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Final Fantasy 7 => Graphics => Releases => Topic started by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-04 22:22:17

Title: [FF7PC] Chibi Reconstruction Project (2009-08-13)
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-04 22:22:17
EDIT: okay, its practically done for the 'important' people, with some texture fixes.

EDIT 2: download link.
http://www.filefront.com/14272801/Final-fantasy-7-Chibi-reconstruction-Project-initial-release.rar/ (http://www.filefront.com/14272801/Final-fantasy-7-Chibi-reconstruction-Project-initial-release.rar/)

Okay, i was just going through the char.lgp as i was working on some models, then on the ID list I have, i noticed the fancy train model cloud model.

so, i whipped this up in about 5-10 mins, and i have to say, i think its a lot better and looks like it belong even if it makes the other people look bad when compared to him! XD

here's some screens showing him compared to the original, normal model and sword model.


(note, both models are the same size and all animations work, its just hard getting them the same size in kimera)

decided on a list of people to redo currently.

Avalanche <the main 9 people <including variant outfits> + biggs, wedge, jesse and Marlene>

Shinra <people in the shinra building in the suits/dresses, Rufus, the president, palmer, Scarlet, hedigar, hojo, the MP grunts, the red guards, Zack, etc>

Nibleheim <Zangan, Tifa's father, Cloud's mother>

Gold Saucer <Dio, people who manage the place>
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-04 22:25:40
His eye  :-o

Well it's certainly an improvement (and it's impressive that you did this so quickly). But isn't Apz making a chibi Cloud right now?

Hmmm, if you can do this so quickly, perhaps you could edit all of the field models given a week or so  :-P
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-04 23:14:47
i c that u applied the hand-patch here already, well done :)
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 01:02:43
I hate to be a bother..
the only version of the hand patch that i can find is

 FF7PC Hand Patch mod v01.6

Is there a more up to date version.. or is this the last of them?
Cause i do prefer the chibi models over the tall ones.

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-05 01:25:52
actually im not quite sure... but wut is wrong with that version u got?
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Covarr on 2009-08-05 01:49:31
Why did you get rid of his mouth?
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-05 01:56:02
second the question on mouth removal, Also whats up with his eye..?

Other then that, FANTASTIC model.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 04:49:52
For some reason his eye messed up and his mouth seemed to disappear, i kept the head model the precise same as the original.

@ Kudistos
Apz is making a chibi style field model of his custom cloud, and this is just a improvement to the original model, but i just literally used clgd.hrc (which is the model that plays during the train scene) and resize its body parts over the original cloud.

However, in essence we could completely remove any shading from the battle models then move them over the original field files with the precise colours to make them have the same feel to them.

(which i happen to do to cheat when making new people as i just steal the chest from the battle model)

that itself <to do the main party> could take me about a hour. :P

I did not install the hand patch, i put hands on it myself.

No bother, but I do believe thats the latest version of the hand patch, and I do so prefer the original style of models better than the NPC RP styl myself.
<they just look too 'tall'>

I didn;t get rid of his mouth, I left the head completely intact when i changed the models, but for some reason, the eye and mouth texture seemed to corrupt or something.

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 05:28:25
i agree...
but this hand patch doesn't work .. it crashes the game
and it looks bad..

i like your clouds hands a lot better


Murak read your PM please.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 05:51:48
the other hand patch looks a little out of place, but they did change several animations so they better suit actual hands, so thats good.

oh, i decided to see how it would look if i did that to Vincent.

<time taken: 12 minutes 37 seconds.>


after i made the pics, i moved the cape against his back, but i am lazy when it comes to making screens.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 05:54:48
that looks amazing.
i love the original Chibis... i just wished they had hands..
and the hand patch i use.. looks really.. bad...
but yours are well made

i really hope you decide to do more...
or show me where you get these hands/ parts (do you make them)
so i can do it myself
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 06:00:01
there is absolutely no secret as to where I got these, in fact, i explained the entire process needed a few posts ago.

'Apz is making a chibi style field model of his custom cloud, and this is just a improvement to the original model, but i just literally used clgd.hrc (which is the model that plays during the train scene) and resize its body parts over the original cloud.

However, in essence we could completely remove any shading from the battle models then move them over the original field files with the precise colours to make them have the same feel to them.

that itself <to do the main party> could take me about a hour.'

so these are the exact same models everyone else has, I just resized the battle model over the original chibi model, then recoloured it the colour of the original field file.

and i wager i COULD do the rest of the team considering i did 2/?. :P
(i'll probably do the main people; the playable team, Sephiroth, Rufus, the president, the turks, etc)
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 06:02:46
wow *feels stupid(

I am rather fond of the hands. You do good work..... may i make a request.... could you also do zack? And Young Cloud and tifa...?
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 06:19:53
No worries, you probably just skimmed my post for what i said back to you. :P

and I most certainly do good work XD

as for zack and the young variants, of course i will! the main people will look postively absurd if their young version was lego and the adult ones weren't! XD

(and that includes the dresses)
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 06:29:06
No worries, you probably just skimmed my post for what i said back to you. :P

and I most certainly do good work XD

as for zack and the young variants, of course i will! the main people will look postively absurd if their young version was lego and the adult ones weren't! XD

(and that includes the dresses)

No argument there

you sure have a good attitude about your work

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 10:15:53
Did a take at Aeris.

(i do not accept the 'th')

ignore the lack of hair on the original model, i happened to not have a clean copy of the original model without extracting the char.lgp.


decided on a list of people to redo currently.

Avalanche <the main 9 people <including variant outfits> + biggs, wedge, jesse and Marlene>

Shinra <people in the shinra building in the suits/dresses, Rufus, the president, palmer, Scarlet, hedigar, hojo, the MP grunts, the red guards, Zack, etc>

Nibleheim <Zangan, Tifa's father, Cloud's mother>

Gold Saucer <Dio, people who manage the place>

and some others, it depends on my free time.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2009-08-05 13:42:36
awesome, good to see some work on these.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 16:24:45
For now, I'll just do the MAIN people (just the 9 players, sephy and main shinra members) as i have a few personal mods going.

after i make some mroe progress on the Malachi and Crystal mod, i'll do some more NPCs.

I did however do the MP grunt. <no screens as i'm not at my home comp.> the time it took me was 7 minutes and 51 seconds.  8-)

<it was a simple design, i didn't even need to change the lower legs>

although my only complaint is that the forearms are naturally longer than the triceps, so i had to keep it the same basic sizes to save having to mess around with the HRC structure.
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 17:44:58
I like the 'vortex pain' it saves me from having to mess around with textures. :P

after all, me and textures go together like a old man and a midget.

<scene of proof>

setting: a old man is sitting on a park bench, staring at a midget sitting a few feet from him.

midget: umm, could you not stare please?

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 17:49:18
Weeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllll, i GUESS you could........

I'll give you a 'test', how about i give you say, Aeris, and you weave your texture hocus pocus and show me what you got? :P
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-05 17:57:28
I hope you're planing on releasing, These actually make me want the chibi models haha
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-05 18:02:41
Those are actually quite an improvement over the default ones. I'll be keeping an eye on this, that's for sure  :-)

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 18:03:52
I'll release when i do the main people and their variant designs so i don't get any people saying 'h3y d00d, you mezzed up teh fazzillious mod, when aye git ta a certain place, they is blocky they are!'

If i 'focus' on the mod, i could have it ready to be released for the playable chars and shinra (and misc people like zack and sephy) tomorrow as when i was testing it, some of the models were slightly messed up on the size of the parts and i want 'fluid' animations and for it to not look like a botch job.

<not to mention fixing the cloud texture bug>
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Makubex666 on 2009-08-05 18:04:45
I prefer the Chibis in fact. I don't use PRP (NPC RP)... because quite frankly the models are just too "tall" for the world... its made for Chibi,
and the animations are out of whack... they are realistic bodies with chibi animations... it doesn't look quite right..

When i get good enough at 3D rendering I may make "up to date" Chibis... or try to at least... maybe timu simisu will get to it before me  :wink:

But for now, i am just going to re-learn the basics of modding... my first time through, i skipped to many steps.. and now nothing makes sense..

BTW, if you do release this.. I WILL use it..
so i hope you release it

Because it really is some good work..

I think i should cut back on the smileys... perhaps.. *looks up*
its quite a daunting sight..
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 19:45:22
Have no fear, these shall be released.

buuuuut, i dont want to spoil your experience for when you first load your game and see the fancy models, so i'll only show the ones with a considerable difference.

such as Tifa!

time taken - 38 minutes and 6 seconds as I happened to do it when talking on msn.


edit: w00t! 111th post!
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-05 19:48:24
wow! imagine if u put time and effort into this... u'd be amazing! well done!  :-D
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-05 19:49:37
Looks nice, but is she wearing shorts in your version?
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 19:55:02
I kept the proportions exactly the same as in the original model, if i edit the proportions too much, it'll look weird animation wise, and i ran through some animations in kimnera 0.9, and the skirt had to be that big for no obvious animation glitches to show up.
but i can 'shrink' the feet slightly.

(her legs kept on detaching from the skirt)

these aren't really difficult currently as they are just the battle models <keeping the faces and only the faces the same>
to do some other people, it'll take longer. <such as the president or some 'generics' i'd have to put some effort into it as i can't just load the model parts and recolour them.>

and she isn;t wearing shorts, i put the skirt on her legs and decided to leave a whisper of a cut in the front for the pervs. XD

and now... a question to people...

Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-05 20:04:53

Ah, that's the most important question  :-D

They're fine  :-)
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2009-08-05 20:08:57
for tifa, you need to exagerate her shoulders more (the deltoid) as her arms are coming accross as rather flat right now.

btw you should update yer thread title... its gone beyond cloud :P
Title: Re: Better chibi style cloud
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-05 20:13:54
he's right, rename it to "Better chibi style characters" or something :D
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 20:21:26

i'll make the arms bigger <and i shrunk the feet>

and yay that her breasts are satisfactory!

I don;t have anything to really show as i don't wanna make screenshots, but i did 19 models.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-05 20:24:44
I don;t have anything to really show as i don't wanna make screenshots, but i did 19 models.

Not even some in-game pics? That would be nice.

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 20:30:09
I don't ave FF7 installed on this computer and i won;t be at my home comp until tomorrow, but i could make some ingame shots if you really want me to.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-05 20:34:36
yeah, some screenshots of them would be nice and yes, her breasts are now as big as they are suppose to be lol   :wink:
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Lionfist on 2009-08-05 20:54:07
Personally I think they are too big, looks like she has had a operation.  :lol: And the skirt, if you look to the right and compare to the old one, you see that the skirt is too long. Also doesn't she have black hair? You could smooth the hair as well, from behind it looks very stiff. I'm not a pervert btw, just trying to help.  :-D        

Btw you should fix the arms on Aerith as well  :wink:

her is only black in FFACC.
She has brown hair in FF7
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-05 21:04:47
The skirt was lengthened on the top of the legs for animation reasons. (they kept on detaching from the skirt)

and i'm keeping the heads exactly the same, that goes for hair, its meant to look stiff. :P

and aeris was tweaked. <do not accept the lisp name.>

edit: fine, to tide you over until i make some ingame screenshots tomorrow, here's another wip.

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-05 21:38:40
nice man, nice! how many do u plan to do?

EDIT: Nvm, i saw ur post on the 1st page... sorry
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2009-08-06 02:21:09
again with the shoulder :P otherwise there isnt enough definition, n it looks unrealistic (given the style)
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Matt2Tees on 2009-08-06 02:26:27
Can you share some of the files, I would like to have a mess around, test animations and such...
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-06 02:49:48
:D This is really good work
Thanks for sharing with us

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Prince Lex on 2009-08-06 03:15:05
Your chibi models are awesome, it's a really good idea. It'll be a popular choice for those that like the nostalgic FF7 feel.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-06 03:19:52
like me?  :roll:
I will definitely use this mod..
it even inspired one of my own

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 05:49:58
ingame screenshot.

I know it isn;'t a great pic, I spent 39 minutes trying to find Yuffie then gave up and went to the fort.
the darkened effect can be fixed literally in a few seconds, all i have to do is resave them using kimera 0.84.

And i know about the shoulder XD
I'm going to make it bigger, when i was doing it, i was 'speed modding' and had it go down to the more 'basic' version of completion rather than doing it all at once.

I'm going to release a 'beta' either today or tomorrow and that will have the main main people in it. (9 playable <+ alt designs>, sephy and main shinra members)
You can wait until then to mess around with them, right? :wink:

@prince Lex
Yeah, i decided instead of merely having something like the NPC RP, people should have a little choice. :P

Yes, yes it is good work.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 06:59:56
I am not going to texture them XD

if you want to, you are free to, i however am not tempted by your texture hocus pocus :P
and i sent you cid btw.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 07:21:00
SEE!? I told you! XD
well, i didn;t actually say this would happen, but doing that is troublesome. :P

what about the cid model did you like?


fine, here's your smelly screenshots of some guys. :P


(notice, zack's chest is actually different to cloud's and i actually worked somewhat on it.)

the people i have left to do before i can make a beta release..

good guys:
barrett <i was putting him off as i don't like how his model looks when i make it a field as his arms can't properly connect to the 'sleeves'.>
Red 13 <a blocky dog is always so much fun>
2 of cloud's models.
1 of Tifa's.

bad guys:
Scarlet <no real reason, just didn't do her yet.>
Hedugar <or however you spell his name>
Hojo <no real reason either.>
red security guard

Cloud's mother
Tifa's father
Gold saucer staff

so, not many people left.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kuroda Masahiro on 2009-08-06 13:47:21
oh my! a zack and cid!
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 14:59:18
Out of interest, does anyone mind if i 'redesign' the red security guard?

I'm wanting to change the outfit of them to be more similar to the mighty grunt, but i wanan hear what you think before i do anything as i could keep to the original design or the idea I had.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-06 15:01:15
Personally, I like the old design; I think that the grunts look weird in battle and would probably look worse on the field.

Of course, it's your choice in the end  8-)
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 15:10:36
this is the look I'll be using if i go with the idea i had with the red security guard, good or bad?


Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-06 15:18:55
I'm still a fan of the old security guard style; well, let's see that other people think...  :wink:

However, I think that your SOLDIER-style model might be a good basis for a battle model for the grunts.n  :-P
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 20:14:29
Hm, Y'know what? :P

I might post a image of all of the shinra staff redone. (the head staff, rufus, the old pressy, palmer, hediggar, scarlet, hojo, reeve then the turks, reno, elena, rude, tseng, then zack, the blue guard and the redone red guard in the 2 potential designs. :P)

How about that? :P
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-06 20:34:56
Please, do so. Also, it's spelled Heidegger  :-P

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-06 21:05:57
Okay, i decided to show you the shinra staff in 2 images, and right now i'm tired and want to go to bed. :P

(there's 15 models for me to show in the shinra staff, and thats 7.5 divided by 2, so i made the first set have 8 and the second is going to have 7.)

but don't worry, i included someone from each 'set' within Shinra. =3

but i was not going to show them from all 4 angles XD

that would have taken me forever to do and it would take up a lot of space! XD


and now i sleep. (its 10pm where i am and i have to get up at 4am tomorrow.)
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-07 11:57:42
This seems to be coming along nicely, even if Reno does look like he's drunk half a bottle of vodka  :-P

BTW, can anything be done about the huge open mouths that plague FF7 field models? It's quite annoying to watch someone like Sephiroth go around looking like he's had a stroke  :roll:
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 12:00:37
I only have 12 more models to do before i finish all the main people, but right now i'm trying to get my psp working with some custom firmware so i can play legend of dragoon and final fantasy 9 and the like on it.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: obesebear on 2009-08-07 14:56:04
I only have 12 more models to do before i finish all the main people, but right now i'm trying to get my psp working with some custom firmware so i can play legend of dragoon and final fantasy 9 and the like on it.
Sure it's off topic, but you brought it up.  What model PSP do you have?
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 15:33:26
its a 1000, or the 'phat' one.

However, i can't get the friggin thing to have the new firmware on it. >< (when i first got it, my friend was playing on it, then he decided to 'help' me out and update the official firmware from one that could easily be downgraded into the 5.51 firmware, and i can't find anything to downgrade it.)

relating to the SD models,  i didn't really work on more lately as i had work and getting my psp working. :P
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-07 15:43:57
BTW, can anything be done about the huge open mouths that plague FF7 field models? It's quite annoying to watch someone like Sephiroth go around looking like he's had a stroke  :roll:

Yeah, I wonder why most npcs have this open mouth thing going on.

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: obesebear on 2009-08-07 15:46:22
Well let's get this PSP up and running then.  If I was you, I would go ahead and create a Pandora battery.  Since you're on the FAT PSP, it shouldn't be too difficult for you http://www.noobz.eu/joomla/news/pandoras-battery.html (http://www.noobz.eu/joomla/news/pandoras-battery.html)  There is a way to continue using the pandora's battery to play games.  You have to also install the program that allows you to switch from 1.50 to 3.71 and a few other CFW's in between.  Unfortunately I forget the name of it
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 16:02:03
Hmm, hey, what about a redesign for Dio? i don;'t really like his...

...peado-ness. :P

(who has a children's theme park and run around and randomly hassle people who visit, IN HIS UNDERWEAR?)

I was thinking something like what odin is wearing, or failing that, just a t-shirt and jeans or something. (darker jeans, either sandles or no shoes with a black sleeveless shirt to show his 'muscles')

as for the psp, i'm just going to give up for now, and i don;t really wanna 'chance' myself by trying to make a pandora battery and would probably just buy one with one of those 'magic' memory cards or whatever they're called..
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-07 16:06:37
Hmm, hey, what about a redesign for Dio? i don;'t really like his...

...peado-ness. :P

(who has a children's theme park and run around and randomly hassle people who visit, IN HIS UNDERWEAR?)

Pfft, that's part of his "character"  :-D

as for the psp, i'm just going to give up for now, and i don;t really wanna 'chance' myself by trying to make a pandora battery and would probably just buy one with one of those 'magic' memory cards or whatever they're called..

You can buy them for not entirely unreasonable prices. I got mine from here (http://www.pandoragadgets.co.uk/) (judging from your spelling and the times at which you're online I'm assuming that you're also British)
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 16:10:57
okay, how many votes are we going to get for...

armoured Dio (odin-esc armour, still has his 'thong')
'normal' Dio (jeans, shirt)
peado dio (juuust his thong)

vote now! whoever gets the most votes (at 6pm GMT) will be continued. :P

edit: oh my! this was the 88888th post on the entire forum! YAY
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-07 16:36:04
I vote for paedo Dio!  :-D
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 16:47:04
....okay, fine, i'll do peado dio. i can see where this voting is going XD

but for ME, i'm doing armoured dio.  8-)

edit: does anyone recognize this badass mama's boy?  :P


Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-07 19:24:53
who was he again?  :wink:

I really like it!
just the eye thing again... i might end up using this mod over my own


and the mouth thing.. like everyone else.. i dislike
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-07 19:35:20
his eye seemed to corrupt or something.

buuut :P

whenever i put them ingame, i put everything bar the head, the head's rsd and the textures ingame, therefore keeping the original head and texture quality for the final version. (I use clean, unedited char.lgps when i test them)

ergo, for the final ones, there'll be no texture problems as i don't even mess with the heads and make everything else 'fit' around the head. =3

okay, this is a list of everyone i actually need to do before i can release it after testing it.

(also included is a list of everyone i DID do. :P)

cloud (aaaa) (afie) (ekbf) (eihd) (bhff) (htje) (bhff) (enab) (buge) (dlfb)
Tifa (aagb) (aggb) (buac) (axja) (eqib) (bidb)
Vincent (aehd) (bijd, i think, the turk outfit)
Aeris (auff) (diff) (cqga) (azbb) (cahc)
cid (abda) (aihb) (gzad)
Yuffie (abjb) (feea) (ahdf)
Zack (ibad) (ejdc) (ibgd)
wedge (bxbe)
Jesse (axdc)
Biggs (can't remember offhand)

heidigger (algd)
Hojo (anbd) (ekjb)
Palmer (eegc)
president shinra (awhf)
grunt (bwab) (dxbd) (eseb)
Reno (aodd) (mmmo)
rude (anic)
tseng (dbec)
reeve (bpjd)
elena (evfe)
Sephiroth (bkhd)
shinra employees (awcb) (dzgf) (cdja) (fbba)

still to do:
Barret (acgd) (fqcb) (aiba) (ayfb)
red 13 (adda) (fjcf)
Cait Sith (aebc) (fbge)

Zangan (bnaf)

Sephiroth (eoea) (bbab) (bgjc)
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-07 19:37:31
biggs is (bwfd)


Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-08 13:54:32
okay, the only people actually left for me to do is barret and red 13.

...i guess when i said i was putting them off, i MEANT it XD

(and i did do Scarlet, i was checking the files and realized i missed her, so i did her! yay!)

Although i didn't even touch the heads and used a completely fresh char.lgp to insert the  improved models to <didn't insert the 'new' heads or textures) Barret, Vincent, Cid and Yuffie don't have their textures loading for some reason.

i even tried extracting the fresh char.lgp and open it in kimera, and in that, no faces loaded. (even though before I had vincent, cid and yuffie with favcial textures when i was upping their models)

but here's a few screenshots i made when i was testing the mod. <terrible saves i had, i didn't even have one before the meeting that shows 90% of the shinra staff XD>

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-09 01:02:19
They look really good in-game. Hopefully you will be able to fix the white textures.

Unfortunatelly, I don't have any knowledge of modeling so I can't help  :|

Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-09 01:09:29
I was worried that they might look a little skinny, but these actually look brilliant and they fit into the game really well. Kudos to you.  :-P
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2009-08-09 01:13:02
looks great!
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-09 02:27:31
I am having the same problem..
The face textures in about 9 of my models
just seemed to disappear..
oddly enough.
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: lorddolor1989 on 2009-08-09 03:22:17
....okay, fine, i'll do peado dio. i can see where this voting is going XD

but for ME, i'm doing armoured dio.  8-)

edit: does anyone recognize this badass mama's boy?  :P


CAN YOU PLEASE,PLEASE!!!Make another mouth for the chibis?they look morons
Title: Re: Better chibi style people
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-09 05:59:10
I personally CAN'T... STAND.... those open mouth textures.

And *I* am slightly tweaking the designs of the chibi models to better 'suit' my interests.

(example, see Cid? his jacket goes down to his waist and not to the top of his leg)

As for the open mouth txtures, i'm going to change them to either a slight smile or maybe a sort of smug grin.

and i feel i have to quote someone. :P

'I was worried that they might look a little skinny, but these actually look brilliant and they fit into the game really well. Kudos to you.'

I tested them ingame with 'big' limbs and they just looked like gorilla people that escaped from the zoo, however, with 'skinny' limbs, they actually fit well into the game, see? i knew what i was doing? :P

as for a release, i could upload a 'sample' with just the main people done while i try to sort out the textures and fix the open mouth people.

(and also while i try to get Reno to use matra magic, i got everything else to work, but the animation done is still electro mag rod.)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-12 21:02:34
I declare this a bump!

But a useful bump. :P

Okay, all of the 'important' people now have better chibi style models. <including people like Dyne, Dio and some others that weren't shown on the list before>

However, I'm just doing some last minute changes to them <such as better mouths, which is a slight pain as i have to first copy a 'good' mouth to a different folder, then open every single hrc I edited and when i find one with a 'bad' mouth, i have to find the filename, copy and paste the good mouth back into the char.lgp with the texture's name, then rinse and repeat until its done, it isn;t hard, its just annoying and time consuming.> and also trying to fix the texture problems that i personally don't even know why is showing up as those files are completely 'fresh' <including the hrc> and still, some models just dont have a facial texture ingame.

Tomorrow for sure there's going to be a initial release of this so i can have the community test it if they so wish to, and if there's any bugs, i'll try to fix them, and if worse comes to worse and i can't get those textures working, meh, i'll just let someone else handle it, after all, for this i did put in most of the work. :P

also i renamed it to the Chibi reconstruction Project, the mod for the gamer that wants the classic feel of Final fantasy 7, but with better graphics true to the style of the original. :P

...yes i am bored. then again, if i wasn't, i wouldn't have done this blasted project. :P

(i am not doing all the NPCs, so don't even ask.)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-12 21:16:37
Hey, that's great to hear.  :-)


(i am not doing all the NPCs, so don't even ask.)

If this takes off, perhaps some other people might want to get involved. Would you be open to other people working on the project? (I'm not offering to do any modeling myself, it's just a hypothetical question? :-P). With several people on the team, getting all of the NPCs done might be feasible (and a lot of the NPC models are reused throughout the game).
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-12 21:35:27
If it takes off, then there's going to be a lot more modding resources available, after all, I know I personally borrowed models from the NPC RP to splice together something thats meant to look like me or someone off a anime or something, so i think someone might be able to use this, not only to play the game, but also as a mean to further enhance their own gameplay of FF7.

and... if i had a team of some kind, this would be a lot more bearable considering for the past few days, I personally was messing around with meteor, enemy AI, making new materia, increasing the stats and elemental side of enemies, making models for my own mod <Tifa the soldier is one of them> new animations to go with my mod, as well as the chibi reconstruction mod, so if anything else, a team of some sort would be some reason to keep going as on the whole, if i get bored with a mod, I tend to just stop doing it and watch Tv and forget it even existed basically.

in fact, i have some time right now that i'm using to get a head start on redoing the mouths and try somewhat vainly to get the faces appearing on some models, if i do all the heads <and redo the barret models as i was looking at it and for some reason they weren't how i had them before, so i had to remake them.> to have better textures, i might release it tonight as i need to stay up until midnight to take my medicine for my abscess.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Makubex (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-12 21:49:24
Sounds good.

My mod fell into a burning heap of ashes....
so, in turn, i will be using your mod!

I do like the chibi affect, as it feels right in FF7, you know?
hahah. Besides...
chibis with hands...
just it looks good.

(still is a tad upset about my mod failing.. -.-)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-12 22:07:15
yes, but your mod I myself could have 'done' instead somewhat quicker than this mod if i wanted to <as i had to do it before i recoloured them to suit the natural colours of the chibi models> so in a sense, your mod was pretty much a copy of mine with some changes that were done at the point i went in a different direction;

shared path: get the 'fancy' models over the original field ones.

my path - recolour them to the original models.

your path - restructure the limbs and textures so they're chibi.

although both do have their place and shouldn't be discouraged or put down as it takes time, energy effort and some skill to pull off something that looks good and fitting within the games.

(pats Makubex's shoulder) you'll be alright, from what i saw the problem was, it was somewhat easily fixable and i encountered similar problems myself when i was doing mods like the guard scorpion 13, for the broken limb <once you identified it> redo it with kimera 0.81 as that i find is the most stable one. (aka, causes the least corrupt .p files.>

and i do so like the smell of chibi models in the morning, err, night. :P
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-13 02:24:43
(still is a tad upset about my mod failing.. -.-)

Awwww. *hugs*  :-)

Still, perhaps you can team up now :roll: (unless you manage to get kimera working, and you probably will :wink:)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: willis936 on 2009-08-13 03:44:47
Is it possible for someone to convert this into world_us.lgp just for the Cloud model?   :-D

I think it'd make a good model for that.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Xelane on 2009-08-13 04:10:21
all you have to do is put the cloud model files in the world ipg and rename them to match the originals (im speculating)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-13 05:35:17
who said i didn;t do the world map models? :P

I changed the important world map models (the weaons and the people)

and now, to finish the rest of those textures. -_-

and i'm yet again trying a completely fresh char.lgp method and loading it in kimera and seeing if it has textures, if yes, merely put my edited p files <no heads> and it should work, yay.

if no, i curse a lot before getting tired of it and just pass it onto someone else. :P

edit: HAH! BOOYAH!


I got barret, Vincent and Cid thus far to have textures! i think its working now. :P

okay, fixing the models that had no texures, then i'm doing a final check to ensure i didn't forget any of the dumb mouths. (on the edited models)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Kuroda Masahiro on 2009-08-13 06:48:21
All thats left is just releasing it, but how do people want it released?

patcher <similar to the one for the FF7 PRP> merely compress the field content files into a rar <you'd have to use lgp tools yourself> or some other way?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-13 09:10:33
...since it looks like no one really have any ideas on how they want it released, i just went for the 'easy' method and made lgp files.

uploading to filefront.

when its finished, i'll update the first post with the link.

Initial release download link.

http://www.filefront.com/14272801/Final-fantasy-7-Chibi-reconstruction-Project-initial-release.rar/ (http://www.filefront.com/14272801/Final-fantasy-7-Chibi-reconstruction-Project-initial-release.rar/)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Matt2Tees on 2009-08-13 17:21:37
This looks very promising, I'm not a fan of the PRP, I prefer the Chibi models  :-D, good work!
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-13 17:59:58
Detail I noticed: in the initial release, the models I fixed to have textures are however darkened, but that is easily fixable, i just need to save the model using kimera 0.84 then insert those models back ingame.

also due to my laziness of not wanting to go upstairs to get the field weapons, they weren't changed in this version.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-13 18:47:38
I've noticed a crash when the flashback starts; with this mod, the game crashes before going to the truck with Cloud and Sephiroth. It happens with both Aali's graphics driver and the normal one.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-13 18:54:41
before the truck in the kalm flashback?

I'll look ino it, although i can't see what would cause that to crash as i saw plenty of scenes with sephiroth, the soldiers and cloud, and only if something about them corrupted or something should it actually crash, i'll look into it.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-13 18:55:31
Yes. Well, Cloud says "I was 16", the screen goes black as expected, then crash.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: willis936 on 2009-08-14 01:21:05
I like the world map model, but I noticed it doesn't include animations for walking through forests or world map curvature.  I'm not sure if it was on your checklist so I thought I'd just point it out.   :-D

Wait, that seems to be a problem on my end, sorry.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-14 03:09:37
My cloud has the messed up eye and no mouth haha. Thought you fixed that? If not it's fine, just bringing it to your attention.

Also seems to be some clipping on his pants where his knees are when he stands. dunno if it's suppose to be there. I'd love to screnshot, But for some forsaken reason Windows 7 refuses to screenshot anything using hardware rendering..
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Matt2Tees on 2009-08-14 09:57:19

What do you guys think? I've updated his head and changed his eye textures
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: willis936 on 2009-08-14 15:18:07
Great work guys, as preference goes I like to use these just for world_us.lgp but I noticed the highwind, tiny bronco, etc. detail is unaltered.
It's not all that important (and probably not even a priority), just thought I'd throw it out there.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-14 15:52:39
looks fantastic :-D

can't wait for the update :D
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-15 17:00:43
Well, since i grew bored of this, i'm dumping it on whoever wants to do it.

and in the file i uploaded, seems like in that version, something happened to the sephiroth model and part of it <not bothered enough to check> corrupted and crashes the game when its loaded.

another part that doesn't work is the seventh heaven, the game crashes when it loads, not entirely sure why. (considering everyone IN seventh heaven loads fine.)

but i digress.

as for your cloud head... chibis need big eyes, those are almost as small as Howard Moon's. :P
(don't get the reference? Howard Moon is a character in 'The Mighty Boosh' a running joke is that his eyes are small.)

Besides, if people here have a problem with me just 'quitting' on this, I suggest they pick it up and continue it or don't complain.

I'm back to doing personal mods for the time being.

It just isn't in my nature to release anything to the general public.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-15 17:21:23

What do you guys think? I've updated his head and changed his eye textures

he looks pissed off lol but other than that... wonderful  :-D
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-15 17:51:35
No more good chibi's then.. Damn.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-15 23:00:00
No more good chibi's then.. Damn.

It is a shame; hopefully someone else will pick it up. Fortunately, this kind of mod requires making lots of little, easy-to-make mods that each have a tangible result; that means there is a constant feeling of progress that I imagine would be more encouraging than having to spend hours before anything that can be used in the game is made. A chibi reconstruction project can be cut up into easy-to-swallow chunks. I think...


What do you guys think? I've updated his head and changed his eye textures

he looks pissed off lol but other than that... wonderful  :-D

Yeah, he does look pretty angry :lol:


« Reply #106 on: Today at 00:00:00 »

Wowzers, look at the time :roll:
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Terid__K on 2009-08-16 01:22:31
A damn shame indeed that this mod is dead. But understandable.

This should be used for refenrence in future mods. This is how you do the chibis right.

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 03:01:21
Interesting. I am thinking about taking this up, it Murak is deciding to quit. Any one want to help?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 04:23:51
any idea how i can fix Clouds lack of a mouth and eye texture?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 04:26:24
Nothing Concrete. But, I would assume it you only have apply the texture directly to the LGP file.
Or it might be the extracting process itself. Cause LGP tools is faulty, aali said it himself, and even made a new tool.
So i will tinker with it in a bit.
I am cleaning up my computer. Defraging, the works. Its been ages since i have done any sort of modding. I  missed it.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 04:27:21
No problem, I'd like to try and fix this up with the few issues it has. I am no modeler so beyond that i think i'm no good.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 04:36:56
You don't need to be a modeler to learn kimera.

I knew kimera far before i learned how to do 3D. I am still learning 3D in fact. And my kimera skills are a bit rusty.
Hahah. But, with a little brushing up, this should be no problem.

-Blood Crow
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 04:38:18
I'm trying to learn 3d. I JUST got blender working haha.. i am just a crappy artist in general. so anything creative sucks haha
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 04:45:50
Anything comes with practice. Don't dis-credit your self. I had the same thoughts when i started 3D. But now i can make a buster sword.
:D... Gee whiz.XD.

Seriously, when i started modding, i had no artistic talent, i believed i was un-adequate. But now, i can do pretty much whatever i want (that is possible) to FF7... Mainly because programmers come out with these awesome tools. XD.

But yeah... I really should be a motivational speaker. All i did was make my self look bad, and contradicted myself.
Hahah. Oh well.


I think i found a fix. I am taking all the body parts from Murak's mod and then replacing them to the original. Keeping the original head.
I am not sure if that is good. Did he update the head (in his release)?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:23:51
Why do you want original models now? he changed everything but the head haha
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:24:14

this is what i meant.
Replace the original parts with murak's.. so you have the original head.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:25:16
Oh i think i get what you're saying, putting all his new parts on your old models. Right?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:26:39
yes. without touching the head.
So that you keep the mouth and eyes textures.
Is this what you wanted?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:27:48
Yeah i wanted to not so weird textures, Clouds weird eye an no mouth is odd haha.

Are you taking where Murak left off?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:29:57
I suppose i am. But, this may take some more time.
For now i will see if this works in game. I don't really get how to make the lgp with Aal's new tools.
So for now i will stick with the original LGP tools. Hahah.
And which models did he do in all? I know Cloud, aeris, vincent...and he said he was going to do others, but i don't know which ones he did.
Hahah. Do you?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:30:31
Think someone is making (or working on making) a GUI for it
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:32:00
I hope they do. Its very user unfriendly as it is.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:34:58
Just command line isn't it?
Probably not to hard. just change to the directory to where you have the lgp and run it with something like "unlgp.exe battle.lgp"

Or "unlgp.exe c:/program files/square soft, inc./Final Fantasy VII/data/battle/battle.lgp"

might also need an output directory, But i'm not sure there
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: obesebear on 2009-08-16 05:37:14
Click here for cheats (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=8641.msg112556#msg112556) :-)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:37:46
Doesn't matter at the moment. Hahah.
We have progress.  :-D


He looks alright. But, tell me, what other models did he do... and which other models have texture issues?
And i see what you meant with his legs looking odd. I will try to fix that.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:38:54
Oh he did change the head. He used a different neck.

Use his head but your textures maybe?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:43:19
its the head that messes up the textures.
I don't know why... but the textures were fine, until i dropped murak's cloud head into the folder, and opened it in kimera.....
the textures get messed up again.
And when i put back the original head the textures are fine.

It seems to me it stretches the texture... and the face is out too much to see the mouth.
I think it may be the UVs or something. Something i don't know how to fix.

I did my best to make the original look more like his...


i think i made his chin a tad to pointy.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:49:46
I actually think it looks perfect. Kudos to you my friend :-D
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 05:50:39
i also lowered the legs a bit. So you don't get that clipping effect.

It still looks off to me...

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 05:59:16
yeah when the game adds lighting to it it doesn't look as good.. Needs to be rounder.

I'd offer a screenshot of his original.. Win7 hates taking Screen shots of games..
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: sl1982 on 2009-08-16 06:06:11
Fraps is your friend. Works fine with windows 7
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:12:25
i am working on the legs. Its really hard to get them to look nice and not overlap.


Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 06:14:36
Think his chin just needs to be a tad less pointy. But the roundness the same (if possible)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:14:58
its hard to work with verteces in kimera.
I will do my best.

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 06:16:28
I need to get Kimera to work..

What version are you using?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:18:04
I use 84b for my shaping and adding parts work. And 9 when i do texture/ animation work.

But seriously. Does anyone know, a good place to take screenies, that is near a save point.
Cause i hate having to watch that opening movie... over and over again.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 06:19:59
search the forums for GPYT it lets you skip cutscenes (if you want to remove it after just make a copy of yoru FF7 executable before applying)
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:29:39
Dreary. Gypt doesn't seem to want to work on my PC. Aw well, i am too lazy to investigate as of why.

here is another screenie:


I don't know... the chin is extremely hard to edit in kimera.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 06:30:28
I think it looks good. Needs a tad point to it. But i think this is as good as it will get. Also might just be the angle he is standing

I feel i am being to nit picky and should just be happy @.@
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:32:09
Screw me!
I just realized. That Murak's head was the original head.. just lowered downward a bit.

Well anyways... One second I will fix this.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:40:03

That is the original cloud head, moved down about two places. The collar on the torso served as a neck. So i think Murak just moved it down.

And the legs are really hard to work with, what do you think?

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-16 06:41:38
what the... images deleted *sigh*  :-(
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:42:37
Oh oops. Sorry.
I delete the images as i post a new one. I am bad like that.
:(... call it over organization.
For some reason they still show up for me?
O.o Its like i didn't even delete the for me.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2009-08-16 06:43:47
Oh oops. Sorry.
I delete the images as i post a new one. I am bad like that.
:(... call it over organization.
For some reason they still show up for me?
O.o Its like i didn't even delete the for me.

i thought someone else deleted them or something lol
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 06:44:47
Hahah. you can still see the last one i posted, right?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 06:50:32
Perfect job :-D
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 07:05:40

well here is my version of cloud.

just unpack your "char lgp"
paste the files in...
the repack. And viola!

Now the question is.
who next?
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 07:09:18
Awesome job :D

i'd ask for Muraks permission, take his file and your new cloud. and make your own thread
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 07:14:06
Oh yeah...... I just kind of assumed. That since he is dropping the whole thing. That any one could pick up?
that was the impression i got. but you are right. I should ask for permission before i release anything else.

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2009-08-16 07:15:08
I think he said it is okay. But better be safe then sorry haha (also give credit where credit is due) about to go check it out :-D
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 07:17:01
Well yeah. Murak Modder gets the bulk of the credit.

I am still going to work on if only for myself. Until i get a reply from Murak.
So i am still going to post my work here. I just won't release it.

I don't get it. Using Murak Modder's Chibi mod. All the models lose their, "brightness"
i wonder why that  is.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Murak Modder on 2009-08-16 07:45:52
Not all models lose their 'brightness', however, that is a 'bug' with kimera 0.81, but that version is also the most stable.

to un-darken them, all thats actually needed to do is save the model with kimera 0.84, thats it.
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Blood_Crow (Mendelevium) on 2009-08-16 07:56:24
Not all models lose their 'brightness', however, that is a 'bug' with kimera 0.81, but that version is also the most stable.

to un-darken them, all thats actually needed to do is save the model with kimera 0.84, thats it.

Seems simple enough.

Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2009-08-16 14:44:14
Wow, there have been a lot of posts here since last night!

Just one thing: I think that Cloud's chibi model looks better with the original neck, even if it is different from his battle model; he looks a little uncomfortable with that turtleneck thing. I wonder what other people feel about this...
Title: Re: Chibi Reconstruction Project <release>
Post by: Matt2Tees on 2009-08-16 22:11:41
New Version Released :-D http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=8857.msg113902#msg113902 (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=8857.msg113902#msg113902)