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Miscellaneous Forums => Scripting and Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: halkun on 2001-03-08 19:02:00

Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: halkun on 2001-03-08 19:02:00
I have this text adventure game from Square called "Another Mind" You can see information about it at  my Another Mind page.  Now the graphics format for the game is very simple. It's stuffed with normal .str FMV file formats and TIMs. Thats really it. The problem is that the TIMs are compressed using LZH and I'm not too good with that compression. So I need your help. The files are called TIZ files (The compressed TIMs) I've uploaded the smallest one (a cursor)   here  and was wondering if you guys can tell me how to write a quick decompressor to liberate the TIM from the file, or if you guys could mod one your LZH uncompressers to handle this too. It would help alot.


Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: Srethron Askvelhtnod on 2001-03-12 08:14:00
LZH is pretty common. In fact, if I'm not mistaken,  WinRAR  supports the format--maybe even WinZip, I forget.

Some other links that may or may not be useful:
 LZH Format

Linux compression tool guide

A bit of info on the format

Turbo Pascal Source Code--Program 1

Turbo Pascal Source Code--Program 2

Turbo Pascal Source Code--Program 3

Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: Joey on 2001-04-11 15:10:00
Well, LZH is actually something like a ZIP file type......But that depends on the compression type.
Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: Srethron Askvelhtnod on 2001-04-14 00:59:00
[sarcasm]Oh really.[/sarcasm] (I had a lot more sarcasm in there, but somehow I choked it back.)
Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: ficedula on 2001-04-14 02:43:00
Oh, and just in case you didn't know, a compressed file is like a normal file - but it's compressed!
Title: Hacking Squaresoft's "Another Mind" game
Post by: The SaiNt on 2001-04-14 14:33:00
Strangely enough, there's been a reply by Joey in every thread  :)