Qhimm.com Forums

Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: aengel on 2006-06-19 13:23:20

Title: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-19 13:23:20

I've no idea if you're supposed to introduce yourself on this forum or not, but I'll try to anyway. (Sure, there's the option that I've completely missed that topic, but wth.)

Well, me then. I'm Dennis, the supreme ruler of sweden.
Uh, well, the supreme citizen anyways.

Well, I'm a swedish citizen. Period.

I seem to have aged some 20 years up until today, and hopefully I will continue in this direction. If my english sucks long pointy things, it's not my fault, blame my english teacher or something.
I'm one of those music producers, constantly tweaking that beat and pumping that bass. Well, not really, since I'm more into melodic music and such. Do not be surprised if I'll post some FFVII/FFIX-related tracks in the future.
Offcourse, chances are that this will be my last post as well as my first. That kindof depends on my memory. I'll need to remember that I've registered here :/

Otherwise, I think you'll be able to stand my presence, and if not. Well. Well. Yeah, damn straight o_O

I'm gonna go hide now.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-19 14:40:09
Hi and welcome to the boards.

Introduction is not required, it's nice though.

Read the rules. Try to use the best English your schoolteacher taught you and don't go insulting people in your first couple of posts. Oh, and post things that make sense  :wink:

Do that and you'll probably have a great time here.  :-)

Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-06-19 17:14:13
Well, me then. I'm Dennis, the supreme ruler of sweden.
Just one question; are you superior or inferior to supreme measuring tape of Sweden?

Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Alhexx on 2006-06-19 17:14:50
Welcome to our forums!

Quote from: aengel
I've no idea if you're supposed to introduce yourself on this forum or not, but I'll try to anyway.
As Emerald said, it's not required, but by doing so, you certainly won't be treated as a newbie here by the "old members"...

Quote from: aengel
I'm Dennis, the supreme ruler of sweden.
Uhm... so you're competeing with our admin, hm?  :-P

Quote from: aengel
If my english sucks long pointy things, it's not my fault, blame my english teacher or something.
Taking a quick and a closer look at your first post, I'm sure that even our on-board-english-professor will not have any problems with your spelling, typing, punctuation or anything else.

By the way, noone here is supposed to write perfect english, just as our Forum Rules Topic (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=1731.0) says:
"Don't run round the house looking for that old, dusty dictionary you've never used if there's a word too difficult to spell, just try and spell as well as you can."

 - Alhexx
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-06-19 17:31:40
Quote from: aengel
I've no idea if you're supposed to introduce yourself on this forum or not, but I'll try to anyway.
As Emerald said, it's not required, but by doing so, you certainly won't be treated as a newbie here by the "old members"...
O rly? :-D

Sorry, had to do that. I'm rather certain that people will still think of him as newbie, at least I do. Introduction, or no introduction. It's a nice thing to do, and shows manners, but in itself it doesn't de-n00b anyone. :)

Quote from: aengel
If my english sucks long pointy things, it's not my fault, blame my english teacher or something.
Taking a quick and a closer look at your first post, I'm sure that even our on-board-english-professor will not have any problems with your spelling, typing, punctuation or anything else.
Oh yes, should you develop a habit of writing like this: "can any1 help me pleaze!!!111111", I will boil your balls over a slow fire, cut them off and eat them for a dinner. In that order.

That being said, your English seems just fine.

By the way, noone here is supposed to write perfect english, just as our Forum Rules Topic (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=1731.0) says:
"Don't run round the house looking for that old, dusty dictionary you've never used if there's a word too difficult to spell, just try and spell as well as you can."
Dear Alhexx, post that thing again and I will hit you over the head with it, when the first idiot who thinks "you" is so hard word to type that he'll rather replace it with "u" quotes it as a justification. :P :P
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: zero88 on 2006-06-19 20:41:28
What's up.

You see, you're lucky you're Swedish! You could write bad and say you never learned good English and I would buy that and tolerate you, but since you've proven yourself, good English is now an expectation of you :-P.

That aside, you say you like to work on sounds. I know there's a sound project or two in the "Game Tweaking" forum that I'm sure the authors wouldn't mind some help on that you could possibly lend a hand to, if you wanted.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Wuz on 2006-06-19 23:58:48
hi and welcome.

This board is a fantastic place, and your english is extremely good so you won't have any problems :)
I think i might move to sweden, Australian internet access sucks.

catch you round (maybe  :-P)
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Otokoshi on 2006-06-20 05:14:34
Welcome.  Though an introduction isn't required, it's still a nice gesture.  It kind of shows you want to be a positive contribution to the board, and not just one of those single-posters, "n e body hlps me!!! 8P."  That being said, first impressions are usually lasting ones and I think you made a good one here.  You can come out from hiding now.  :-D
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-20 11:06:56
and your english is extremely good

Yeah, totally. Like blasting off my screen! WHAM! Ex-treme! Wow, dude!  :wink: :-P
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Wuz on 2006-06-20 16:27:28
and your english is extremely good

Yeah, totally. Like blasting off my screen! WHAM! Ex-treme! Wow, dude!  :wink: :-P

come on... first post and his english is better than most english-speaking n00bs that figure out how to post on forums.  :-P
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-20 19:47:16

I was just messing around  :-D
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-20 22:55:40
Whoa. All you guys are like, quoting and such. I really can't bother with that atm.
Well, since the introducing of my person wasn't necessary, feel free to un-introduce me by reading the whole introduction backwards.
As for you Alhexx, (that was your name, right?) your'e swedish? Or are you just trying to take what's mine through right of birth (or would be, had I only been born in that family). Nasty you.

Actually, I really do think I might like it around here. Sure it may have its ups and downs, but that's how forums are supposed to work.

And yeah, I try to consider myself a musician, but my projects can be a bit on the harder side. I like trying to change the genre of music from the game into something completely different. Meaning that slow tracks can be made into beaming trance hits. and battle themeing may as well fit in a downtempo style.

Just my 2 SEK's worth.

And, yuh, thanks for welcoming me you guys  :lol:
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: VincentVal on 2006-06-20 23:05:19
No, THe Administrator of the forums, Qhimm, Lives in Linköping, Sweden
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-06-20 23:41:10
I'm Dennis, the supreme ruler of sweden.
Foolish mortal, trying to impersonate me in my own domain! Now kneel before Zod (http://www.generalzod.net/)! :evil:
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: VincentVal on 2006-06-21 02:36:20
Qhimm, You never fail to amuse me
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-21 10:26:56
Hardy har har har.
I kneel for noone. Except my girlfriend. And my mum.
And maybe dad.

But other than that, I kneel for noone. But if you'd really like to, I'll bend me knees a bit.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: EAngelos89 on 2006-06-21 12:39:29
Oh yes, should you develop a habit of writing like this: "can any1 help me pleaze!!!111111", I will boil your balls over a slow fire, cut them off and eat them for a dinner. In that order.

He he he!!! Seems that you get really mad, when you see someone writing like that, my friend! Well... I have to tell you that I have gotten used to this style of writing (call it Monkey-ish or whatever), because I see people writing like that all the time in World of Warcraft or on mIRC... it doesn't really bug me personally... I could even say I like using shortened words (e.g. "u" in place of "you"), but not too much. Yep, Sad Jari, I overdid it on that other "illegal" thread I made (By the way, I have found a solution to my problem a few hours ago just by experimenting on my own! :-D) and I didn't pay attention to the punctuation either... it doesn't mean that I don't know the Grammar rules, but sometimes when chatting online I feel too bored to pay attention to them!
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: VincentVal on 2006-06-21 13:12:05
I follow you there, but I feel that on a forum, you have time to think about what you type, where in a chat room, its instant, it takes longet that three seconds.

Imagine writing a note on a Bulliten Board, then someone responds to it by placing another not on the Board, that is exactly what a forum is!
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-06-21 13:27:35
EAngelos89: I'm not your friend, in any sense of the word.

And if you don't start playing (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=4909.0) by the rules, you are going to have to look for a new sandbox to play in, really soon.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Qhimm on 2006-06-21 13:38:59
But other than that, I kneel for noone. But if you'd really like to, I'll bend me knees a bit.
Zod is amused by your insolence, so you will be spared. For now.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-21 16:05:36
EAngelos89: I'm not your friend, in any sense of the word.

And if you don't start playing (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=4909.0) by the rules, you are going to have to look for a new sandbox to play in, really soon.

Why the hostility? Can't we all  just be friends  :roll:
Anyways, you serve under me, all of you, so it's either behave, or beheaded.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Sad Jari on 2006-06-21 18:03:46
Why the hostility?
Pest control. I'm the official bad cop here, and I get results.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-21 19:16:24
Sucks playing bad cop when all the others get to play good. But yeah, you really do need at least one bad cop.
But I guess you are really cuddly anyways. *snuggle*
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: MagiMaster on 2006-06-22 00:01:15
Sucks playing bad cop when all the others get to play good. But yeah, you really do need at least one bad cop.
But I guess you are really cuddly anyways. *snuggle*

*snicker*  Jari?  Cuddly?  Just try hugging him.  Even calling him "my friend" gets an icy retort.  One of the first things that you'll learn on the forum is that Jari is a bad cop.  He's not acting.  Either that, or he's acting very well.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-22 00:20:24
Anyways, you serve under me, all of you, so it's either behave, or beheaded.

Allright. Playtime's over. It's been fun. We obediently followed you for this time. It's done now though.

So, from now on your "the new guy" again.  :-D :wink:
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-22 10:14:44
I will not be "the new guy". Unless it's like in that movie (The New Guy), then, I rock \,,/
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: zero88 on 2006-06-23 04:41:42
I will not be "the new guy".

At least you're a cool newbie.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: aengel on 2006-06-24 18:37:36
Just because I'm a newbie to this forum, doesn't mean I'm a n00b to teh internets.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-25 01:11:53
Just because I'm a newbie to this forum, doesn't mean I'm a n00b to teh internets.

Really now? That's a mindwhopping conclusion for you right there.

Still, you got the being a newbie to this forum part right.  :-D
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: MagiMaster on 2006-06-26 20:02:17
Just because I'm a newbie to this forum, doesn't mean I'm a n00b to teh internets.

Really now? That's a mindwhopping conclusion for you right there.

Still, you got the being a newbie to this forum part right.  :-D

That reminds me...

Wondering how much longer I must be a "fast newbie", I searched the Announcements and FAQ forums for a topic that says how many posts you need to rise to the next level.  Does anyone know where that might be?
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Covarr on 2006-06-26 21:23:59
It will be a while. I think I'm still a fast newbie, though I'm not positive. Just post a lot, without spamming.

edit: No, I guess I'm a crazy poster. It's probably either 100 or 150 where you change.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Relf on 2006-06-27 00:05:28
I am a freak. How nice of them to say so. 400 or so more posts before I get No Life. Highest rank without modship,  warez, PhD, or banning, I think.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: MagiMaster on 2006-06-27 19:23:28
I am a freak. How nice of them to say so. 400 or so more posts before I get No Life. Highest rank without modship,  warez, PhD, or banning, I think.

What does warez/PhD do for u?
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Emerald Weapon on 2006-06-27 19:50:10
Warez gets you nothing, it's something you don't want to get in the first place.
It's a title meant for people that have admitted to using an illegal version of an FF-game and were asking questions about it or asking for help with something.

PhD is AFAIK no actual custom title on the boards, it's an academical title you receive when finishing university.
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: MagiMaster on 2006-06-27 20:56:34
Ohh :-o
I knew what a Phd in real life was, i thought it could have been some forum title.  But I should have known about warez too...
Title: Re: Uh. Hello
Post by: Relf on 2006-06-27 23:56:13
Wrong on the second part EW. Yes, people who get caught using warez often get the title "Warez User" but as for PhD, I make reference to our very own english proffesor  :-D


I just went and looked at it, seems Jari has been stripped of his doctorate...