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Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Galadyn on 2003-10-29 11:40:21

Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-10-29 11:40:21
Getting it Friday (payday) myself.  Anyone here already playing it?  Share your early experiences and thoughts on the game!
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-10-29 17:02:11
This is the MMORPG one right? If so i am giong to have to bow out all together.. i think it would be awesome but i am too busy with school/life to tackle another MMORPG :(
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: vvalentine on 2003-10-29 18:08:37
I played it during beta, so I get to keep my handle name.  I don't know if I'm able to use the beta version or have to buy the game.  But I too will wait for Friday cuz it's pay day.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-10-29 18:20:53
ARGH why do u have tp play beta, /me wanted beta :/

lets hope it ships well to EU or that EU version will be here soon :)
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-10-30 03:36:56
Got it and lovin' it 8) . Bosses are still too easy though(easy bosses? Check outhttp://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?t=2498)but no, still a good game. Worth buying a PS2 for alone.
Sephiroth2000's Stamp-RECOMMENDED!.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Haruhiko on 2003-10-30 11:02:06
Does FFXI has the same typical FF-Feeling like FFVII/VIII/IX/X?
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-10-30 18:00:42
In a way, it has a whole new feel to it, but still seems like and is a FF game. Real sweet, get it as soon as possible.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: atzn on 2003-10-30 18:30:20
I'm not getting FFXI... it's pay to play. And from what I've read.... 6 GB of installation space?   :o Doesn't sound too good to me.

Seph2000: Not sure what you're talking about..... but, FFXI isn't out in North America for PS2 yet... or unless you're playing the Japanese version?
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-10-31 01:22:15
Quote from: FFTactic_Boy
I'm not getting FFXI... it's pay to play. And from what I've read.... 6 GB of installation space?   :o Doesn't sound too good to me.

Seph2000: Not sure what you're talking about..... but, FFXI isn't out in North America for PS2 yet... or unless you're playing the Japanese version?

Yep. Got the Japanese version, and since i'm teaching myself Japanese now I can read a bit of what they're saying.
Title: Woo-Hoo!
Post by: oglsmm on 2003-10-31 01:38:00
Well I bought the PC version today, and I am installing it now..... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


EDIT - Wow... it sure has a lot of updates to download......
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-10-31 01:45:26
My friend at college has installed FFXI PC. 6GB? And it takes(from his comp)thirteen hours to install, procceeded by an extra ten hours for all the updates. Now you see why i settle with the PS2 version! :wink:

FFTactic_Boy: I don't even live in North America.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-10-31 02:38:01
Quote from: Sephiroth2000
My friend at college has installed FFXI PC. 6GB? And it takes(from his comp)thirteen hours to install, procceeded by an extra ten hours for all the updates. Now you see why i settle with the PS2 version! :wink:

FFTactic_Boy: I don't even live in North America.

13 hours doesnt sound remotely right.. maybe you exagerate? or he uh something but 13 hours!? 10 for updates.. musta been on what a 14.4?
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-10-31 07:19:38
well the problem with the PS2 version will be: NO UPDATES. thus if one char is overpowered he will stay for the rest of the game. so evryone takes that char so evryone is overpowered and evryone quits cause its one overpowered bunch sh*t
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Rubicant_II on 2003-10-31 08:03:21
Doesn't the ps2 version come with a hard drive for updates? Oh, why bother asking, I already know the answer. Yes, it does come with a hard drive (more extra money they are capitalizing upon) so that you can get updated if they suddenly realize the game is getting shitty. That's why MMORPG's suck. They are always changing, and some asshole in marketing thinks its a great idea to "shake things up a bit" by making the game completely different in a single update. Well, if I ever do play on playing that suckfest, it'll be on a friend's tab; I'm not paying for such shite.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: atzn on 2003-10-31 10:52:18
Quote from: Sephiroth2000

FFTactic_Boy: I don't even live in North America.

Seph2000: That explains it. Thanks.

Quote from: Caddberry

13 hours doesnt sound remotely right.. maybe you exagerate? or he uh something but 13 hours!? 10 for updates.. musta been on what a 14.4?

Actually, he might be right.....

This is what I've read from Gamespot:
Quote from: Gamespot
The game's automatic patching utility needed to update more than 7,000 game files, a process which took more than 30 additional minutes of time, and that's with a very high-speed Internet connection. Though the system requirements suggest that a 56K modem is sufficient for playing the game, clearly, the amount of time it would take to download all these updates would be completely prohibitive for narrowband users.

And Rubicant's right too... the PS2 comes with a hard drive for updates.

Not that it matters for me, since I don't own a PS2 and I don't intend to buy the PC version of FFXI.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-10-31 20:02:14
Quote from: Caddberry

13 hours doesnt sound remotely right.. maybe you exagerate? or he uh something but 13 hours!? 10 for updates.. musta been on what a 14.4?

13.4 actually :p
Galadyn, if you are getting it on Friday, you should have it by now. Like it?
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-10-31 23:17:15
hmm.. oh well.. i willl be staying away from it anyway.. i cant afford to give my life away to such demons.. LoL .. DIablo II already wastes tons of my time.. If i could just sit on my ass all day and play EQ or this FF game i would.. but since i try to balance life in there i wont even try it..
Title: lost...
Post by: oglsmm on 2003-11-01 01:31:10
Well it only took me an hour or so to install... then maybe 2 hours worth of updates to download, then maybe another hour to setup and actually play..

Now I'm lost...... I've nevr played a mmorpg bebore... where to I go, how do I talk and all kinds of other questions.... I think I need to buy the guide.....

Title: Re: lost...
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-11-01 04:34:50
Quote from: oglsmm
Well it only took me an hour or so to install... then maybe 2 hours worth of updates to download, then maybe another hour to setup and actually play..

My freind says You Lucky Bastard. :lol:
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-11-01 12:14:42
well in a mmorpg it isn't: Where do i go? but: What do i want?

there is no way u should go the same way someone else goes. there is now "right" way to get to a point, there are no bosses wich u have to defeat to get further in the game. there are no long talks bla bla. Only thing in the game that is set is the quests. But its just based on team play grouping and chatting during playing.

an MMORPG = A nice graphics based chat program where u can level a character.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-11-02 02:16:29
Installing the game is hell, but after that it's really fun.  I'm playing on Bismarck server as Galadyn if you wanna look me up.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-11-02 04:57:30
I'll play you if my freind lets me on his computer. Prepare for an easy kill :wink: Just one question, where is the Bismark Server? The URL, i mean
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-11-03 17:30:38
Is anyone else trying XI? what is the Cost per month anyway? thats what keeps me from playing.. I have a busy life and dont care to invest in something i might not have time to pour my life into.. I know hella people that did that with EQ
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-11-03 22:20:53
$12 per month plus $1/mo. per extra character (in addition to your first one).
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Sephiroth2000 on 2003-11-04 01:54:03
Quote from: FFTactic_Boy
I'm not getting FFXI... it's pay to play. And from what I've read.... 6 GB of installation space?  Doesn't sound too good to me.

Well, it's worth the money. Then again, if you don't like paying for games over the web, i perfectly understand. I don't have that much money either...very short right now...
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Lieron on 2003-11-04 01:58:51
jeez.. noone plays eq, then ffXI comes out and EVERYONE joins mmorpgs...
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-11-04 09:27:04
daoc >>>>> eq :)
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Lieron on 2003-11-04 13:44:15
hahahahha no
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-11-04 16:49:10
daoc >>>>> eq

NO.  lol... two years of my life wasted on DAoC, and then they come out with TOA... nuff said.  -_-
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-11-05 19:48:38
well my account is closed for 5 months now, but when toa = released i'm sure to activate and buy it :)

i am really get tired of all the damn cheaters @ cs n stuff :/
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Lieron on 2003-11-05 23:32:43
heh... EQ2 and WoW gonen come out too ><

on another note, to chagne your server pretty quickly (only like 10 mins), follow this

1. Make a new character
2. Select all the attributes, race, job, etc etc
3. Select starting town.

4. ***The important step*** When the screen comes up to associate a handle with your character, press Escape. This will take you back to the main menu. Go to character select and check which server your new toon is on. If he isn't on the server you want, delete, and when you go back to Create Character it has your previous settings memorized. You can literally spam the enter key through the options, get to the handle, escape, and check again. It typically only takes 5-10 minutes to land on the server you want, as each attempt only takes about 10 seconds on a fast computer.

(From Real Life Comics)
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: The Skillster on 2003-11-12 09:56:50
yea, i just got my FF11 imported from the USA
i get to try it before all those shitty euro class can wait for the pal version,
Title: I love this game!
Post by: oglsmm on 2003-11-21 14:20:18
This game rules. I'm playing on the Carbucle server and loving it.

I don't play as much as others do so I seem to have fallen behind some of the people I meet on the first few nights. I still talk to some of them though.

Playing as a WM. I was a Warrior... but I noticed their wern't that many wm around when I needed them.

Playing around in Selbina now trying to complete the quest for my Sub-Job. Taking a while.

Anyways... If you haven't bought this game go buy it now.... If you like FF I think you will like this game.

Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Lieron on 2003-11-21 14:41:40
i'm pretty sure i've seen the thing where soemone said FFXI is popular only because of FF tag... if it wasn't.. it would be in the bargain bin )
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Galadyn on 2003-11-21 17:06:21
It really isn't just that.  I am both an MMORPG fan and a Final Fantasy fan, and I can honestly say that it would stand very well as an MMORPG even without the franchise name.  It is honestly a well-made game, whether it's FF or not.
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Caddberry on 2003-11-22 06:50:38
interesting thought really.. i wish i had the spare time, spare machine power, and spare cash on me to give it a whirl.. I'm sure its awesome.. i would love to get into MMORPGS.. my eq playing friend swears by them.. and i loved .hack//sign.. I really love the idea that they bring about.. too bad i will have to sit this one out  :(
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: ye-roon on 2003-11-22 16:22:23
well i would like to play:

daoc, wow, ffxi, de and swg at this moment :p
Title: Final Fantasy XI released!
Post by: Lieron on 2003-11-24 23:21:56
yeah i agree with your friend, eq = awesome )