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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: ChaosControl on 2006-08-08 10:00:47

Title: Smoking?!
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-08-08 10:00:47
I just want to start a topic and hear your opinions.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Midgar on 2006-08-08 13:42:38
Come to asia to get your secondhand! America sucks but smoking is everywhere in China! Coal, smoking, and other air hazards here... I got used to it and I actually like it.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-08-08 15:54:11

I can't wait until the new smoking laws here in England come into effect and people can't smoke in pubs.

Also, it's a massive turn off!
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: knives on 2006-08-08 19:28:52
Massive turn off.
Smell is horrible.
Costs money.
Can kill you 20 years before you are supposed to die.

So yeah... It's bad. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Borde on 2006-08-08 21:46:02
Well Jedimark, wish you more luck than we had here in Spain. It's been like 7 month since the anti-smoking laws were applied here and nobody seems to ovey them. Too bad, because I can't stand the smoke.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Khaos1987 on 2006-08-08 21:56:09
I'm not surprised no one obeys them. Here in America we tried to ban alcohol (Something equally as addicting) And even though we had harsh penaties, most of the population still drank it. I guess once your addicted, not even jail time will make you stop.

I don't like smoking myself, but I won't stop other people from doing it if that's what they choose to do.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: zero88 on 2006-08-09 00:37:33
I agree.

People, I think, don't forsee the possible implications of jailtime when thinking of going cold turkey with a highly addictive (even though highly illegal) habit. The potential psychological effects people see when dropping their habits forceably don't compare to what prison will bring, I guess.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Relf on 2006-08-09 04:09:12
I'm against it, if nothing else it can encourage other... diseases I suppose you could call them...
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: mirex on 2006-08-09 05:50:57
Similair law is prepared here in Slovakia too, and I expect that it will create a little more of fresh breathable air.
I got used to the smoke but I don't like to breathe it if I don't have to.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-08-09 06:46:41
I don't like smoking myself, but I won't stop other people from doing it if that's what they choose to do.
It makes your clothes stink, it makes you cough, it makes you feel sick, passive smoking can be deadly (Roy Castle anyone?) and if people want to smoke then they should do it well away from the people that dont.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: ice_cold513 on 2006-08-09 08:33:09

It makes your clothes stink, it makes you cough, it makes you feel sick, passive smoking can be deadly (Roy Castle anyone?) and if people want to smoke then they should do it well away from the people that dont.

Roy Castle did a lot of things but the 1 thing i know him from is Record Breakers tv show
he never smoked 1 day in his life but he was a trumpet player in music clubs and where he need alot of air to play
Roy Castle dead of lung cancer cos of ppl smoking around him

my little say here is all smoking company's must be ban

Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-08-09 11:33:29
I smoke for 4 years now and don't think it's the most healthy thing you can do but I don't have any problems with my health at this moment and I think I "CAN" stop when the docter tells me to.

I agree with the no-smoking laws in bars etc.. because even I, as a smoker, found it too smokey in some places. Will these places still have customers when the law is put in here?

I hardly smoke anymore though, I only smoke weed on occasion (which used to be like 6 joints everyday till I got "older" and maybe "wiser").
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: MagiMaster on 2006-08-09 19:30:14
I'm against it, if nothing else it can encourage other... diseases I suppose you could call them...

Yes, I suppose one could call cancer a disease.  Or an affliction.  Or a killer, even.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Jedimark on 2006-08-09 20:05:54
and I think I "CAN" stop when the docter tells me to.
... when your Doctor is telling you to stop smoking it's because it's too late.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Lieron on 2006-08-09 20:50:31
The oldest man (well, most recently) lived his life drinking coffee and smoking ciagrs 0.o
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: RPGillespie on 2006-08-10 03:36:16
Hmm, maybe -- however, cigars are not usually inhaled, and therefore affect the mouth more than the lungs.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Covarr on 2006-08-10 05:11:47
My city recently passed an ordinance that makes smoking within 25 feet of the entrance to a public building, or inside, illegal. I don't mind the smell, but it's nice to be able to go places with people who do now.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: knives on 2006-08-10 05:20:23
someone had to say it...

Cigaretts killed my father.
and raped my mother...
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: spyrojyros_tail on 2006-08-10 11:23:33
Hmm, Ireland has a complete ban on smoking in public places, you cant even smoke in a taxi (well depends on which taxi guy you get  :-P). To be honest its the best thing that we have ever done, there was a whole load of bullsh*t before it was brought in. People were saying that it would damage the tourist industry and blah blah blah, but at the end of the day people were more concerned about their health than anything else. And its as busy as ever, people try to pin their loss of profits on the smoking ban, but realistically Ireland has gotten to be a huge rip off an people just wont pay over the odds for rank pints in a sh*t pub, better to drink at home!

The only downside of the smoking ban ive experienced is that once the smoking ban comes in you smell peoples farts way more! Trust me, its the weirdest thing, lol. That and all your friends leave you when they go out for a smoke. But overall way better!
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Sarah on 2006-08-28 16:29:50
My mom used to smoke with us kids in the car when we were little....with the windows up. She said that there wasn't no harm in it. Ha, she wasn't the smartest of em.

Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: halkun on 2006-08-29 02:14:23
[Some words]

Oh Great Gods! A GIRL!

Quick! Sarah! Run while you still can!

(Welcome! ^_^)
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: Khaos1987 on 2006-08-29 04:10:16
Now, now...don't be shy guys.

Heya Sarah!  :-D

I think that what you described is the worst part of smoking; Secondhand smoke. It affects you no matter your age, health, lifestyle, and so on. I just don't think it's fair that I should have to suffer because someone wanted smoke nearby.
Title: Re: Smoking?!
Post by: ChaosControl on 2006-08-30 12:14:57
That's just dumb.