Qhimm.com Forums

Miscellaneous Forums => Scripting and Reverse Engineering => Topic started by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 11:47:00

Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 11:47:00
Okay, good news for all .p hackers: I've continued workin' on that damn format. However, I've found some interesting things, but what's almost more important:
I have a suspicion what the huge 'corrupt' block in the Battle.lgp is:

I suppose that these files are the battle locations. Why? Well:

1. You can load the files in Ultima (well, you not, but me - I've disabled that 'Crash Test' ). But there's one thing: the models are HUGE - too big for Ultima. Normal Field models have Coords between -2 to +2. Battle models usuall have Coords from -200 to +200 . Those Battle Locations have -20000 to  +20000 ... See the problem. Even if you convert the files to RAW or LWO format, they're too huge. But I've implemented a multiplikator of 0.001 - so the model is shrinked to 1/1000 of it's original size. Then you often can recognize a kind of 'Plattform'. I'll post a screenshot later.

2. As for usual Battle models, too, there are textures stored in the corrupt block. Example: pmag
This is a usual FF7 texture and when you convert it, you'll get this result:

Now I'll go offline and keep on workin' on that ... :)

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 12:29:00
It seems like I'm right. I've built the pm* model toghether, here's the result. (http://www.8ung.at/alhexx/pm.png).

Code: [Select]

File Name Size Type
0 pmaa 52 Byte ???
1 pmae 65,2 KB Tex
2 pmaf 33,2 KB Tex
3 pmag 17,2 KB Tex
4 pmah 33,2 KB Tex
5 pmai 33,2 KB Tex
6 pmaj 17,2 KB Tex
7 pmam 19,5 KB .p File
8 pman 436 Byte .p File
9 pmap 436 Byte .p File
10 pmar 6,41 KB .p File
11 pmat 1,89 KB .p File
12 pmav 13,5 KB .p File
13 pmax 19,9 KB .p File

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 15:12:00
Heh, and just another success! (http://www.8ung.at/alhexx/pm2.png)

What I mean: I'm able to view texture on the model - and it seems like the Texture is aligned right!

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 17:00:00
wow, alhexx. looks like you were up late last night :) anywho, keep up the good work. cant wait for an expanded version of ultima that will include this stuff.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 17:13:00
cant view pics........ what version of quiktime are you using?
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 18:20:00
See the times when I posted the posts above? That wasn't night ... :D

You can't view the pics?

 :-? hm, I can't, too ! Hm ? No, I can ! Heh? ... maybe not? Damnit, just let me convert the files to jpg ...

Okay, Pic1 (http://www.8ung.at/alhexx/pm.jpg) and Pic2 (http://www.8ung.at/alhexx/pm2.jpg)

Seems like ACDSee isn't the best tool to convert pics to PNG format ...

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 18:23:00
hehe. i guess it wasnt night here either.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 18:25:00
i dont know why... but the first one kinda looks like the place where you figjht jenova death.....
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 18:30:00
Probably it is - who knows? I haven't thought 'bout where that is, I just like that it's viewn correctly.
And the fact, that the texture seems to be aligned right, tells me that I'm right with my suspicion that the Value3 Pool has got the Texture Coords. That'd make sense, b'cause in those Battle Locations, there are as many Tex Coords as Vertices. Now I just have to find out how things go in normal Models ...

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 18:38:00
hmm..... i just downloaded the latest versoin of ultima, and EVERYTHING works except for things that require rotation (i.e. right click and 'real' front view)
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 18:41:00
??? Well, for me, it worx fine ...

Moderative question: Doesn't this belong to the Ultima topic?

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 18:45:00
yeah, my bad. i just happened to be in this topic instead.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 18:50:00
That's the way how we drive up posts count, right ? :D

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 18:58:00
no, not at all. i just didnt think about the ultima topic when i posted that :)
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-16 19:02:00
Doesn't matter. However, this seems to be a pure Alhexx - Darkness conversation ;)

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-16 19:11:00
we need an irc chat
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-16 22:33:00
First off, here's another person talking! >:)

2nd: I didn't have a problem with the PNGs probably cause NS6 can read them natively. (With active alpha channels I might add...)

3rd: That's some AMAZING progress you've made Alhexx. It's looking great.

4th: I've actually noticed a little bug with 0.27, and I'm not sure if it's in the new versions, but the perspective / rendered panel in there is displaying the model wrong. Everything is fliped horizontally. ( x = -x for example.)

That's all. Again, great progress!

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-17 03:44:00
First off, nutscrape sucks!

2nd: i guess its better than ie

3rd: damn, i need to find a better browser

4rd: out of ideas
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Anonymous on 2001-12-17 03:49:00
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-17 17:04:00
Seph 3D:

1. Alright

2. Fine then - I'm mainly using IE6

3. Thanx

4. I'll take a look at that

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: ficedula on 2001-12-17 21:15:00
Hey, Alhexx: great news! Looking *very* good. I'm not able to get on the 'net so much now I've gone to my parents' house for Xmas, but are you planning to release the file specs? If so, Remake could certainly use them ^_^

Oh, and your PNG's: I think the problem is they're corrupt (or rather, non-standard); if NS/Mozilla reads them, it's probably because it doesn't care and displays as much as it can anyway. But I don't think they're well constructed PNG's.
[edited] 68 2001-12-17 22:19
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-18 16:28:00
Fice: Of course, I'll release the file specs - that's for what I'm workin' for, right ? :) However, I'm not sure when I'll release the files, I've got some work to do now ... *perhaps* before X-Mas ...

As for the PNG files:
Originally posted my me
Seems like ACDSee isn't the best tool to convert pics to PNG format ...

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Had to correct BBcode...
[edited] 169 2001-12-18 17:35
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-19 20:42:00
Okay, I've uploaded an up-dated .p file Description and a Battle Location Description onto my site. :)

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Forgot an important word...
[edited] 169 2001-12-19 21:44
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-19 21:11:00
would that word happen to be 'up'? anywho.... good to see more work on this stuff. ill check it out right now.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: ficedula on 2001-12-20 17:16:00
Thanks, I'll definitely be checking that out.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Jmealo on 2001-12-23 03:01:00
Great! (I'll act like I can see the jpegs)

uh... anyone else having problems with .00001kbs transfer speeds from the 8ung.at server. I am in the USA but that's just pitiful.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: PurpleSmurf on 2001-12-23 03:07:00
Alhexx you need a new bg at your site.... i got a headache looking at your site  -_-
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-23 09:40:00
Darkness: Nope, the word was 'Description' (the 2nd one). It's important, b'cause I haven't uploaded an Battle Location :D

Jmealo: Hm, don't think so. In most cases, the 8ung Server is quite fast, and my site's quite small. Probably just a simple 'traffic jam'

Purplesmurf: Which color do you prefer?

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-23 14:57:00
i actually think that background looks good on your site.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-23 16:17:00
Darkness: That's why I haven't changed it. Oh, BTW, I've changed my site's layout !

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: PurpleSmurf on 2001-12-24 04:34:00
while you might have changed your layout you still have that background that gives me a headache. and now there are frames!!! AGGHHHH!!!!

YES 200!!! *pumps arms wildly*
[edited] 275 2001-12-24 05:36
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-24 04:55:00
hehe i like it more. its original (moreso than the old design, anyway)
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-24 09:00:00
Alhexx Site Review:

ARRGGHH!!! Can't read... black... on... black...

I still say you need to add ­"bgcolor=000595" to your body tags. (This color is based off your bg img.) You might want to put "text=ffffff" while you're at it too.

Overall, not much difference from your first version, except for the side bar. But that was VERY handy. Question: Where that Yuffie thing you were talking about? I look through your whole website, and I cound't find it... (BTW: Your Oni pages are missing... I got an error...)

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-24 16:17:00
hehe change your background to "#aeaedd"  :D
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-25 09:51:00
PurpleSmurf: Get yourself a pair of sunglasses :D Oh, and it had frames before, too, you probably just didn't recognize them.

Seph 3D: bgcolor=000595 - I'll add that somewhen. As for the text-color it's already wriiten in the body tag. As for the Yuffie pic: I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to implement it  :weep: I hadn't enough time... I first wanted to implement it into that X-Mas-pic...
As for the Oni section: I'll fix that.
Five minutes later...
Oh, I see, I forgot to upload those Oni files ... :D fixed now

Oh, and wher did you read black on black?

 - Alhexx
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-25 22:51:00
On the main page, the text shows up as black, and it's hard to read against your background...

Now that I look at it again, every page's text (less it be a link) is black...

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
[edited] 135 2001-12-25 23:53
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-26 09:31:00
Hm ... I am sorry, but there is no black text. Every text is white ... probably your browser doesn't support the style-tag in the body?

Here's my BODY-tag code:
Code: [Select]
body style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:10pt;color=white;font-weight:bold"
link="white" vlink="white" alink="lightblue" background="pix/wolken.jpg"

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Had to delete those tag-brackets

 - edit 2 -
Whcih Browser are you using?
[edited] 169 2001-12-26 10:34

[edited] 135 2002-01-06 08:51
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2001-12-26 09:39:00

You use Netscape, don't you?
I just found out that Netscape doesn't accept this tag ...  :x
I'll correct that and upload a fixed version today...

 - Alhexx

 - edit -
Okay, problem solved.
[edited] 169 2001-12-26 11:19
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-26 15:32:00
hehe of course seph3d uses netscape. we should all know that from his website  :x   :D
Title: .p Format News
Post by: PurpleSmurf on 2001-12-26 15:43:00
seph: you poor poor diluted bastard
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-28 22:18:00
Yup! ;) Actually, I use NS cause I don't like the way IE works... I only use IE if left with no other choice. (I hate the Microsoft site!  :x ) Actually, there's an update for NS so I gotta go download it soon.

Alhexx: Yay! I can (easily) read the site now!

Moving onto a topic related to the original topic; Alhexx, I've found the 7.0b Source code for Lightwave, including the LWO2 format. The code is in C, but it's easy to understand. I can send you both the lwo2 format .c file, the file describing the Vector Maps, (point color!) and the related .h file if you want me to.  :naughty: *hopes for P2LWO update...*

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
[edited] 135 2001-12-28 23:19
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Darkness on 2001-12-29 17:06:00
i agree that IE has its faults, but i enjoy the fast load times for the browser itself, whereas with netscape, it take 30 seconds or so to load.

wait... NS doesn't accept that tag? dont they have the same version of mozilla as a base? Interesting....

btw: congrats on ur mod status, alhexx.

edit: you to, seph. thought you already had it....

[edited] 249 2001-12-29 23:09
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-30 06:35:00
Yeah, I logged on, and "WOAH! I'm a Mod for the Tech-Related Forum? Cool! When did that happen?"

No Personal message, no (obvious) message from Saint or Qhimm what-so-ever. It's just... there. I'm a little taken aback by it... But I'll gladly accept it.

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: .p Format News
Post by: J*** H******* on 2001-12-30 06:38:00
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2001-12-30 07:18:00
If you say so... *Begins looking through his new powers...* Nice...

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: .p Format News
Post by: The SaiNt on 2001-12-30 14:17:00
It wasn't me. It was Qhimm.
Hehe, I'll start implementing some extra "powers" soon after my exams.
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2002-01-05 17:04:00
(Hehe...I'm back again...)

Seph 3D: Hehe ... it'll be nicve if you sent me that code ... please ?

Seph 3D #2: Congrats !

(Sorry, but I don't have enough time to read all the posts ... )

 - Alhexx

 - edit -

I'm a mod, too !! Ah, well, that's a fine X-Mas present ... :)
[edited] 169 2002-01-05 18:05
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Sephiroth 3D on 2002-01-06 07:55:00
Your Back! :D
Thanks Alhexx!
Congrats to you to.
I'll send the files in a bit (after I finish posting).

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Sephiroth 3D.com (http://www.sephiroth3d.com)
[email protected]
Title: .p Format News
Post by: Alhexx on 2002-01-06 11:04:00
Yep, I'm back. And I've received your files. I'll take a look at them as when I finbd some free time.

 - Alhexx