Qhimm.com Forums

Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Qhimm on 2001-10-11 20:19:00

Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-11 20:19:00
Oh well, you know what they say. Work is a good healer.

Anyway, I've completed most of the work on the topic display pages. This is one of the most important (and trickiest) parts of the board, but let me remind you: the real work is to convert the small bits, scattered through-out the board in raw, ugly HTML code. It could take a while, so I thought I'd create a poll for it. :razz:

And before y'all go making polls on your own, poll access is to be restricted to moderators&above only. Any "unauthorized" polls will be deleted on sight. This is partly cause I don't want the board cluttered up with unnecessary polls, and mainly because the poll system isn't exactly integrated into phpBB in a smooth way; to make it look good in the new design, a lot of stuff will have to be re-written. The less polls out there to convert, the better.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-10-11 22:46:00
Hey Qhimm... Are we going to get a wider range of smiles? The ones we have are good, but I think a wider range would be better.


Sephiroth 3D

"One who seeks knowledge from another person, doesn't learn half as much as the one who seeks knowledge for himself." - Vincent Valentine, The Sephiroth Chronicals, Book 1: Resurrection

[email protected]  
Sephiroth 3D's Final Fantasy (Currently Offline)
Sephiroth 3D's Promised Land (http://members.tripod.com/~Sephiroth3D/index.html)
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-11 22:47:00
I was thinking of blatantly stealing all the new smilies from the phpBB2 board ^_^
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-10-11 23:21:00
That works for me!

Sephiroth 3D

"One who seeks knowledge from another person, doesn't learn half as much as the one who seeks knowledge for himself." - Vincent Valentine, The Sephiroth Chronicals, Book 1: Resurrection

[email protected]  
Sephiroth 3D's Final Fantasy (Currently Offline)
Sephiroth 3D's Promised Land (http://members.tripod.com/~Sephiroth3D/index.html)
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: The SaiNt on 2001-10-12 01:36:00
Well, I voted for the second option :wink:
I don't mind the wait.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: StrayWings on 2001-10-12 04:23:00
Qhimm - I do have quite a collection of smilies in my libraries  :grin:

The SaiNt - Yea, me too..

Well, maybe you guys have seen this code running around phpBB Boards. This code can make a phpBB Board go like 2x - 4x the normal speed. ::Qhimm's Board is really fast, made this code would make it even faster - or maybe Qhimm already implemented it::

Post this code in the page_header.php file just after the comments line:

Code: [Select]

So the code should be something like this in your page_header.php:

Code: [Select]
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-12 07:46:00
The line is in there, I'm just not sure exactly what it does...  :razz:
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: dagsverre on 2001-10-12 12:59:00
Looks like it's connected with gzip. My guess is that it turns on zlib-compression of the output HTML pages. But I don't really have a clue...
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: StrayWings on 2001-10-12 13:32:00
Yup, gzip compression...
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-12 17:09:00
After a quick studying period... this is how gzip works:

The line ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); tells PHP not to send the data directly to the browser, and instead store it in a temporary buffer. This buffer is then sent to the gzip handler which will determine your browser capabilities. If your browser supports gzip compression, the handler will compress the data and send it, otherwise it sends it directly.

Now... what this in fact means is that a lot of my client-side processing efforts could've been for nothing :sad: , since all it does is remove redundant information - just like gzip compression. Oh well, I'm not going to undo all my work *now*... =)

Besides, client-side processing is purrrdy. I just how everyone uses javascript-enabled browsers...

[edited] 2 2001-10-12 18:10
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: dagsverre on 2001-10-12 17:25:00
Gzip is very widely accepted though as it was around as a unix tool around 1970 or so (no I didn't bother to check that) long long before Javascript or even the internet was thought of.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-12 17:55:00
What I was a bit worried about was that my own optimizations lessened the maximum compression level of gzip. Oh well, it would be relatively small.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: StrayWings on 2001-10-13 08:21:00
Well, even with gzip compression, my phpBB Board is still a bit slow..

I used Flash for the Menu Bar and some of my Board's Buttons. 'post new topic', 'reply', that kinda stuff..

Is it because of my Flash stuff or my host? - host.sk

Qhimm, any tips in making my phpBB board faster? You did mentioned that you've made your own optimizations, care to share a bit of the greatness?  :wink:
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-13 12:11:00
My own optimizations are extremely design-specific. And no, I'm not sharing my design  :wink:
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: eerrrr on 2001-10-13 17:13:00
Straywings: I think it's Host.sk. They're just about the best host ever, the only problem is that they're kinda turning into another Xoom. They're taking on too many people and now their server's clogged up. I think it's slow for me because I live in another country, I dunno.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: StrayWings on 2001-10-13 23:15:00
Qhimm - :grin:

eerrrr - Yea..it's sad you know~
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Joey on 2001-10-22 23:07:00
You know, I hate this host as the messageboard host. It's ulgy!
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: StrayWings on 2001-10-23 03:29:00
Joey, refering to th phpBB?

::Qhimm, the phpBB is ok :smile: Good choice if you ask me, besides the UBB :wink: Well Joey, it is fast and easy to asemble and edit::
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: eerrrr on 2001-10-23 16:12:00
I quite like phpBB, it's got a lot of cool functions, and is very fast. It looks kinda messy for some reason though, I'll just wait for Qhimm to put up his design, I cant wait. :smile:
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: mirex on 2001-10-24 06:40:00
Allways when I hit reload here on forum, i get reeal mess in header of screen. It was not happenning on old forum.

c = false; stprompt = false; helpstat = true; } else if (swtch == 0) { helpstat = false; stprompt = false; basic = true; } else if (swtch == 2) { helpstat = false; basic = false; stprompt = true; } } function email() { if (helpstat) { alert("Email TagnTurns an email address into a mailto hyperlink.nUSE: [email protected]"); } else if (basic) { AddTxt=""; AddText(AddTxt); } else { txt=prompt("Email address.","[email protected]"); if (txt!=null) { if (txt!=null) {

and so on and so on.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-10-24 09:13:00
oooh, I recognize that one. That's poor browser handling actually, the code is javascript and should never be visible to the user like that :wink:
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Joey on 2001-10-26 05:18:00
I don't see it on my browser. Maybe you do not have MSVM.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Anonymous on 2001-10-26 06:34:00
Yo Qhimm, maybe I've seen all your source code so far :smile: there was a lots more else than that.
Have to look into browser history.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-10-26 07:28:00
I noticed it quite a few times, but I haven't seen it for a few days. I guess with it was fixed, or my browser finally reloaded the page and got the whole deal.

*edit* Woah! Spoke too soon! I just got a whole page full of javascript when I posted this message!!

Sephiroth 3D

Damn broken HD... I'll be up and running tomorrow. (I hope.)

[edited] 135 2001-10-26 08:32
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Jedimark on 2001-11-02 10:06:00
I got this message when trying to vote on the above poll Qhimm.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sql_error() in /home/nextff/public_html/qhimm/polls.php on line 64
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Ant on 2001-11-02 12:51:00
Me too!
I try to vote whenever i'm on a new IP..... :lol:

[edited] 57 2001-11-03 10:36
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-11-03 19:39:00
Yeah, I just tried to vote, and I got the same thing.

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: MMiller8 on 2001-11-04 15:28:00
I don't understand why we need a new whatever you're making...  this looks just fine.  Or am I not grasping the concept again?
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Qhimm on 2001-11-05 18:36:00
Because, quite frankly, this design sucks. Although SaiNt's temporary theme provides at least some comfort to the eyes, the board needs something new.

When my new design is done, I might start working on an alternate version of it, not sure. Like, having a dark and a light version.
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-11-06 07:19:00
Hey Qhimm... Any news at to when you're expecting to release the new version?

BTW: Thanks to whoever unstickied that other topic. It was starting to get annoying.

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: Joey on 2001-11-06 08:27:00
Hmmmmm.......I wonder what the new design will be like.......
Title: Progress report on the new design
Post by: eerrrr on 2001-11-06 15:24:00
I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.