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Messages - pbuckman258

Pages: [1]
FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2006-04-26 16:56:40 »
Borde i have a battle model which i edited from steve jr, remember the zack battle model which he created but it seems this project has come to a close, the problem with it was that the eyes did not appear heres the head anyway have a go and tell me what you think is wrong

Archive / Element and Effect Status Editing
« on: 2006-04-25 14:10:21 »
thanks for you help dziugo just what i wanted.

Archive / Element and Effect Status Editing
« on: 2006-04-25 10:57:52 »
Has anybody made a stat editor which can modify the elements and effects stats for example, make cloud immune to all status such as poison and sleep rather then having to equip an item that covers a certain status and so you can attack with a certain element rather then having to equip a certain materia ive always wanted a save game editor that did this but i have never found one just hoping there is one out there.  Any help will be greatly appreciated. Also i have one more question is there anyway to make cloud invincible to all attacks like sephiroth in clouds past ive tried FF7W's cheat plugin but it still shows the damage i would like all damage to register as zero, if you can see what i mean. These are just few of many questions ive always wanted to find the answer to.

FF7 Tools / Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2006-04-23 14:34:22 »
I have been making battle models with kimera but for some reason when i put the models into the game the eyes never appear, if your going to release a new version of the model editor i suggest adding a feature where you can insert the eyes directly onto the model.

Archive / Adding Sephiroths Hair in HRC file
« on: 2006-04-22 11:59:46 »
ok thanks for your reply ill try out kimera then

Archive / Adding Sephiroths Hair in HRC file
« on: 2006-04-22 10:31:53 »
I have been messing around with the field models, and i was wondering how do you add an extra bone into HRC file so that sephiroth hair appears on the cloud field model. I have swapped things around so that cloud is now sephiroth but his hair is only missing i know this has been done in the passed but im stuck any help would be greatly appreciated.

Archive / Zack mod
« on: 2006-03-29 08:29:00 »
If you tell me what to do ill put the eyes on myself, im using your mod quite abit so could you PM me or send me the file through philip2012@hotmail.

Thanks in advance

Archive / Weapon Modifications, Menus, Stats...How???
« on: 2006-03-29 08:23:10 »
I think that’s abit uncalled for it was a simple request a yes or no would of been adequate anyway ill take that as a no and ill have to keep studying Gears.

Archive / Weapon Modifications, Menus, Stats...How???
« on: 2006-03-28 21:25:39 »
can somebody make a editing the kernel.bin walkthrough for people who have no programming knowledge or hex editing knowledge. I have read gears but still i dont understand i need somebody to explain it in a simplyer tone. thanks

« on: 2006-03-28 17:24:05 »
I made my own sephiroth mod, well you cant really call it a mod its just swapping files around for example swapping the hi res sephiroth for the normal one so when i use the sephiroth patch i have the hi res version. The one thing i have problems with is editing the kernal.bin so i can edit the weapon values because it doesnt seem right using clouds weapons for him. Could anybody edit the weapon values for me basically copying the values for the masamune and putting them instead of the ragnarok. I have tried so many times to do it my self but no luck thats why i am asking for help.

Archive / Zack mod
« on: 2006-03-28 17:18:19 »
Have you been able to put eyes on the zack battle model, if you have could i have a copy please.

Archive / FF7 Bin extractor
« on: 2005-04-23 16:01:21 »
Does anybody have the ff7 bin extractor i found the website it use to be on but they closed it down, i need it to pen the kernel.bin up and extract the files that currently reside in it.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF7 item data
« on: 2005-04-23 15:19:51 »
how do you extract the files from your kernal.bin everytime i try to do it, it says suffix unknown when using gzip or gunzip. can you walk me through getting these files from kernel.bin it would be a big help

Archive / My new sephiroth patch problems
« on: 2005-04-20 12:41:00 »
let me refrase the question, what file in the final fantasy 7 folder tells the char.lgp what animation goes with each sprite for example most characters use the aaga.a file as their basic run animation so what file is telling the char.lgp that is the file to use.
their must be something in the char.lgp or in the field folder PLEASE CAN SOMEBODY HELP

Archive / My new sephiroth patch problems
« on: 2005-04-18 19:50:14 »
i have been trying to edit the animation files in the char.lgp i managed to get sephiroth walking and running without any strange animations he also had his hair, the problem is that if i replace the file it effects every other model how do i stop this happening im trying to make a more complete sephiroth patch.

The things i have done so far

Sephiroth is now hi res
Sephiroth appears on the world map,
Super Nova as a limit break,
Fixed sound problem use to play clouds attacking noise now plays sephiroths,
Masamune is now his main weapon rather then having clouds weapons,

I cant get cosmo to work after version 0.55, when i open the newer versions the program is in the system tray but it wont maximise. How can i make it work i also have all drivers in the correct place so i was just wondering does anybody know how i can get it to work

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