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Miscellaneous Forums => Troubleshooting => Topic started by: Dash on 2005-11-23 00:21:28

Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: Dash on 2005-11-23 00:21:28
Ok... I've used every patch... The 1.2 one and i'm running FF7W but after Cid jumped on the Tiny Broco while Clouds escaping it crashes.. I've tried having the videos on my HD but still no luck... Any advice as to what i'm doing wrong!?
Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-23 05:58:49
Download the new codec here (http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?p=64386&highlight=#64386), or send me your save-game.

Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: Dash on 2005-11-23 12:32:43
Email sent
I tried the codec thing and it didn't work...
Thanks for the help man!
Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: dziugo on 2005-11-23 13:13:44
It would help me, if you run a checksum over your FMVs (see this (http://forums.qhimm.com/viewtopic.php?t=4816) thread). If it's not corrupted-movie related, then I'd like to know what's the cause. Thanks in advance.

Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: Dash on 2005-11-24 10:21:23
Sent it from my other email address and let me post up my check results for CD1


There ya go
Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: Kismy on 2006-03-03 21:56:11
Having the same problem, Just when Cid says to hold on to your pants (?), the game crashes.. :(

Already checked the fmv's, they don't seem to be the problem.


Could anyone help pass just the plane crash? Much appreciated.
Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: dziugo on 2006-03-04 07:34:42
Welcome to board! Download your save-game here (http://dziugo.republika.pl/misc/Kismy.rar). Try to be more patient. End of trasmission.

Title: FF7 Rocket Town
Post by: Kismy on 2006-03-04 11:18:29
Thanks. Turns out, it was a corrupted fmv, the jairofal. If i clicked on it, the  explorer would crash..:x

Here's what another player said on the problem, in case other members have the same problem:
First, try this:


 If that won't work, find jairofal.avi and see if it even works at all. if not, just find an fmv that does work (preferably a short one, like one of the junon elevator ones.. it'll look funny though =P) and copy and rename the copy jairofal.avi. This will get you past his part.

Its my experience that jairofal is on a hard-to-read place on the cd, becasue this is a common problem. You can maybe try playing the movie a few times to get it into memory, then play ff7; the movie may then play (this worked for me a few years ago on my old P1 233 box witha 4x cd drive, so it should work fine for you)

Anyway, thanks for the help