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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: Psychotic Ninja on 2009-06-04 05:00:54

Title: Joined two bandwagons here
Post by: Psychotic Ninja on 2009-06-04 05:00:54
Well as the title says, I've joined (at least) two bandwagons. One bandwagon is very popular right now, and another is one that no one wants to join. The popular one is complaining on a web forum/the internet. The other is being dumped by my (first) girlfriend. We've been dating for a year and half, 2 years come October. We were happy during that time. Then all of a sudden she told me she wanted a break, 1 month, to see if she still loved me or not. Well today, June 3, 2009, it's been one week sense the start of the break. She just dumped me. I don't know what went wrong. I'm pretty sure it was me, but I don't know for sure. I don't care if any of you say "Well telling complete strangers over the internet won't help." You can leave those comments to your self.  If any random stranger out there is willing to try to cheer me up, I welcome you.
Title: Re: Joined two bandwagons here
Post by: DLPB_ on 2009-06-04 05:12:47
Yo grim.

Sometimes bad stuff happens but you deserved better than this "1 month"  rubbish and then dumped.  That is just a bit crappy if you ask me.  Have you tried talking to her about it? (has she tried to talk to you and let you know why? )

My mate went through same thing except his was cheating on him...  so atleast you have been spared that.  I don't think anyone can realistically cheer you up. That comes with time as well you know.  In a few months you will look back and wonder why you were so blown away, such is the weirdness of human nature.

I have been rejected before and lost a loved one, all I can tell you is that time is a great healer.  You will find someone else and hopefully they will be a person who deals with problems ina  relationship better than devising some 1 month plan.

None of us here can tell you what to do or understand what your relationship was like, all you got to do is accept that hurt will happen but that the healing process will begin.  It is a shame that in these circumstances 1 or the other is left in the lurch questioning where it went wrong.  You are right to ask yourself those questions but if you are satisfied with how you were then there is nothing to keep beating yourself up with and if your not then take positives from change.  This is all just natural anyway. 

Chin up!

edit:  I would definately talk to her again and find out what she really feels.  Don't just let her walk away without an explanation and a good and blunt one.  You were with her  along time, and so you both deserve that.
Title: Re: Joined two bandwagons here
Post by: MrAdults on 2009-06-04 06:24:48
Women that age (I looked at your profile) are even more unpredictible and subject their immature emotional whims, I was in a 2-3 year long relationship between the ages of 15 and 18 as well. She's probably pulling the old "Where am I going? Who am I? What do I want? I've been happier than this before, it's time to move on" bit. In another 10-15 years, when she's knocked up or alone and questioning her self-worth, she'll start to realize she's wasted 10-15 years looking for fulfillment in the wrong places. But it's a lesson they all have to learn for themselves, they just won't get it even if you tell them flat-out, because they don't understand their own feelings. That's why getting in relationships with women under 30 is statistically far more hazardous than at post-30. Although at post-30, if they haven't figured their feelings out, they get really crazy. Like "I'll stalk you for 5 years and kill you when you find another woman" crazy. Luckily, you don't have to watch out for those types yet.

Just enjoy your youth, and know that the ones that flake out on you are a dime a dozen. It's the ones who know why they're with you and why they should appreciate a solid bond with any other human being that are worth pleasing.
Title: Re: Joined two bandwagons here
Post by: DLPB_ on 2009-06-04 06:28:31
Just enjoy your youth, and know that the ones that flake out on you are a dime a dozen. It's the ones who know why they're with you and why they should appreciate a solid bond with any other human being that are worth pleasing.

Title: Re: Joined two bandwagons here
Post by: ChaosControl on 2009-06-04 20:42:35
I don't know why but I also posted a break-up with my ex about 2 years ago on this forum lol. Only thing I can say, I'll go over. May take a real while though (and/or lots of drug and alcohol abuse :P)