What does the .rsd do?
And what do each of the lines mean?
# Output by SGI RSD fileset library libRsdObj.
# Texture files
Notice the # signs?
They descibes "Output by SGI RSD fileset library"
Not surprising that they use SGI, but does that mean all the stuff is done in the same manner? Sorry if this sounds stupid but can't help it, lack of knowledge.
I don't remember what SGI is (if I ever even knew). Is that the library that the developers for the Sega Saturn and PSX used?
Heh, you're not stupid. I am.
I think Square's using SGI Workstations for their 3D rendering.
My guess is that "# Output by SGI RSD fileset library libRsdObj." is a comment made by the program that converts Maya to their PSX format, and they simply didn't delete all of them.
If anyone has a SGI machine, try looking for that library. It could help...
Sephiroth 3D
"One who seeks knowledge from another person, doesn't learn half as much as the one who seeks knowledge for himself." - Vincent Valentine, The Sephiroth Chronicals, Book 1: Resurrection
[email protected]
Sephiroth 3D's Final Fantasy
Sephiroth's 3D Lair
Sephiroth 3D's Promised Land
The Skillster: You got it. I'm surprised you didn't remember. :wink:
[This message has been edited by Srethron Askvelhtnod (edited March 07, 2001).]