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Messages - Masamune666

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Random Idea
« on: 2012-07-01 18:00:33 »
Hey guys, I've got a random idea that I'm not sure has really been thought about or whatnot.  But... what about adding support for a second player similar to that of ff6 etc?  Something I've been pondering about the past few days but not really sure how to implement or if it'd even be possible.  Thoughts?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Speed Runs Make Me Cry
« on: 2012-05-30 21:13:53 »
The only speed runs that I could think of being any sort of relevance or challenge would have to be non rpg games from nes or snes.. examples were given above such as ninja gaiden an megaman.  The real challenge, would be to actually do it on the console and not an emulator with save states imho..

Hi all im new to this site so go easy on me lol first off just want to give big respect to all the people involved in the modifications and to pitbrat for making bootleg was so easy to follow anyway its  an amazing game which i haven't played in years and looking forward to playing with 100x better graphics.

Everything is spot on the only ONE problem i have is (excuse me if im been petty lol) when in battles, the game seems to lock for a split second whenever any player/enemy is doing any attacks ie magic ect and ESPECIALLY when one of the players gain a limit break it goes so slow its kinda annoying. Ive tried messing with the settings Ive even tried reinstalling with different mods several times and still no joy maybe it could be something simple but its deffo annoying and is in someway spoiling the game for me lol because everything else runs mintage!!!! any ideas would be greatly appreciated  :D :D :D

I had a similar issue actually where the battle swirl an any sort of screen movement would lag me out to the point of nothing happening except Cloud standing on the field for 5 min or so waiting to go into battle, or Kujata standing in place for a long time while the ground finished ripplin' after his final attack.. try reducing your resolution in your ff7_opengl.cfg to 640 by 480 an that should help :)

Troubleshooting / Re: Lack of sounds
« on: 2012-05-30 20:53:09 »
hahahaha roflfail

forgot to actually use the Yamaha midi data driver dealy >.<

works as it should now with all these nice fancy addons.  Again kudos to you all for such great work on an old "classic" game such as this :)

Only unfortunate thing is that my pc can't handle the best of it, so, I'm limited to making that game look really awesome instead of exceptionally awesome :P

Troubleshooting / Re: Lack of sounds
« on: 2012-05-30 20:37:27 »
Sry, I should have elaborated a bit more I s'pose... I do have sound effects for when the cursor is being moved, but any sound effect during battle such as phsical attacks or spells/summons don't seem to come up at all.  My driver is set to what it should be and sounds aren't muted at all..  it's a tiny aspect I noticed last night that didn't get much chance to really test out today as of yet.  I'm not using any mods for audio in any way.  My driver works fine and has before when I used the Ultima version and even vanilla install of ff7.. jus tnot sure where my sound effects in battle went  :|

Troubleshooting / Lack of sounds
« on: 2012-05-30 16:47:16 »
Hello everyone,

new to the forums, but have been reading here for about a week or so now.  I've installed several of these mods and am very happy to see all the hard work and effort you all have put in to these, kudos to you all!

My question will probably seem a bit noobish, but it's been bugging me since last night.  It seems my sound effects for various things are almost non existent.. ie: casting a spell/summon, there's no sound effect to indicate it's being cast and no sound effects for when the spell/summon hits.. i think the same is happening for physical attacks as well.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and again, kudos to you all for undertaking such a project of epicness xD

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