replacement with battle model and feild model changed to sephiroth with all sephiroths animations.
Second is a Zack mod with cloud changed to zack with soldier first class animations (all hex edited by Quid?) with a few extra character changes added in (dyne, reno, rude, and rufus) with battle models and all feilds changed.
https://file.fm/u/hjew27zbz (https://file.fm/u/hjew27zbz)
https://discord.com/channels/318179907098116106/1111034229053210716 (https://discord.com/channels/318179907098116106/1111034229053210716)
Here is a link to qhimm discord server where bonez has created a category for my mods.
Ok so a little list of people to credit for there work.
Got the Zack field model from Pierre jsn on nexus mods.
Zack portrait was from Amaranth-sparrow on deviant art.
The dyne portrait was done by me with help from pfs kun on deviant art.
I edited all field models of all characters.
Dyne, Reno, Rude, and Rufus battle models are from Jeets psx sephiroth and shinra mod, ported over by grimmy to pc version.
I created the Zack model but Quid? hex edited all the battle animations so big shout out to him.
Last but certainly not least a MASSIVE shout out to sega chief who showed me how to do ALL of this, wouldn’t have done it without him, Thanks Sega!!
Hi all just sharing a couple of mods ive put together with alot of help from Sega Chief and Quid?.
first iro sephiroth mod is a cloud replacement with battle model and feild model changed to sephiroth with all sephiroths animations.
Second is a Zack mod with cloud changed to zack with soldier first class animations (all hex edited by Quid?) with a few extra character changes added in (dyne, reno, rude, and rufus) with battle models and all feilds changed.
https://file.fm/u/hjew27zbz (https://file.fm/u/hjew27zbz)
Zack mod for PC or PS1? :o
Because I'm interesting of Zack but I'd like to replace him with Red 13 and I'm trying to replace Rufus with Cait Sith because I want to keep Cid as he is, but I couldn't... :-X
Anyway I wonder if you stll working on this project because I want to download the file,
if for PS1 version but the file removed... :x
Thank you :)
Thanks to invite me. 🙂
hello :) the sephiroth replace cloud mod by pierJsan, field + battle model animations are not complete, do u think u can make it fully functional and usable and have Jeet's sephiroth limit break to make a final and complete sephiroth mod for pc?
No bro I can’t use jeets limit breaks
ah ok. nicoc i tested your sephiroth mod for pc, seems there are some animations are missing for sephiroth such as double cut, deathblow...etc. not sure slash all/flash or others have missing animation fix. could u fix all the missing animations for your sephiroth mod? thanks a lot and have a nice day ;)