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Messages - StarkRaven

Pages: [1]
Great work! I've been playing around with porting a few shaders from pete's psx plugin, and here's a few things I've noticed:

enable_postprocessing seems to disable AA. I have 16x AA forced on in the nvidia control panel.
We can load custom fragment shaders using a .post file but there's no way to load custom vertex shaders, correct?
The .post file can only contain glsl, not asm, correct?

The good psx shaders I've found are distributed in asm and use vertex + fragment shading, so this has blocked me.

General Discussion / Dumb FF7 Factiod
« on: 2005-12-04 08:22:16 »
Potential Spoiler if you haven't managed to beat the game yet.

I've been playing around with filters to clean up the in-game ff7 movies. I got to the fmv where Seph rips Jenova out of the reactor above Cloud's home town, and noticed the plaque on Jenova's container. It always bugged me that I couldn't read it because the movie quality was so poor.

Well I did some filtering and image enhancement. I think it says:
Made in ??????
All Rights Reserved 1999
Shinra Company Limited

Not very exciting. But there you go.

Archive / ff7 movie enhancement?
« on: 2005-12-04 07:30:35 »
Heh, I can't believe this thread is still alive. I've barely visited the site since I started the thread half a year ago. I love this site.

For those people who don't own the psx version, I've had good luck filtering the PC video in VirtualDub to eliminate jagged edges and compression artifacts.

Two filters have been particularly helpful. I don't think either one comes with virtual dub, but a google seach should find them.

*WarpSharpen by Avery Lee.
*FFDShow for Virtual Dub

I'm still playing around to find the right settings but things look nicer.

Great, love being able to use fsaa on my ati! Let me give me 2 cents though and say that a better background stretching system is now on the top of my wish list.

Archive / FF7Music Makes Cloud Invincible...?
« on: 2005-07-12 01:08:16 »
I have installed ff7music 1.11 on three computers now and I have the same problem on all of them. The music works fine, but my characters take no damage in battle! If they are attacked, the amount of damage appears over their head, but their HP doesn't go down.

This happens even when I have no other hacks installed. Restoring the 1.02 exe fixes the problem. Any ideas?

Archive / FF7 - Reactor RELOADED Project
« on: 2005-07-12 00:43:10 »
Sorry if I'm missing something, but if you made some high-rez character models shouldn't it be possible to covert them to a format that the game will accept, like the work being done in the Reunion thread?

And Saint mentioned that including support for high-rez backgrounds was something he was considering, but a low priority. If that ever happened, you could take 2d pictures of your town models and use them as backgrounds.

Replacing the battle arenas, I'm not sure if thats possible. I haven't heard of anyone trying that before.


btw I realize that the models are stored in the lgp in pieces and a non standard format, but perhaps borde or reunion could show them where to slice up the model.
I'll shut up now though because I have no idea how a 3d model is stored.

MOD EDIT: Don't double-post.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-07-07 07:08:55 »
GREAT work!
I'm already using modified world map and char files though. Could you release an archive with the new models but no installer? Then I could install these models manually after I use the hand patch to get rid of the block hands on all the NPCs.

Glorious! And I noticed in the readme, you are working on interpolation instead of pixel doubling! You are my hero.

With ff7music, battle -> field conversion, your highrez, and interpolated backgrounds, it'll be like a total remake!

DirextX Tweaker already has a truform plugin. They use the generic non-ATI term, N-patches.
from the read me:
4. Force NPatch: Forces global activation for N-Patch Tesselation if available on the graphics adapter.

For an example of npatches/truform working on N64 games, check out these screen shots using Orkin's experimental plugin. The results are phenominal. But look at Link's sword handle in the last shot for an example of "bloating" that can happen with truform.

And the current version of DXTweaker contains partial support going back to directX7. Perhaps it will extend father back as the deveoper works on it.

That being said, I have been totally unable to get the program to do anything on my radeon x800, even in dx9 games that it specifically supports. I am virtually positive I have configured it correctly.. And the n-patches plugin doesn't seem to be included in the archive.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-06-12 00:39:16 »
Kadaj: I think the breast plate looks better in game, where the lighting highlights her rack. so to speak. At least thats how it looks from the smaller in-game shot.

I'd say tweak the hand-to-arm size ratio and you got yourself a pretty nice model there. Infinitely better than the original.

Gah, seeing these auxiliary characters fleshed out in high-rez is going to take some getting used to. Now I might actually care when they die.

Releases / Re: WOW THIS ROCKS!
« on: 2005-06-09 18:33:53 »
Quote from: timdunkley
oh and if anyone knows where i can download the patchs/hacks for FF7, such as the hand/PSF music/high res hacks would much apprciate it :) thx u.

To enable hands on everyone, use get LGP Tools and Ficedula.dll from
Then get the hand hack,
Make sure to read the directions on how to use LGP Tools to apply the hand hack.

(edit) Also, you probably want to apply the hand patch BEFORE installing any new models from this thread. I assume that installing the hand patch after would cause problems or at least write sucky hands over the nice new ones on these models.

To get sexy music quality, go to
Again make sure you read the instructions, these ones are fairly lengthy.

Archive / ff7 movie enhancement?
« on: 2005-06-09 02:55:39 »
oops, found the IDCT setting under misc. settings. I have it set to auto. What does changing it do?

What I'm really trying to do is smooth out the video. The jagged edges from the in-game resizing is what is bugging me the most. But I don't think that any amount of filtering the files will fix the crappy in-game stretching.

Archive / ff7 movie enhancement?
« on: 2005-06-09 02:52:26 »
Just figured out how to load up ffdshow filters in virtualdub so thats what i'm doing now. Whats IDCT about? I found a DCT setting in my build of ffdshow but it just gave me a series of boxes with numbers in them and no help on how to adjust them.

ok granted, the HQ scalers might not be ideal. Regardless, my question is whether allowing hi rez backgrounds is anywhere in the scope of this project. I on further inspection, I assume it's not, seeing as the screenshots show improved 3d resolution but the same backgrounds.

Nice work. Out of curriosity, would this enable us to use higher resolution background or movie files? I'm itching to take the old files, do a hq4x resize on them, and use them ingame. It would beat the hell out of resize algorith used in game which looks like it is just pixel doubling.

Archive / ff7 movie enhancement?
« on: 2005-06-08 22:54:08 »
Thanks for the info. As you said, I've had no luck with getting resized video to work. (All I tried was doubling the size, to 640x480). Encoding at the original resolution with XVID has worked fine so far though. (I have ffdshow installed, which may help.)

I've been playing around with different virtualdub video filter combinations, trying to find one that gives less blocky results than the original video. No real luck so far. Here are some cool looking shots though from one attempt at using a guasian blur. Looks kinda cell shaded.

Archive / ff7 movie enhancement?
« on: 2005-06-08 06:08:04 »
Sorry if this has been covered, I checked the FAQ and did a quick search and didn't see anything.

Has anyone had success cleaning up the movies in FF7?
I tried opening them in VirtualDub to do some filtering and see if I could do some resizing, but it reports that it needs a VFW (video for windows) tm20 (true motion 2.0)  codec, not just a directshow codec which is what they distribute with the game. Anyone have the TM20 VFW codec, or a different video editing program that can use a dshow filter?

Alternately, has anyone found a way to use a different directshow filter with some better post-processing to play the movies in game? Something like FFDSHOW would be awesome with all of it's filtering options.

Releases / Battle model > Field model Conversion FINALLY!!
« on: 2005-06-08 06:00:08 »
I stumbled on this forum after finding my old ff7 cds in my parent's basement and doing a google search for the chocobo patch. This hi rez thread is absolutely amazing. Between the hi-rez hack, the psf sound hack, and the hand hack, I just lost a whole day hacking up my favorite game of all time. Keep up the great work everyone and release some models to go with those screen shots as soon as they are ready!

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