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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: Jedimark on 2006-05-18 16:27:16

Title: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-18 16:27:16
It's here! UEFA Champions Leage Final eat your heart out... its Eurovision semi-finals night! My 3rd bestest-ever time of the year (after Birthday and New Year)!

I'm rooting for Finland as I'll be dammed if I'm going to my Eurovision party on Saturday night as a Semi-final looser (again), but I hope Monaco do well 8-)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-18 18:14:16

It would seem that media loves Lordi, and the rehearsals have been going well. I think that they have the fifth seventh (it's changing... and the page seems to be working again) lowest odds for winning the whole thing, even. (This (http://www.oddschecker.com/betting/mode/o/card/specials-tv/odds/2090382x/sid/844157) page used to show odds from several bookmakers, but it's empty now - I guess that it's because the semi is so close).

They seem to have the "all publicity is good publicity"-thing pretty well in check, too. Seems that the Vote Lordi (http://www.votelordi.org/) page is trying to create interest in the same way Silvia Night's fanpage did. Silvia is of course the other big personality of the contest, but it seems that people are not really getting her joke, and instead get offended. :/ I think that it's a pretty hilarious parody of Britneys, Christinas and divas of all kind. :P

And as far as Severine is concerned, she's really cute. :) Ukraine's Tina Karol (http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oikodsc085130rm.jpg) ain't too bad either, and Croatia's Severina is... well, she might have more collagen in her lips than Angelina Jolie, but she's pretty gifted in things other than singing. Things I'm not going to link here, but Google might help to uncover certain video. :-P

EDIT: Best. Picture. Ever.


Shamelessly stolen from Viisukuppila.fi Ateenassa (http://www.viisukuppila.fi/blogit/).

PS. Nice avatar. :-D
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-18 20:42:41
My scores out of 10 after all the songs:

Armenia   4
Bulgaria   4
Slovenia   8
Andorra   3    (but them backing girls were nice... okay so I just liked their lingerie)
Belarus   5
Albania   3    (but loved the bagpipes)
Belgium    6   (extra points for the lightsaber-style mic)
Ireland   7

Cyprus   5   (good singer but a bit boring)
Monaco   8   mmmmmm
Poland   2   (the green haired man was bloody abysmal)
Russia   2
Turkey   2
Ukraine   9   (and that’s why I came… ha… legendary lyrics)
Finland   10

Lithuania   1   (just for irony.. i want them to be the “losers of Eurovision”)
Portugal   3
Sweden   5
Estonia   5
Bos/Herz   6
Iceland   2
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-18 20:55:15
Yeah! I loved Lordi!

I think our act, Treble, kinda sucked. The singing wasn't all too well, and the act not nearly as spectacular as most others. I don't think they'll make it to the finals, but hey we'll see.

I voted for Lordi, and sure hope they do make it to the finals, and maybe even get a top 10 spot. I think Finland deserves it. I mean, a country that has the guts to send in a band like this, sure has my respect.

EDIT: Yes! Lordi made it to the finals! Metal!
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-18 21:38:21
Who on earth voted for Lithuania :@
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-05-18 21:55:27
How Lithuania got into the final when Belgium didn't is beyond my comprehension. Finland rocks in every way this year; I hope they win the entire contest, and I was rooting for them the entire evening (screw Carola, anyway :P). Go go, I hope you don't die of heatstroke before the contest! :P

And about Severina... Damn, I thought I recognized her from somewhere when I saw her perform... on stage this time, I mean. :P Never thought it'd be from my rather sizeable collection of ...questionable material, though. :-D
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-18 21:58:20
I'm guessing she used to be a porno star or somet?
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-18 22:09:32
(http://pendragon.mine.nu/nucleus/media/1/riemu.gif) Wii!! (http://pendragon.mine.nu/nucleus/media/1/huiskut.gif)


Too bad about Treble, though. :cry:

It's a home video. Of the most interesting kind. It's pretty easy to Google, if you try. :-D
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-18 22:21:34
Too bad about Treble, though. :cry:

Yeah well, like I said, they just weren't that good. The song is nice, and it was indeed a bit different, however when compared to Lordi it was pretty standard. So most people that want different music in the finals voted Lordi.
Somehow Lordi getting to the finals actually made me jump up and feel good. I'm proud or something. It feels as if rock/metal is finally starting to get accepted as music by normal people and eurobeat fans.
It also opens the way for more good music in the contest. We may actually see a contest with only good music someday (or is that wishful thinking?).
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-19 05:13:57
We may actually see a contest with only good music someday (or is that wishful thinking?).
Wouldn't that be like... really boring? :-D

Nah, I'm pretty sure that you don't have to "fear" that there's going to be ESC with only good music any day soon, but who knows? Times are changing.

BTW, found this from ESCToday.com:



Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-19 06:46:56
They're probably just jealous because he/she is American ;)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-19 06:51:44
He did call himself "EMPEROR OF EUROPE" (too bad that it's not possible to link directly to the comments...), so that would make him... Berlusconi? :-D

Heh, I don't know. Your theory is just as possible as all the others. :P
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: spyrojyros_tail on 2006-05-19 13:04:22
Finland Rocks, Im supporting them all the way. I think that we all know that the eurovision is there purley for the enjoyment of gay men (did anyone notice any girls in the audience!?!?) and the fact that a death metal band is in the eurovision is nothing short of pure entertainment. Jedimark, i cant belive you would give Ireland 7 points, Brian Kennedy sucks ass and the song does too. I was hoping Ireland wouldnt even make it into the final (it would mean the end of his career), i mean look at this man


Tell me that you dont want to punch this guy straight in the face. Lithuania were funny too, The song was pretty funny but the fat guy dancing made it for me, I laughed so hard I nearly spilled my beer. Well Finland definitly gets my vote, im only dissapointed that I wont be in Finland when they win it. Ive never really cared all too much about the eurovision (I just like it when Ireland beat England) but I have my fingers crossed that Finland win, all the rest of the songs are shakira rip offs or backstreet boys copies. Finland deserve to win.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-19 23:44:38
(did anyone notice any girls in the audience!?!?)


Of course ESC has a massive gay support. But it's hardly purely for them. :P

and the fact that a death metal band is in the eurovision is nothing short of pure entertainment.
I probably should correct you now, before any of the real metalheads of the forum get here; Lordi is hard rock. Or maybe heavy metal, if you want to use the old term. Or perhaps even monster metal, like they have said themselves at least once (that would be a pretty small genre, GWAR probably being the only other band?).

Oh, before I forget, three conservative groups are trying to sue Lordi for "practicing and defending satanism and damaging the foundations of Greek and European culture", to prevent them from playing in the finals. I have loads of Finnish sources, but no English so far. Sometimes I wonder if some of these things have been plants by Sony BMG. :P I mean, it is pretty late now, and this will just make them more popular. :-D
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-20 10:43:13
I probably should correct you now, before any of the real metalheads of the forum get here; Lordi is hard rock. Or maybe heavy metal, if you want to use the old term. Or perhaps even monster metal, like they have said themselves at least once (that would be a pretty small genre, GWAR probably being the only other band?).

Right you are, Jari. Lordi isn't even close to death metal. I consider them to be hard rock, however one could argue heavy metal. There are some major things that Lordi doesn't have which make them hard rock/heavy metal. First of all their guitars lack heavy distortion, one of the important things with death metal. Secondly, there is no (real) grunting/screaming, just "heavy singing". Last but not least the Lordi is way to catchy in order to be "true" death metal. Now this may seem as if there are actual rules for music to be a certain type of metal. Well, there aren't. All the names (black, death, trash, speed) are just a means of classifying music, in order to make it easier to know what kinds of metal you're into, when listening to new bands. However, very often mixes occur. It's really hard to find a band that is truly purely death metal. Mostenly these bands will also have black influences and so on. In the end they end up under "metal".

Hard rock is stuff like Meat Loaf or Guns 'n Roses. Heavy metal is, for me, the older stuff such as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and so on. The music isn't really brutal or fast. Most BS songs are actually pretty catchy. So, you could indeed say that Lordi is heavy metal.

I've put a real death metal song online, so you can hear the difference. Click here (http://media.putfile.com/Arch-Enemy---Dead-Eyes-see-no-Future)

Oh, before I forget, three conservative groups are trying to sue Lordi for "practicing and defending satanism and damaging the foundations of Greek and European culture", to prevent them from playing in the finals. I have loads of Finnish sources, but no English so far. Sometimes I wonder if some of these things have been plants by Sony BMG. :P I mean, it is pretty late now, and this will just make them more popular. :-D

Silly people. The ony thing they're doing is making Lordi more popular than ever. I mean if Lordi is satanic, then so are the Teletubbies.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: James Pond on 2006-05-20 15:22:21
I think the most Satanic Lordi have gotten is "The Devil is a looser and he is my bitch".

(Saw that live at download festival last year, Right at the front on the barrier ftw)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-20 15:33:15
I've been watching a bit of ice hockey.

And I hope that Lordi loses. Gets zero points. And we will never participate again.

Now excuse me, while I hunt down, kill and torture certain idiot referee.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: James Pond on 2006-05-20 21:29:59

Lordi will win >_>

Ill be having that £30 off my parents now then.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-20 21:50:58
Hah, the piece of paper I think Kita was holding said (basically): "Ask and you shall receive".

Will it be the record score ever?

EDIT: Yes, it's the best score ever in ESC.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: ye-roon on 2006-05-20 22:15:12

lordi won  :mrgreen: :p
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: FeuFeu on 2006-05-20 23:20:29
Just saw Lordi's performance on Youtube. My wife and me were crying from laughing so hard :-D

That was truly great, glad to see Finland crushed everyone and won with that song !
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-05-21 11:09:13
Lordi ftw!

http://www.myspace.com/thelordi :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-21 11:27:08
40th time's the charm. (http://pendragon.mine.nu/nucleus/media/1/rofl.gif)

I suppose that some of you might have heard the "Hell will freeze over before Finland wins ESC" proverb.


News item (http://www.pelit.fi/uutiset/uutinen.asp?id=16501&skip=0&skipk=0) from a leading Finnish Gaming magazine. Rough translation:

Earth's core cooled down to less than 0 degrees Celsius approximately at 01:00 AM.

Flying cow caused a near miss at Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

Armenia, Monaco and some other crappy country were destroyed in meteor shower.

Proof that Hell has indeed frozen over (http://users.tkk.fi/~mniemi/hell/).

EDIT: Awww, Wussians are cute when they awe angwy (http://edition.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/05/21/russia.eurovision.ap/). At least TATU lost only by thwee (http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/music/newsid_2948000/2948610.stm) points. Heaw that, Dima? (http://pendragon.mine.nu/nucleus/media/1/rofl.gif)

EDIT2: Silvia's final act (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snG2V-PtpB8). I do not understand how people managed to really get offended by it? It's brilliant parody, plus really really obvious. That dude she slapped... is almost certainly an actor, like the reporter that got thrown out of her press conference. :lol:
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-21 20:36:44
Angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah!

I had a great evening yesterday, me and a couple of friends were watching and we just loved it! Lordi performed great like they always do. And they deserved the win more than anyone else. Russia's song was not that great at all and it still puzzles me why they became second...

Also, I have to give some credits to the English lady who read the scores for England. "And finally our twelve points go to.......*devil horns* Finland!". Awesome.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-21 21:59:58
Right, well... better make this quick as I've just got back from Lancaster and I've got work tomorrow (and I havent slept since Friday morning :()

What a fantastic night!

I won!

Here's a brief summary of what I can remember:

Lordi were quality again!
Wogan: Oh I thought that frock was getting in the way (Croatia)
Spain were out of tune. (Wogan: "Spain lost the plot years ago")
Moldova! mmmmm Natalia gimme your Loca!
I really like the Bosnian song! It's grown on me.
Them Lithuanians look like thugs...
Israel were boring.
Anyone for a trip to Denmark! (All Sisters apparently)
Them Latvians were most odd.

Our Eurovision party was awesome, I managed to drink 2 bottles of Vodka. I am feeling very very rough at the moment. I only hope I still dont stink of alcohol in the morning!

Also, I have to give some credits to the English lady who read the scores for England. "And finally our twelve points go to.......*devil horns* Finland!". Awesome.
Heh, that would be Fearne Cotton... a DJ for BBC Radio 1... she's rather nice huh :D
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-05-22 05:52:31
Yes. Yes. Oh god, yes. Completely fantastic. For once I am in complete agreement with the final scores, thank god Sweden didn't win at least. I'm not even going to try to analyze how Lordi managed to win the entire thing, with such a score to boot, at least not right now. They shouldn't have won the ESC with such a get-up, and that's exactly why they did. Teh anti-win. :P Absolutely fantastic!  :-D

Time to get back to some more drinking. Cheers to you, Finland! (I voted for you! ;))

PS. Though I'm slightly unnerved by someone's comment on how the ESC "gives countries the chance to express their deep culture"... bunch of Europeans might now suddenly think you're all like that. ;)

...you're not all like that, are you...? :P
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-22 08:36:16
PS. Though I'm slightly unnerved by someone's comment on how the ESC "gives countries the chance to express their deep culture"... bunch of Europeans might now suddenly think you're all like that. ;)

...you're not all like that, are you...? :P

Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-22 10:25:37
Argh. 5 minutes ago I discovered why we didn't make it to the finals....the metalgods have punished our contenders. And right they were.

If you hold Metallica close to your heart, then don't click...

Link... (http://www.treble.nl/nl/nieuws/treble_in_athene/at_the_belgium_ambassador_s_party_singing_nothing_else_matters_with_kate_ryan_last_night)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: James Pond on 2006-05-22 10:31:45
Pff Metallica :/  Hate em..

Ill still see them at download though >_>
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-22 10:40:07
Pff Metallica :/  Hate em..

They're not my favourite band at all either. Got a couple of good songs, but that's about it.
For any true fan however this blasphemy.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: spyrojyros_tail on 2006-05-22 13:40:20
Heh, that photo was pretty funny. And yeah "death metal" was just the first thing that popped into my head to describe them. I was delighted that Finland won it, I was the only one cheering in my local while everyone else was disgusted. Funniest bit had to be when they handed Lordi flowers, classic.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-22 16:42:29
My 3 fav performances (not counting Lordi):

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppdAV3htNq4&search=hey%20Loca%20eurovision

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9iPEAKNzNg&search=Ukraine%20eurovision

3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFxhUglS0qs&search=Bosnia%20eurovision
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-22 16:45:37
For any true fan however this blasphemy.

Awww, I thought that it was nice. :-) Immediate Apocalyptica (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalyptica) vibe.

Then again, I'm no true fan of Met-holier than you and your Napster-allica. Or fan at all. :-D

Besides, I seem to recall reading an interview of Lordi where he said that they had met girls of Treble - who had been really excited (about Lordi). Problem being that I've been searching for it for the last couple of hours and for the life of me I can't find it again. Might have been just a dream. :-P Anyway, if that was true, I think that metalgods might like them. :-)

Oh, OneJerusalem.com (http://www.onejerusalem.com/2006/05/21/iran-the-eurovision-and-us/) writes:

Speaking of the Finns, their ‘heavy metal’ version of The Rocky Mountain Horror Show was nothing less than absolutely disgusting. Many other countries, including Sweden, Germany and even Russia (which came in second) had much better songs than the Finns whose living in Lapland must be so boring that they have to go to these extremes to win a song contest. Their gyrations and bizarre costumes were so grotesque that any sane person can only wonder if the Continent of Europe is once again slipping back into the Dark Ages, like what occurred following the destruction of the Roman Empire by the Huns and Visigoths during the Fourth and Fifth Centuries C.E.



This entire scenario comes on the heels of what has been going in Iran, courtesy of their astute president Mahmoud Admadinejad, who recently proclaimed that Israel is a non legitimate country and therefore should be “wiped off the face of the map”. This almost happened last night in Athens, as it became obvious that no voting country was prepared to give Israel even the least bit of praise or consideration.


Not that Israel’s song would have won, but it would surely have finished in a much better position had these modern day ‘Huns’ not been out to assist Mr. Ahmadinejad in his plans. As the saying goes: today the Eurovision, tomorrow Kristalnacht!”


Israelis are too funny! Killing me...

Jedimark: Does your rating correlate with the pretty girl-factor?  :-P
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-22 16:54:00
Jedimark: Does your rating correlate with the pretty girl-factor? :-P
I'm so shallow aren't I...

(http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41667000/jpg/_41667918_moldovaafp.jpg) (http://eur.news1.yimg.com/eur.yimg.com/xp/afpji/20060520/060520230245.a2otzq6n2_natalia-gordienko-of-moldova-s-group--arsenium--peb.jpg)

(But I certainly didn't choose the Bosnian song for the "prettiness factor")

No but seriously: I thought "Hey Loca" was quite a typical Eurovision song... pretty girl... a bit of a daft-jolly song... costume changes (why didn't she go further) and a catchy tune.

This pic is pretty funny:
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-23 06:20:59
I have pictures too!  :-D




She's scarier than Lordi! :-o

EDIT: Resized the pics for much better modem friendliness. The originals are "borrowed" from here, if someone wants to snoop around (there's a lot of pics there): http://www.eurovisionathens.net/gallery/photogal/press/
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-05-23 07:11:14
Great shot of Vissi... you can almost see her thinking "you're ugly, but you're still much nicer than my last boyfriend". :roll:

She's scarier than Lordi! :-o
Hell yes. :-o Especially with that big ☧ on her shoulder, she's like Lordi's counterpart! (not saying who's on the side of good or evil, though... it's a relative thing :-D)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-05-23 07:12:04
WTF is up with Treble, die please!
They said they lost because of, lemme quote it:
We're to pure for these things

What The Fuck!!??
And who the fuck is that old lady anyway? The mother of the other 2?
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-23 08:08:12
Great shot of Vissi... you can almost see her thinking "you're ugly, but you're still much nicer than my last boyfriend". :roll:

I think that that's actually Turkey's Sibel Tüzün, though. :P
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-05-23 09:37:30
I think that that's actually Turkey's Sibel Tüzün, though. :P
Gosh, methinks you're right! Well in that case, my statement just lost most of its humor. :P
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-05-25 02:05:28
Two more priceless pictures.

Lordi doing some shopping...

(http://f5.putfile.com/5/14321583016.jpg) (http://www.putfile.com)

(http://f5.putfile.com/5/14322010768.jpg) (http://www.putfile.com)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: James Pond on 2006-05-25 06:56:06
I do beleive those are two of the greatest pictures known to man.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-05-25 20:01:21
Okay so I re-watched it all again tonight (sober this time).

The Bosnian entry was by far the best there I think. I love the song, got the Eurovision CD now aswell... best £8.95 ever!
I'm not saying I didn't think Lordi deserved to win, I think I just got a bit used to them.

I've been reading the lyrics to all the non-english songs... I'm seriously confused about what in the hell the Croations think when they write songs:

Tic-tac half past three
You will pinch me, not to be seen
Golden ring, tiny moustache
I know very well those like you

Ring, ring, you’ll ask for my number
knock, knock, knock to someone else
Little girl
wear your socks
because the grass has not grown
where my high heel has stepped in

Oi-da, da, oi da, da
oi da, da, da
my, my high heel

Pss, pss, go away to someone else
cupa, cupa, zumba, zumba
hay, straw, cheese, ham
the beet has grown, the beet has died
Africa, paprika

Another travesty: Google image search Natalia Gordienco and you get 0 results! What's all that about?

Fearne Cotton being as funny as ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if5XJRfVBPE&search=Eurovision
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-05-25 20:25:16
Emerald Weapon: This raises the question: if you look like Lordi, do you have to pay? :P

I've been reading the lyrics to all the non-english songs... I'm seriously confused about what in the hell the Croations think when they write songs:
What? Are you saying that "Afrika, paprika" is not the greatest line ever? :D

I have a rather non-educated guess; the lyrics are purely meant to sound nice to someone who doesn't speak the language. Because most of the voters don't. Of course subtitles can somewhat ruin the idea.

Another travesty: Google image search Natalia Gordienco and you get 0 results! What's all that about?
Even Natalia Gordienko doesn't help much. :P Maybe it's a stage name? Might have something to do with Molvan... Moldova's internet penetration, too.
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-06-01 15:31:26


... own up Jari... you were one of the 3 demonstrators weren't you!! ;)
Title: Re: The day of rockening!
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-06-01 20:46:28
Heh, sadly no. Unless I've recently turned into a woman. :-D All three were females, one of them a little kid.

I don't think that there ever was really supposed to be a demonstration, someone just had posted the idea in some forum and apparently our police has ears everywhere. :) There certainly was no official announcement of demonstration to the police.

But it was so great! Netroots activism made the gutter press apologize. :-D

Their webservers went down because of DoS' several times, their forums were spammed full of hate posts, their customer service received thousands of complaints (I sent one!), probably at least few hundred requests to clarify whether person X was in their direct marketing database (law requires them to reply swiftly) and many (that's their official comment) people cancelled their subscriptions.

Also email addresses, (work) phone numbers and photos of their staff were circulated amongst the crowd. They pulled them off their site pretty quickly... but of course it was too late by then. I suspect that they might have had to change their phone numbers too. :P And certainly they need a serious spam filters.

And in the end... the worst paper in Finland... gave in and apologized. In TV too. :-D

They don't even dare to sue anyone about the DoSsing! Police is investigating few illegal threats (as opposed to legal threats, I suppose :P), which most likely means that someone threatened them with violence. But that's it, and probably there won't be charges against those people either, since the law requires that the threat is credible.