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Messages - DarkestDream

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FF9 Tools / Re: [WIP/REL 0.4b] Memoria - FFIX Save editor
« on: 2013-03-04 04:26:55 »
I found a bug in the editor. I have Ore item in my inventory. So using the save editor to bring that up to 50. Somehow the editor see it as "Opal". And I see two Opal in the drop down menu of item. I thought maybe it is the editor see it as Opal but ingame it is really Ore. So I tested it out. and they both showing Opal in the game. Can you fix that problem? I checked the previous version of the editor and it show two Opal in the drop down menu list. If you can fix it, it will be great.

One of the sickest thing i ever seen, the head sawed off. Im not sure if people did see this. That time the Iraqi?? have some american plumber hostage and show on video to slowly saw his head off. I was sitting there with eye twitching, the guy is actually screaming while cutting his head off. it wont show in american tv but i happen to found it in some russian site.

This was on the news few years ago. but they never show the actual video
This thread has no chance of getting back on topic.

That for sure.... curious who to blame for getting off the topic... is it Kudos??? or is it Hemeer? mmmm?

*Inb4 someone confuses bishoujo with bishounen

you mean Bishōjo?    :-D :-D :-D

interesting views on this. I did had a discussion with my friends like in 2002 (that time im in high school). few of them said they like VII because of good group, great storyline. come to think of it. two of them is goth.... well now it make sense why they like it  :-P

Dude X-2 sucks...hope this can convince you.
And I played FFVII in 2001, before advent children. And I think it's overrated...I didn't think it was overrated at the time, but after playing the other ones in the series I changed my mind about VII. Hopefully someone on this forum will soon too...

pardon my french. what the hell they would do that kind of thing in X-2..... Yuna and Rikku.... look freakish. grants that they got older but... what the hell is that? I see Rikku is dancing like a mindless zombies because her eyes is not even moving! I grew up in deaf culture, i prefer to have emotions on the face than the body... but hell there is no emotions at all...... *big time shudders* ok im backing away from X-2.

only two glitches i know is Item Dup and Chocobo racing.  the chocobo racing part is not really a glitch but in PC port of FF7, page up and down at the same time will regen chocobo stamina

ok then it settled then i got all the info i need for tidus. Two questions.

I know about you all giving a cold shoulder to X-2. but im curious to know what it really like? i read it said it is more of mission based. so im assuming it is like Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast version). Oh BTW, if anyone know what happen yesterday, it is Sega Dreamcast 10th year anniversary. That why i didnt really check this post often because i been playing Skies of Arcadia all day.

And about XII. some of you said it more like XI. I already saw what XI gameplay like.... no offense to those player it is not my playing style for MMO. But i did saw the gameplay in youtube and my bro played it long time ago. he didnt really play it much and just ditch it. So what XII look like? i saw the details video of each summon... omg that so awesome! but what the playing style is like in XII? i check the and they have of bunch of spells that is way out of my final fantasy knowledge (i played III [DS version], FFCC Ring of Fates, VII, VIII, IX, X, Kingdom hearts [i know KH is not related with FF but their spells and summons is the same]). I did see the gameplay of the toughest boss in the whole Final Fantasy series. but again im curious how it is really like? im a kind of person that prefer to see what people think than what the gameplay revealed to me.


2) *Terrible* character design. Making the main character a weak annoying sissy with no strong suits (first original attack you learn is cheer? really?) is NOT a good idea. The strongest bloody character fought by throwing a volleyball for Christ's sake...

Wakka is very strong person in the game, same as Kimahri. Kimahri is highly customizeable, you can make him take any path of each character. i took Kimahri to Wakka path because of higher str.

And one thing is REALLY bugging me in FFX... Who is the leader in the group? On the cover of FFX game, i see Tidus, so i assumed he must be the leader of the group but when i progress in the game, i realized there is no de facto leader in the group. i noticed Auron is the leader but no one claim it. I know Yuna is somewhat a "leader" because she a summoner and the rest is the guardian. but Heck i strongly feel Auron the leader because he the one who guide them. That why i feel a little disappointed in FFX. i know Square usually have leader like Cloud, Squall and Sora (KH/KH2). but why FFX dont make it happen?

That one thing i like about FF series, it allow you to guess thing, assume which the story really fit right. that the reason why i love FF7 so much because during the timelime of FF7, there is lots of question un-answered but you still can guess what it really like. For example, what is the true purpose for Vincent Valentine to be Chaos, it answered most of the time in Dirge of Cerberus (great game in my opinion), why WEAPONS is there for, many other thing most of them can be found through but i like the feel of questioning but make sense in the book. Compare to FFX, after completeling the game, i went WTF! it didnt make sense to me about Tidus and Fayth related. That is why im here to ask you all. i still feel there is more to it.

And i did research about X-2 is like. one of the game site said it based on mission. many many many of missions. after reading that, i was like it didnt have a feel of RPG to me. it didnt really follow what FFX is like. so im curious what X-2 is like

It was a long time since I played the game, but wasn't there some kind of connection between Sin, Jecht, Tidus? Jecht got sucked up by Sin 1000 years ago when Tidus was just a kid. And came to the future and went with Auron and whatever his name was Braska? They defeated Sin together...Braska died, Auron died but remained alive as a ghost to watch over Braska's daughter Yuna.

Jecht defeated Sin and somehow got reborn as Sin? I don't remember. But he is Sin...then Tidus gets sucked up into Sin's mouth. And Auron watches over him too. Because he promised Jecht to come and get him. Then Tidus meets Yuna and her destiny is to defeat Sin (Jecht). Then a lot of random stuff happens....

In the end Tidus fights his father Sin. And by defeating him he destroys the only connection he had to the world, Sin? His father, Auron and Jecht returns to the farplane right. And that is where it all ends....I don't remember anything about Yu Yevon.

Auron is quite a awesome character when you think about it. And don't buy FFX-2, worst Final Fantasy game to date...I repeat DON'T BUY IT!! Even Final Fantasy XII is better than that.

I understood that part, already got that in my mind but why Fayth claimed Tidus is a dream? If Tidus is from the past and carried to the future, then why he is not an actual spira human being other than a "dream" as fayth create him?

I must be overlooking thing

I recently completed the game last night. it a good game. i like the Sphere Grid system. but my hearts still love FF7 :)

Anyway. after completeling it last night. There is one part about Fayth appear in Tidus dream and claiming that Tidus is made from Fayth's dream. Make sense to me, right? but wait if Tidus is really a dream, then why Jecht (Tidus' father) is real and able to go to Farplane, and Jecht still see Tidus as his real son? I havent got the opportunity to play X-2 (im not really sure if i really want to play X-2). and at the end of the credit, Tidus got revived by Fayth. ok im really confused about this part. is Tidus is really a dream or Tidus just happen to died then become a "dream spirit thingy" then got revived?

I dont care if there a spoiler, just tell me, i been almost up the whole night trying to figure out about Tidus dream thing.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Where One-Winged Angel Music?
« on: 2009-09-04 03:49:03 »

Oh wow... I did not know that of the origins of the word "Sephiroth". Hmm interesting.  :roll:

If you go to, they have all the info of every final fantasy game. they the one is how i found out about the meaning of Sephiroth

 To Kudistos Megistos. thanks and i will look for it in itune. thanks. and thanks to everyone here helping out.

now let me go play my favorite character in FFX, Kimahri (BTW.... Sphere Grid is a interesting system.... but i like it how it work)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Where One-Winged Angel Music?
« on: 2009-09-03 06:54:52 »
Here the lyric that what i hope it is the same link as i posted on the first post. if you click the play button lyric on the right side, that the orginal link i post. sorry if i lead you all in confusion and forgot that i should post the lyric to make it easier

So it is. Perhaps I too am hard of hearing :|

Anyway, we'll see if this (definitely not from the reunion tracks) is the version he wanted:

That is the one i believe it is. i kinda fast forward to get the music where that .ogg file i listened to and it sound the same! thank you so much for helping me find it.

But if that is the music, where i can find that legit music file where i can download it from or itune?

EDIT: And im so sorry if i made you guys in the witch hunt to look for very specific music i want to. If you dont believe that is the one, just let me know and ask me to make it more specific and i will be willing to. thank you, Satoh and Kudistos Megistos. just let me know if you need more info on it.

To Kudistos Megistos.  i am profound deaf on the medical records. I rely on hearing aid to make me hear thing. and i grew up in mainstream school and school for the deaf (private school by the state). So i lost some of my ability to understand more on words. so that why i kind of rely on you guys to listen the music for me and hopefully it is the right kind.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Where One-Winged Angel Music?
« on: 2009-09-02 20:42:00 »
I am hard of hearing, i dont do well on latin words. the reason why i like that specific song because of rhythm i like amd was hoping to find track is that 100% same as the one i posted

Completely Unrelated / Where One-Winged Angel Music?
« on: 2009-09-01 22:52:56 »
I been looking around in for more info on final fantasy stuff. and came across with One-Winged Angel section and talking about they have few music related with One-Winged Angel music from few games and Advent Children. but one specific music that i like "One-Winged Angel - Reunion Tracks" I went to iTune to find that music and preview the music. it just not the same track. i could be mistaken. Im curious if anyone know this music and know that it real title and the album it from?

Archive / Re: Help with FF7 not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-06-03 20:14:17 »
I think the problem is outdated DirectX files called DirectMedia. PM me if you still need help and I will see about getting the files to you.

Where is that?

Archive / Re: Help with FF7 not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-06-02 02:38:40 »
Wuz, i went to get that file and put it on my system32, then load FF7.exe, still no good, it not showing any movie. so i went to ffdshow but where i disable it? i cant find  it

that all i got on it.

Archive / Re: Help with FF7 not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-05-30 01:54:27 »
It seem that my computer not even bother to load the media file. i was looking at my CD activity light, it not even blinking, i try to feel it but nothing. it just dont want to load any media file.

Archive / Re: Help with FF7 not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-05-30 00:56:48 »
Well, the .avi files the game uses are encoded with an outdated codec, which the "Install movie player" button installs. However, if thats not working for you, I'm out of ideas. I'm sure there's a solution, but I'm not super smart about video cards and Final Fantasy VII's video problems. The upside down movie patch might help.

i already said i did the upside down movie patch. i suspected it might be the codec that not working well for old .avi. anyone have those outdated codec i can use for my ff7?

Archive / Re: Help with FF& not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-05-30 00:17:57 »
But the movie are based on .avi, my Media Player Classic and WMP should read them without a problem.

But im going to install Movie Player and see what happen

AMEND: Nope, it didnt work, it still not showing the movie, and the logo of Edios

Archive / Help with FF7 not loading movie properly
« on: 2006-05-29 22:42:06 »
WOW, it been a long time i havent post here. i remember some of you. Not sure if you remember me. I was at World of Warcraft game and forgotten about FF. shame on me :( until i finally watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children on DVD. it amazing to watch, i really enjoy watching it. after i watched it. my brother and i want to play FF7 game again. I truly miss those groupie in action.

Anyway, back to my tech-related problem. I changed my Video card to nVidia GeForce4 MX 4000. I know FF7 have a huge problem with nVidia driver. When i loaded FF7, with all the patch (without Animevamp's patch) Choco patch, movie patch, and Config 1.2 patch. Im currently using Media Player Classic and never had a issue in the past with it. But since now, it does. When i loaded FF7, all im showing a black screen and got to Menu. it puzzling me that the movie is not showing it. so i decide to copied all Movie clip to my hard drive and edit the registry to tell the FF7 to use the hard drive for the movie. And still showing the same blank black screen. So im at loss here, i can load the game without a problem but rather to have a video in it. I use with and without FF7w program and it still not showing the movie. Im not sure if it my media player problem or Config's problem beacuse i saw nVidia TNT and Riva. But it not checked.

Any helps here? Im using Window Xp Pro with nVidia GeForce4 MX 4000 with latest DirectX updates. I reallly want to play FF7 with the movie, so help me out here.

Archive / cant get Music to work in FF7
« on: 2005-06-16 22:03:42 »
i didnt relized that SW Synth is muted cuzx i muted it long time ago and dont know what it is. now i can hear music, thanks for your help

Archive / cant get Music to work in FF7
« on: 2005-06-16 02:54:00 »
I dont know why the music is not running in FF7 but it still can hear sound, Music and sound is already full. in FF7 Config, i tested the music, it not running. i am using Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth midi driver (only one in midi driver option) and test all with any midi data. i already unchecked Logarithmic Volume Control to see it, still the same result. the Sound Driver i am using is Realtek AC97 Audio. the music work fine in any other game but not in FF7. my computer spec is WinXP, already have chocobo patch. and FF7 working smoothly but the music is not. hwo i get it to work, i enjoying hearing the battle theme  :roll:  :wink:

Archive / FFVII No items glitch?
« on: 2005-04-06 01:56:00 »
Jevona save editor can take you to debug room, make sure you save it in a different file to see if it works

Archive / FF7 runs too fast
« on: 2005-03-29 02:43:18 »
cadd, yes there is some program that can slow down the speed. but those program i dont know of

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