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Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-05 07:23:40

Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-05 07:23:40
I would just like to say hello to all of you, I just joined, but I've been to the download site many, many times, I actually think I came on here for the first time about two years ago... but anyways, I hope to be a valued forum member, and again, hello to everyone. :)
Title: Hello.
Post by: atzn on 2003-07-05 10:30:03
Welcome to the forums  :)

Just live by with the rules of the forums (Located in the FAQ section) and you should do fine.
Title: Hello.
Post by: Jedimark on 2003-07-05 13:36:40
Hey, welcome to the boards.
Title: Re: Hello.
Post by: Alhexx on 2003-07-05 19:41:03
Quote from: Xenocidal_Fox
(...) but anyways, I hope to be a valued forum member (...)

Yeah, that's what we're searching for ;)


 - Alhexx
Title: Hello.
Post by: Lieron on 2003-07-06 04:37:13
hard to find nowadays though heh
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-06 04:42:31
I haven't had FFVII on my PC in over a year, today I just pulled it out, brushed off the dust (Still have the original box & paper cd jacket thingy) and installed them, before I was using WinME, now I have WinXP Pro, and I haven't even played it yet, or tried to start it, because I have a question, is there ANY possible way that my WinXP might just MAYBE run it fine?  Or is it completely impossible for that to happen?  Because I have the chocobo patch sitting on my desktop, and I'm pondering whether or not to install it.

BTW: The only reason I reinstalled it is because I read some of the old posts on the site and it made me realize that I really missed playing FFVII. So thank you for getting me reinspired! :) (EDIT: I also have FFVIII, but I don't think I'll ever install it again :\)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Rubicant on 2003-07-06 05:41:12
Of course it will run fine! You just might have to do a TON of messing around to do it. The chocobo patch will help. Also, if you use soundfonts, you may want to take interest in using a winxp soundfont patch. I've developed a patch that fixes the songs for soundfont use in windows xp. Windows XP doesn't allow auto-loading of soundfonts (for some stupid reason), so one soundfont which revolves around making all the songs sound good is the way to go. It sounds completely fine. PM me if you're interested, or have soundfont support for that matter...
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-06 07:13:28
Keep in mind I still haven't played it yet on WinXP, my question now is, why wouldn't right clicking the .EXE file and clicking Compatability and then clicking run on Win98/ME work?
Title: Hello.
Post by: Rubicant on 2003-07-06 07:46:48
That's just the way it is. In fact, the compatability mode pretty much does nothing. At least for FF7..
Title: Hello.
Post by: Aaron on 2003-07-06 12:39:21
Compatibility mode is way less useful than you'd think.  Anyway, FF7 has always worked fine under my Windows XP installation (besides the Chocobo problem).  Just a matter of luck, I guess, as to whether it works or not.
Title: Hello.
Post by: Mofokubik on 2003-07-06 19:31:31
Hmm, last time I ran ff7 on this pc I needed to use compatability mode win95 for it to work. I kept getting an error without it. (winxp home)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-06 23:40:32
Okay, it works fine and all, the only problem is that the Chocobo Patch changes the memory locations, and now I can't use any trainers, and I can only use one Save Game Editor (Which is not Jenova =( ).  If any of you know of a good trainer, not SGE, but trainer, that would work with FFVII PC w/ Chocobo patch, please tell me. :D  ( Note: I have beaten FF7 several times without any trainers, and I just use them for fun, not to ruin the game.)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Rubicant on 2003-07-07 00:06:38
Well maybe you should have thought about THAT before using the chocobo patch. Just don't run the game with it on if you want to....cheat.
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-07 02:12:12
Quote from: Rubicant
Well maybe you should have thought about THAT before using the chocobo patch. Just don't run the game with it on if you want to....cheat.

Hey, I didn't mean to piss you off man, I didn't mean to upset anyone.  And besides,  beat the game the first 5-6 times without any cheats, what says after I beat it I can't have a little fun with it?  Anyways, sorry for pissing you off man.
Title: Hello.
Post by: KojiroTakenashi on 2003-07-07 02:33:42
Welcome to Qhimm's Hell. Enjoy your stay, newbie scum.

Title: Hello.
Post by: Rubicant on 2003-07-07 03:49:47
Did I sound like I was pissed off? I'm sorry for making it seem like that. I was actually looking for a more sarcastic cheerful tone.
Title: Hello.
Post by: Mofokubik on 2003-07-07 07:43:18
Ya fox, dont take it the wrong way. Its just Ruby's way of saying he loves you  :lol:
Title: Hello.
Post by: mirex on 2003-07-07 11:23:26
Welcome to the boards, and enjoy your stay Xenocidal_Fox !
Title: Hello.
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-07-08 00:49:20
Hi! :)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-07-08 02:29:06
Sometimes i thought Rubicant was pissed at me or other people.. sometimes he just comes off that way.. but i think hes just like a big hippy full of love and hugging flowers.. LoL well maybe not.. but unfortunately you cant always convey the emotion your voice carries.. like my hippy statement there.. heavy sarcasm implied on that but you wouldnt know if i didnt tell you.. well.. ok those familiar with the board would know.. but you probably catch my drift..
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-08 09:36:46
Okay, sorry, I guess I took it the wrong way, and thanks everyone for the nice welcome. :)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Lieron on 2003-07-08 18:14:17

(psssst get out while you can)
Title: Hello.
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-07-08 19:35:18
Gir lubs joo!  :D
Title: Hello.
Post by: Alhexx on 2003-07-08 20:46:27
Quote from: Lieron

(psssst get out while you can)

There's no way out now...
I'm gonna keep him here, since ... I'm CERBERUS !!! :D

ehemm ... excuse me ... I guess I've drunk too much this weekend ...

 - Alhexx
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-09 12:42:20
Quote from: Galadyn
Gir lubs joo!  :D

I wont poke fun at you as long as you promise not to sing the Doom Song. :)

Alhexx:  :o
Title: Hello.
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-07-09 22:11:04
omg! you sir are now my friend!  :)

Doom doom doomdoom doom...
Title: Hello.
Post by: Xenocidal_Fox on 2003-07-11 13:09:55
:o *runs*
Title: Hello.
Post by: Lieron on 2003-07-11 19:25:38
at least he's smart
Title: Hello.
Post by: Mofokubik on 2003-07-12 16:31:49
Haha, thats rich. Seriously though, whats the doom song?
Title: ah
Post by: Simon on 2003-07-13 18:07:37
Yup welcome, welcome
Title: Hello.
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-07-17 00:45:29
It's from possibly the greatest cartoon ever, called Invader Zim, episode 1.  The cartoon was taken off the air from Nickelodeon because it was scaring little kids. ;)

EDIT: my avatar is the character who sings it  :D
Title: Hello.
Post by: Mofokubik on 2003-07-17 06:14:11
OH, its from invader zim? Yes I used to watch that show I really like that show but dont see it much cause I hate nick in all of its stupidity and cant find eps on the net. The only cartoons I ever see on tv are sponge bob square pants or some other crap like scooby doo, so I dont watch tv at all.
Title: Hello.
Post by: mirex on 2003-07-17 11:28:14
IMO greatest cartoon ever is Futurama ! Too bad there are only so few episodes out ... maybe 40 or so. :(
Title: Hello.
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-07-18 00:58:00
Very few episodes of invader zim too.. i have them all.. i think.. Great show..
Title: Hello.
Post by: Nom_Anor on 2003-07-18 16:17:46
One thing I was going to say, about getting FF7 to work with XP Pro...you will need to install direct Draw...the old version that comes on the FF7 cd.  Don't let it install Direct X, 'cause you probably are running 8 or 9.  Then through that bad boy in Compatability mode, like Rube said, and let 'er rip.  I personally had lockup issues when I tried soundfonts in XP.   Let me know what happens.
Title: Hello.
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2003-08-29 14:43:19
Hey people,

I thought i could use this thread as well just to say hi, cuz I'm new here too, and so I figured this.


Hi everyone!
Title: Hello.
Post by: mirex on 2003-08-29 16:19:55
hi, welcome to boards !
Title: Hello.
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-09-23 23:32:37
Welcome to the forums.Live by the rules or you'll get nowhere. :-?
Oh gawd, i was the one to say that...