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Messages - diaggos

Pages: [1]
bumping this problem because its the same as mine (except for the music issue).. as soon as they jump of the train and the first fight ends or I try to open the menu, everything crashes!

Hi all,

I finally got my the FF7 mod to work after a storm of issues, mostly problems with my security settings (not the mods fault) messing me about. Now that I have it installed I run the game, all the character graphics are upgraded when they jump off the train at the start, it looks great and I love it! However if I try to open the menu or after the first fight against the two guards in the train scene (when the xp screen would usually load) my screen just goes black and I get a message along the lines of "oops! something bad has happened". My current suspicion is that the mod I have installed that changes your character profile pictures (something that would appear on both the menu and XP screen) could be causing this? I changed the profile pictures to the advent children 1 mod.

Help would be appreciated! I have spent ages researching the problem to no luck, if you need to know computer specs or see error logs please just let me know. Would is causing this problem?

Many thanks

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