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Miscellaneous Forums => Archive => Topic started by: *:.Griever.:* on 2008-03-29 20:36:00

Title: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: *:.Griever.:* on 2008-03-29 20:36:00
Hey there, this is my first post, and was just wondering if anyone here had a mod for FFVII to replace Cloud with the model from Kingdom Hearts?
Thanks in advance for any help  :-)
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: apz freak on 2008-03-29 21:34:46
Some of us have it, but only because we ripped it out of the game, converted it for use, and then chopped him up and converted him for FFVIIPC. No one's sharing him, Squeenix sent a C&D (Cease and Desist) order to the guy who made the model viewer and extractor.

So if you want KH Cloud in FFVIIPC, the only way to get him is to do all that stuff yourself!

There's still message boards that have the necessary programs, I think even some members of this board might share those programs, but I don't think anyone will do the work for you.

I ripped him myself, and transformed him into this:

(http://s69.photobucket.com/albums/i59/apz_freak/th_FFVIICC.jpg) (http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i59/apz_freak/FFVIICC.jpg)

But I won't share him, because I'm not allowed to legally!
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: *:.Griever.:* on 2008-03-29 21:42:46
Thats real cool, can you by chance tell me the name of the programs I would need to use, and Im probably pushing it here haha, but any tutorials on how to do this stuff, as I have the reunion patch installed, but would prefer to know how to do this stuff myself  :-)
Seriously thou top marks if thats your Cloud in game, its awesome  8-)
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: Silver Wings on 2008-03-31 05:53:47
Searching squeeble's and weeemus's threads and posts would help you
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: zackxc on 2008-04-01 23:32:18
I ripped him myself, and transformed him into this:

Is that crisis core model? Because he looks a hell lot smoother and less evil than the kh one
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: *:.Griever.:* on 2008-04-01 23:34:42
^^I think the Crisis Core Cloud is more along the lines of Advent Children if I'm not mistake, however, in KH did Clouds Buster Sword not have some kind of bandaging around the blade if I recall?  I could be wrong, it's been a while since I played it myself.

Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: obesebear on 2008-04-02 03:01:10
in KH did Clouds Buster Sword not have some kind of bandaging around the blade if I recall?  I could be wrong, it's been a while since I played it myself.

Yeah it did.  He was also wearing Vincents cape and had a black wing.
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: zackxc on 2008-04-02 09:10:52
However if you look closely. His chest and belt is, what zack wears in crisis core. =s
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: *:.Griever.:* on 2008-04-02 12:55:13
Hmmm never noticed that before, I'm going to go look an image up of him in KH now.  I'm rather curious about the Crisis Core link now....

Okay, looked it up, and I suppose there a little similarities between Crisis Core Zack, and KH Cloud...

(http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/f/f9/CC-Zack-Render.png)       (http://www.ffcompendium.com/misc/kh-cloud-a.jpg)

Although I must say, the only real similarities, are that of the shoulder pad, and perhaps the strapping across the chest, sort of.
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: Xelane on 2008-04-02 23:03:16
i've been thinking...is it possible for me to alter files in my ff7 game by just opening files and changing information in it? not randomly of course could that would just end up ruining the game possibly for good. also i wanted to ask if i ever mess up my ff7 game (not the disk, im talking more about the folder) is it possible for me to reset the info i had when i first downloaded it? like for example if i accidently deleted my field charecter and couldn't find a way to get him back then would i be able to restore all the files the game came with?

(in case you're wondering that was just a random scenario)
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: iamenrique on 2008-04-03 04:02:27
Make backup of the files you want to alter.  Put them is a folder called 'backup'.  If you screw something up, just copy the backup back to the original location and its all fixed.

as far as just opening and editing files...I think you need the right tools.(for example the file char.lgp has information on all the character models in the game.  Its not actually a regular file but rather an archive - LGP tools lets you open the file and make adjustments to the characters) 

Lucky for you, you can get all of these tools  from this very website.
Title: Re: FFVII - Kingdom Hearts Cloud?
Post by: Xelane on 2008-04-03 04:40:14
thanks for the info  :-D