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Miscellaneous Forums => Troubleshooting => Topic started by: sleeps on 2005-11-02 17:44:03

Title: fmv crash
Post by: sleeps on 2005-11-02 17:44:03
when the fmv with the meteor in pieces, the movie crashes. is there a way to solve this problem?
Title: fmv crash
Post by: Zack on 2005-11-02 17:56:56
Try copying the movies to your hard drive and running them off there.

See http://www.ff7-universe.com/Downloads/FF7Movietweak.txt for details
Title: fmv crash
Post by: Threesixty on 2005-11-02 20:35:00
Most likely the movie is corrupt. In which case you'll need to beg someone to send you the movie (and do the copy movies to harddriver trick to get it to work) or beg someone to play through for you.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-02 21:20:10
Actually I think it has to do with the old codec  (TrueMotion 20) that is not produced anymore and very difficult to find anywhere(new ones don't work). But I happened to come across a site that someone put up and that person didn't have the codec.exe to install(deleted it) anymore but he kept the installed file one in Window/System32(I think) folder. It's tm20dec.ax. I just copied that into my System32 and I couldn't believe it. It played all the places that crashed on me! The Gaea's Cliff movie, Weapon coming out of crater movie, etc.. The movie wants to crash but it doesn't. If you want this codec email me. I know it works on both of my laptops and desktops with Windows XP Pro & Home. You must backup your original tm20dec.ax that's in System32(I think) folder before copying the one that I will give you.
Your original will be about 100kb
The one that was given to me is about 300kb.
Try this at your own risk. I've had mine installed for over 2 weeks with no problems with my pc and I'm at the part where you can battle with Ultimate Weapon at Cosmo Canyon. After you see the movie.

Edit* Just defeated him with out crashing, like some members are having crashed on them.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-02 21:27:04
Good news?

Wow! That's so cool :). I tried to change the existing codec to not lock-up on errors, but didn't make it. Now I don't need to try.

Title: fmv crash
Post by: sleeps on 2005-11-03 17:56:44
it works
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-03 18:39:24
Glad I can help. Any one else wants this codec email me.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: Cap_Necro on 2005-11-06 15:21:03
Can someone send me that file I would be very greatful, have the same problem. My mail adress can be found in my profile or [email protected]

Thx from Chris...
Title: fmv crash
Post by: danknugga on 2005-11-06 16:21:11
will this codec work for all fmv crashes?  im not really too computer literate, but sometimes my game freezes up on fmv's and i have to restart the program and pray that it works
Title: fmv crash
Post by: Cap_Necro on 2005-11-06 18:01:23
This Codec can be downloaded at the following adress => http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8I1KI216

Just put it in WINDOWS/system32 as mentioned before.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-06 18:10:39
Hey there,

     All the movie scene that crashed on me was at Gaea's Cliff, Weapon coming out of crater, Meteror breaking up. Once I put this in and played at those saved points, it didn't crash anymore. I took the codec out to see if it would crash again and it did. I emailed some people who requested this codec and so far one person tried it, besides me, and it worked for them. Just waiting for the others to reply their results.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-06 18:13:51
Thanks for the link. Saves me alot of time sending everyone that emailed me about this. I lost the first link where I found this codec.
Be sure to backup your original tm20dec.ax, which should be smaller in size, first before putting this one in.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: lif3st3al3r on 2005-11-07 13:13:42
It works. Thanks a whole lot =)

Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-07 13:41:01
Alright, good to hear. That makes 3, includeing myself, that works. People say the codec is in the installation cd and it should have been installed when you installed the game. I don't think it was ever in there because I explored the installation cd and there is no TrueMotion 20 codec to be found anywhere on the cd. So this maybe the solution to many movie scene crashing. Missing codec.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-07 14:30:54
Quote from: dalai
(...)People say the codec is in the installation cd and it should have been installed when you installed the game. I don't think it was ever in there because I explored the installation cd and there is no TrueMotion 20 codec to be found anywhere on the cd. So this maybe the solution to many movie scene crashing. Missing codec.
Actually it is there. Hidden is a package (F:\dxmedia\redist\dxmedia.exe). The question is: Is it the same on all Installation CDs? (don't think so...)

Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-07 16:45:10
You're right. It is there. I took out the codec that I downloaded and install the one in the cd and...... the game crashed at the movie scene again. Took it out, reinstall the tm20dec.ax and no more crashes. Funny and strange. Thanks.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: EmperorSteele on 2005-11-08 08:19:03
Now THIS is a find.  I think i'll keep this hosted (but hidden) on my site, so that others needn't deal with so many ads and popups.  When i say hidden, i mean that i'm not going to link it anywhere on-site, just in case this isn't exactly legal ;)

I didnt notice any gain in performance (I think the movies may have actually played slower...), but if it helps avert the crashes, then it's all good!

Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-08 17:48:21
Alright, 4 here and one emailed me back stated it worked for him as well(very happy about it), that makes 5.  Good ideal to have this codec linked because it took me about 2 weeks to find this, really did not like switching the movies to get past the crashing areas. One thing I don't understand is why the movies didn't crash on disk 1, only started on disk2?

Thanks for posting your results members.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-08 19:55:16
Quote from: dalai
One thing I don't understand is why the movies didn't crash on disk 1, only started on disk2?
After making this (http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?t=4816) topic, 1 (one) person emailed me the results of his test (thanks black_thunder) and basing on that data I can say, that on Disc1 the only movie which is different from the "normal" (mine :P) is gold7_2.avi (fireworks in Gold Saucer - the one which produced hang-ups on some PCs). On Disc2 however, the list is bigger:
Code: [Select]
Still wondering why the crashes started on Disc2? :P

Title: fmv crash
Post by: chuachongchee on 2005-11-14 02:57:09
Is this able to slove the crash at the crater cutscene in disc 2?? The one after the 2 headed dragon..
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-14 20:08:54
That's Gaea's Cliff. That's where my first crash started. You won't know unless you try this for yourself. I just beat the game without any other problems. But I did take out the codec to see what other crashes there is and you're going to encounter alot of movie crashes. I don't know what to tell you but it worked for me and 5 other members that tried this. Try it if you like. If not, there is no other solution but for changing the moving files.

Good luck.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: tl2e3le4f on 2005-11-16 05:58:52
Try using gypt, it helped me in a lot of places. This is the link to download gypt. http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?t=4505&highlight=gypt It shows you how to use it and when in that thread.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: Threesixty on 2005-11-16 20:26:17
Heh...you may want to pay attention to Handles in the future....
Title: fmv crash
Post by: DemonSeed on 2005-11-17 20:13:20
it didnt work for me, anyone kno where i can get the movie files from??
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-17 21:10:55
Quote from: DemonSeed
it didnt work for me, anyone kno where i can get the movie files from??
What do you mean by "the movie files"?
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-18 03:44:05
I think he's talking about switching the movie files. Well you have the movies on the cd. What I meant was that you're gonna have to switch the movie that is crashing on you with a different movie that is the same in length So when you play to the part that crashes on you, you'll see a different movie in that place. It'll mess up the story but at least you'll get past it. I noticed that if you watch the movie clips in media player and move the slider just past the crashing point, you can see the rest of the movie. You must make an image of your FF7 cd that your on and then extract a movie that is the same length(seconds or minutes) of the movie that is crashing. Rename the extracted movie to the same movie that is crashing. Use a software, like UltraISO, and put the extracted movie back into the iso image and save. Play again. Maybe someone else can explain it in a more simpler way. Good luck.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-18 05:57:00
But he shoud know, that downloading such files is not completely legal. I'd just use that "new" version of TM2.0 (http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?p=64386#64386) codec.

If people needed correct (=not causing crashes) movies, the feedback in this (http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?t=4816) topic would be a little bit greater.

Title: fmv crash
Post by: dalai on 2005-11-18 07:58:18
True. He shouldn't have ask that. Well I took my ff7 cd's and save points to my friends house and installed it on their PC's without the TM20 codec to see what would happen. And it crashed at the same movie scenes as expected but put in the TM20 codec and you get pass it. I guess I'm one of those people that got the bad version. And they(my friends) love the Reunion Patch. Oh and if I didn't give a shout out to him(Reunion). Sorry bro. I know wrong forum but Big Thanks for that superb patch. Makes the game worth playing over and over again.
Title: fmv crash
Post by: DemonSeed on 2005-11-18 09:08:22
i installed the newcodec and it didnt work, can some1 who doesnt mind gettin pst the pint im at IM mewith there MSN so i can send them my savegame?
Title: fmv crash
Post by: machaorules on 2005-11-20 00:11:56
i can play it for you just email me the game (pm me if you wanna know my email adress)
Title: fmv crash
Post by: B1G_D on 2005-12-20 23:00:49
Tried the new codec for the Gaea Cliffs movie, where the weapon is unleashed. Didn't work :(
Can any1 play past this movie 4 me plz?
Title: fmv crash
Post by: dziugo on 2005-12-21 07:06:03
Quote from: B1G_D
Can any1 play past this movie 4 me plz?
Of course. Send me your send game or upload it somewhere.
