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Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: HBK187 on 2006-03-08 04:27:16

Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-08 04:27:16
I did a search to see if i could find info here i didnt see anything.. i'm not sure if this topic is a no no or not if it is i'm sure a mod will let me know but...

I Owned the PSX cds FF7 and own the CDs for FF8 and FF9 still. Recently my FF7 disks got trashed nothin i can do about it atleast i have the PC version still (yay) but in the event that the same things happened to my FF8 and 9 disks i wanted to back them up... Well i've tried to burn them to CDs but i get errors cuz of the copyright stuffs i'm assuming.. I've even tried programs like cloneCD But they always error or with clone CD it writes to the HD and then starts burning to the CD an stops at 3%. The disks Aren't bad there isnt a scratch on'em yet an i can't figure out how to back'em up right.. Any advice?
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-03-08 09:49:51
Make an ISO of it and back it up on your HDD, thats what I did.
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: dziugo on 2006-03-08 10:19:04
You can create a copy using Alcohol120% with "PlayStation" profile.

Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-08 20:08:14
thanks alcohol worked great.
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-08 21:08:57
scratch that worked for everything but disk 2 and 4 :(  there anything differant about those disks that would cause problems?
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: Izban on 2006-03-09 02:47:05
the disk it self may be damaged
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-09 04:28:06
No scratches on it and it plays just fine all the way through. The disk isnt damaged atleast not in any way i can tell
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: Caddberry on 2006-03-09 05:43:35
When I'm backing up PSX images I use WinISO.. Put the disc in, press F6 and start it up.. use ASPI mode btw to make an exact copy..
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-09 12:40:11
I tried winiso i get errors saying maybe the disk has bad sectors... i know that ya cant burn the boot information perhaps these are the bad sector errors i'm getting? but.. shouldnt i get them on the other disks as well if that were the case? I dunno maybe the disk is screwed up in some way i can't see i spose its possible.
Title: Use a slower speed
Post by: GameMusicMaker on 2006-03-18 13:57:42
Try using a slower read speed...not sure if you can with those programs...
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: HBK187 on 2006-03-21 13:34:21
on the programs i could i tried 2x and 4x read speed with out any luck i'm starting to think my burner might be the problem
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: Caddberry on 2006-04-22 02:01:51
I realize this topic is kinda old, but if your discs are scratched I recommend a disc doctor.. You can buy them at most electronics stores.. Best Buy, Circuit City, hell.. we even had them at Suncoast.. They are like $30 but they are miracle workers and have saved me more times than I'd like to remember..

Excellent for buffing out an unreadable disc.. They won't fix deep gouges, but scratches and stuff like that they are seriously the best..

And when you make a copy of a disc it has to be readable .. That's why its a pain to copy rented games from a video store.. Usually they are so scratched you can't do it..

Anyway.. Get a Disc Doctor.. you can probably order them via the net .. Just google Disc Doctor..
Title: FF8/FF9 Back up
Post by: Thrashamatrix on 2006-04-29 12:49:40
I hope this is not necromancy but I have this
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http://www.objectrescue.com/products/anyreader/ it does work (to my knowledge) if you need it PM me :wink: