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Messages - RW_66

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I also have a German copy of FFVII and after installing the Remix patch, I had the same problem, that the screen goes black for some seconds and returns to the desktop. Well at first I thought it had something to do with the codecs... so I installed the TrueMotion codec, same problem. I installed the K-Lite codec and disabled TrueMotion... still same problem.

THEN I reinstalled FFVII and didn't patch it at all - and the game starts without problems!
After that I installed patch 1.02 - black screen again and returning to desktop!

Why? Well after some "research"  I found out, that there are several local patches for FFVII and i always installed the English 1.02 patch. *doh*  :-P

So I installed/copied the GERMAN patch 1.02g - and the game starts perfectly! It seems, that the "normal" (or English) 1.02 patch is not compatible with the German version. And I suppose, that the Remix patch includes the English 1.02 patch. So it somehow "prevents" starting FFVII.

Well, too bad, cause the remix patch is really a great idea and a great compilation! Maybe someday it will be available to non-English versions. But until then I can install the mods/patches manually (which are included in the Remix + the German 1.02g). :)

It's a (pretty) well known fact that the German version of FF7 has quite a few differences from the broader english version. Most installer progrgrams check either CD file checksums (CHKSUM) or file names to verify legimate purchased copies from torrented/ "Ultima" illegal copies. Unfortunatly, the German Version is also diffent in these same 2 areas, due to the languge and font differences. Maybe someday someone will figure out a way to check for BOTH versions, but since the vast majority of copies (even in europe) are english based, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I've read the FAQs and used the search feature. I've even manually searched through pages and pages and I can't find a solution to my problem.

I used the Final Fantasy Remix Installer (the latest one) and modded my game with it. When I hop off the train in the beginning, the game will crash the moment the first battle loads. Sometimes it will make it through the first battle and then the second battle will freeze.

Also, the music just completely stops at times.

It is extremely frustrating to try and configure things and then restart the entire game and watch that opening scene over and over again only to see your game crash after naming Barrett and entering the Mako Reactor. Any help?

My computer specs (using PC Wizard):
<<< System Summary >>>
  > Mainboard : Asus P5KPL-AM/PS
  > Chipset : Intel G31/G33/G35
  > Processor : Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2400 MHz
  > Physical Memory : 4096 MB (2 x 2048 DDR2-SDRAM )
  > Video Card : ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series
  > Hard Disk : HDS728080PLAT20 (82 GB)
  > Hard Disk : WDC (640 GB)
  > Hard Disk : WD (750 GB)
  > DVD-Rom Drive : SONY DVD-ROM DDU1621
  > DVD-Rom Drive : HD2895P CRF197G SCSI CdRom Device
  > DVD-Rom Drive : IRWN 8X6VSPA7C5AN SCSI CdRom Device
  > Monitor Type : Dell Computer DELL S2409W - 24 inches
  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
  > Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 5.01.2600 Service Pack 3
  > DirectX : Version 9.0c  (September 2009)

breakdownPYK, you need to verify that the problem is with the patch and not the game. Try installing just the game and the 1.02 patch and see if it runs with that. If it doesn't, then you have some hardware/software conflict that is on your system. This can be a real problem (unfortunately) with trying to run older programs with newer OS's and hardware. Also, verify that your discs (espcially the INSTALL disc) are not scratched-up/dirty, as this can cause the game to "mis-read" sections of code and will cause problems with running the game.

(I know, because my discs have become scratched up over the years, and I have experinced problems with a couple of installations)

Thanks for getting back so soon. I'm actually having another problem. I was trying to get the new alias custom driver so I can have a full screen start menu but I believe the one you have in the remix patch isn't the newest one. Ive tried to upgrade it after the remix patch but something always goes wrong. If you don't mind do you think you could make an updated remix patch with the updated alias custom driver?

GI.. The Aali version included is quite stable. You COULD replace it with a newer version, but that's somewhat complicated and each version has it's own quirks and bugs. Any way, you can edit the "ff7opengl.cfg" with notepad and and set "full screen = (true/yes)" for full screen usage. Make sure to run the coorect registry editor to "save" it.

To titeguy: This is a nice installer. It might help if you included/ made available a installation and set-up guide to help others install and set-up the game correctly. I would probably cut down a lot of questions and confusion surroundling how to tweak certain areas/mods to fix simple problems and maximise usage of all.. ie. Ficedulas, Aali's.. etc.

As a third note: I'm havining a strange problem with sound effests dissappering after 15-20 mins. I still have music, just no sound effects. I'm using a P4 3.0 prescott, 1 GB RAM, SB Audigy Value, and 7800 GS (AGP) with XP SP3. Any suggestions or hints?

Nahatma: What Graohics card and OS are you using?

Any shader could be adapted to this driver, but they probably wont work with this out of the box.

I thought that too, until about 5 minutes ago. I've so far found about 12 shaders that make the game look awesome, particularly the "Cartoon Shaders". They really add that anime effect!

However, they do look slightly off in some places. I'm learning just now how to change the code, I'm hoping I might be of some use. Will probably post screenshots. Awesome!

As a user of ePSXe and Pete's OpenGL2, I've used some of the GLSL subs that can reallly give extra color/depth/clarity even to prerendered backgrounds. It would be a nice bonus to maybe include some modified GLSL's and some instructions on how to inert or change them in the GL engine.  Maybe it might not be a bad idea to even set up a front-end loader where alll the resolutions, AA, and GLSL's could be selected and saved, lixe Pete's OGL loader.. Just a suggestion.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 - Horribly low FPS in battle
« on: 2009-06-17 23:14:05 »
Ok, I have a machine that is somewhat similar to yours:

P4 3.0 w/HT
1 GB ddr-400
7800 GS (AGP)

Firstly, you should be using Detonator drivers with that ancient video card, NOT Forceware. Would be much preferable that you upgrade it, but AGP cards are hard to come by anymore. Secondly, you should be using a FRESH install off the CD, and using the Eidos 1.02 patch with Nvidia TNT selected, NOT Riva 128. If you are trying to use some Ultima edition, you are screwed, because it CANNOT be properly patched. Thirdly, Aali's graphic's patch can be applied.. AFTER you configure the sound and graphics in the FF7 Config program. Don't forget to install the registry modifier, and set the FF7.exe to "98/ME compatiablity".

If you have to re-set something in the FF7 Config, you will need to re-install the FF7 Registry hack for Aali's program to work

Troubleshooting / Re: Gamepad Recognition
« on: 2009-06-12 16:15:36 »
I found the problem: No device driver software for the gamepad. I did some searching and finally found some. installed them, and it works just fine now. Thanks for all the help. guys.

Troubleshooting / Re: Gamepad Recognition
« on: 2009-06-09 19:07:55 »
Yes. As "USB Joystick".

Troubleshooting / Gamepad Recognition
« on: 2009-06-09 18:16:54 »
I've recently re-installed and am trying to run FF7 PC, but am having problems with iit reconizing and configuring my controller in game. I'm using XP SP3, and it is a USB PSX style controller with digital and analog modes. Any ideas on how to get it to configure and use my controller?

Troubleshooting / Re: Best graphics card for FF7 and FF8?
« on: 2007-11-27 19:35:00 »
An MX 4400 PCI card could do most of what you're asking for. However, there are 2 important caveats:

1. You'll need to switch to an older driver ( NV 77.77 or prior) EVERYTIME you play FF7. The newer 9X.xx and 1XX.xx don't support 8-bit palletized textures that the program uses to render the graphics. There is currently no way around this.

2. Neither AA nor AF really works in FF7. Many claim to have done it, but for the most part, it just never pans out. '2x1' AA with RivaTurner is the only AA mode that you can select that doesnt lead to massive screen corruption, and it really has no effect.  And AF has no real effect because it's not a true 3D game. Blame it on Eidos and Square for poor programing.

The good news is, it'll only cost you $25-$40 (US) to try it out and see if it works..


I'm just curious..  would you use a substitution table to point to a (already processed) BG table, or do you plan to implement it (FI) in real time fashion? I'm just curious because from what I've read, you'd almost HAVE to have the BG tiles pre-rendered ahead of time.

Still, anything to improve the BG tiles would be GREATLY appreciated. I recently started replaying with ePSX using ISO's of MY PSX disc's (using the Delta util. program). I'm using Pete's (Pete Bernard) OGL renderer with a post-processing shader utility for 'AA bloom'. It actually applies AA to the backgrounds, as well as the foregrounds, thus doing something that can't be done (currently) with the PC version. It really makes the backgrounds very, very smooth without looking "washed out".

Halkun, I can really sympathize with your situation. It all seems so futile and hopeless now, but it isn't. You just need to dig down a littlle harder, and find out what you REALLY want to do. Then you need to ask yourself what you're willing to do to get it. Life is like that. Take what you want.. and pay for it. You can pay it up front, or you can pay for it later. But you will eventually pay a price (for good or bad).

Truly, BA's aren't worth what they used to be. So, you need to do a little more research, not to mention more resume's and interviews, to find a company that you can be content (and challenged) to work at. And don't be so totally surprised if you are drawn to a different field or area once you start working. Flexibility and adaptabilty are 2 key areas that others will use to judge you in the corporate world. Learn all you can, and make yourself as (in)valuable as possible. I personaly think that you can't EVER know too much about your job and the jobs around you.

Be some-what flexible in your starting salary, as you can quickly make it up in promotions and raises. Plus, it may be the tipping point between you and another employee. Still, don't ask for too little, or you could wind up looking too desperate and/or  inexperinced. Make sure your resumes are complete, and not too fluffed up. They should be able to 'scan' it in 3-4 minutes and have a good idea of the type of person you are, so 2 pages MAX. Also, always fill out those job applications COMPLETELY. If you don't have the time to fill it out completely, why should they make the time to consider you?

As far as the near term finances.. Buy one good set of clothing and shoes, just for going to interviews and getting applications. Get a good attache/briefcase that will hold your job and education information for applications, as well as resumes to take with you. It make take a while, so try to be as patient as possible.

For thr interviews, personal apperance and good hygeine are a MUST. You don't won't to look (or smell) sloppy. Be prepared to talk about past jobs and future plans. Also, you need to be prepared to explain what it is that you offer that makes you different from all the other people that may be applying for the same job, whether it's actually skills, experience, or personality. Managers and interviewers are always looking for somebody who "fits" with the rest of their team and staff, and/or who can offer additional skills/experience to same. Don't be exactly the same as everybody else, offer something new/valuable.

Good Luck!

Troubleshooting / Re: Quick question for t3h pr0's
« on: 2007-05-27 18:48:47 »
You probably shouldn't have a problem. You might want to consider adding a few upgrades like the Saint's High-Res Patch and the Reunion/RPC patches since you have the horsepower to spare for it. It might give you fewer problems too, though you ARE going to get a few shut downs (at least until the Q-Gears project gets a lot further along).

I have :
3.0 Ghz P4 (socket 478)
1 GB DDR 400
7800 GS
Win XP SP2

 Good luck!  :-D

General Discussion / Re: FF7 beta screens
« on: 2007-04-15 19:13:48 »
IIRC, the Siggraph pictures was to demonstrate Square's new SGI hardware and programming.
Remember, FF7 was originally planned for the N64 DD. Nintendo knew that catridges were the biggest limiting factor on their new system. In fact, they had originally been considering a CD add-on for the SNES (much like the Sega-CD). They contracted Sony to research and plan for the DD (Disc Drive) to be intergrated into the 64. At the last moment, Nintendo decided not to ship it with the 64, fearing the steep price would lose customers (i.e. the Sega Master, Saturn systems). Sony then redesigned the DD to be an add-on, sold seperately, but still owned by Nintendo.

However, as the deadline approached to begin manufacturing the DD, Nintendo discovered a surprising fact.. they owned the entire cartridge market. In fact, internal resources suggested that if the DD caught-on 'too' early, Nintendo stood to lose a lot of money and jobs. This would have been a huge 'loss of face' for the executives at the company and their partners. Therefor, at the last minute, during a news conference that was originally planned to introduce the DD, Nintendo instead announced that they were redesigning the DD.. with Phillips (who had just went through the spectular failure of the CDi ).

Sony, and a lot of software developers who were looking forward to the high-storage/low-cost solution of the DD (including Square), were caught completely off guard. Sony in general and the head of the DD project, Ken Kutaragi, felt betrayed by Nintendo's surprise move. Sony was set to dump the whole project, but Kutaragi said he had plans for a stand-alone CD console system that could compete head-to-head with Nintendo's system. Plans were finalized in a short 6-months, and production began. The 'PlayStation' went on to completely dwarf the N64.

Sakaguchi-san at Square had big plans, and a big story, planned for the N64 DD and the next Final Fantasy. However, when Nintendo announced that it was 'delaying' the DD, Square was caught with their pants down. Aproximattely 1/3rd of the game had been developed, and it was already much too big to ever fit on a cartidge. While Square was reassessing if they could "shrink" the game to fit on a cartridge, Sony called and sold Square on the benefits (not too mention the increased profits..) of the PlayStation business model and hardware. Square was supplied with an early developement kit, and Square began porting all their previous work to the PlayStation format.

Square was delighted, as the PlayStation offered many technical advantages over the N64. Besides the 'seemingly' unlimited data strorage offered by CDs, the PlayStation offered higher-resolution graphics, in 3D; High-quality steaming sound (RedBook); and the ability to stream pre-rendered video straight from the CD. Square exploited a lot of these abilities to better tell their story.

FF7 was released to an eager fan-base in 1997, went on to become one of the best selling PSX and Square titles.

BTW, I actually purchased FF3 US (FF VI, JP)cartridge for the SNES when it first came out in 1993. It retailed for $59.99 US.
In 1997, FF7 , with 4 CDs, started retailing for $49.99 US. A subsequent release dropped to $39.99, and eventually it became a 'Greatest Hits' title, for $19.99.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2007-03-12 22:54:52 »
I really like that No.1.
BTW, keep up the good work and have fun! :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: What asshattery is this?
« on: 2007-03-11 08:27:28 »
A lot of bigger lawfirms being employed by larger cleints often act like private security bodyguards.. i.e. beat you down and ask questions later. Often, lawfirms do retain the right to 'act without prior consultation' in matters that seem to be within their perview. Unfortunately, they don't often fully investigate the details, and stuff like this crap happens.  :-(

C'est le via, c'est le guerre !

Q-Gears / Emulator or Engine?
« on: 2007-02-18 17:37:43 »
I've been following you guys (?) since the start of this project, and respect the progress you have made in decoding and reconstructing the way the game engine(s) works. And though it might seem naive, I have to ask..

Are you constucting an emulator or a new game engine?

The reason why I ask is that there are a lot of PSX emulators out there, many that offer outstanding plug-in support for varying hardware/software capabilities with-in different enviroments. Many of them, depending on your hardware, offer advanced graphics capabilities (increased resolutions, smoothing, shaders, etc.). You have stated that (at least for now) you will only use the PSX CD data to 'run' Q-Gears. So I have to ask, what are you doing different from the emulators?

I'm not trying to down-play or denegrate your work, I'm just wondering what is the difference?
Because unless you have something different to offer, why would anybody choose your 'one-game' engine over a multi-game PSX emulator? Just a question..

If they were willing to settle for a console that didn't have HDMI, screw them.

Any product is obsolete by the time it becomes availible for purchase. And the XBox360 has been out for over a year now. They have been whining and bitching that it didn't have HDMI, and now that M$ decided to correct that with a new model.. they bitch about that.  :roll: I hope none of these 'people' (and I use that term loosely) are PC owners. We deal with that obselesance on a month to month basis.

Gamespot talked about the rumored upgrade possibities:

1. HDMI connectors
2. Bigger (120GB) Hard Drive.
3. Faster/better Processors (from 90nm > 65nm fab)

Supposedly, only the HDMI has been 'confirmed'.

The "505Level" site has been debunked on many forums/sites. The 'Daily Inquirer' tech site claimed to have contacted the company, whose owner said they where "AMD contractors" doing Vista testing for various items.

Hmm.. AMD 'contractors'.. AMD owns ATI..

Do you think it COULD be a HOAX?  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-04 05:41:49 »
GGRRRRRRRR!!!!!  :x  :x  :x

You people still don't get it... All the wheels do is allow the aircraft to move (and accelerate) down the runway. The forward movement is the important part. A plane on a conveyor belt  (in the opposite direction, at the same speed) has NO forward movement in relation to the surrounding air. Hence, there is NO airflow over the wings and NO lift.

Which part are you not getting?

Edit: I was just reading the 'Oinnes' post on this subject. The "solution" section is correct on the first 2 points. However, the third states:
Thrust acts according to Newtons Third Law of Motion - every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The thrust of the engines is acting against the air.
(emphasis mine)

The engines are NOT pushing the air. They transfer kinetic energy to the AIRFRAME, in the opposite direction of the "thrust" caused by the turbine engines. Turbine engines are NOT designed to simply move air. They draw in air, which is mixed with fuel, compressed, then ignited. They use turbine engines in a lot of different things, including large generators and the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank.

The wheels allow the airframe to move in the opposite direction of the "thrust" from the engines. The wheels are NOT supplying any motive force, they simply allow the aircraft to roll over the surface. HOWEVER, some kinetic force is transfered to the ground, which lessens somewhat as it picks up speed (until the airflow "lift" cancels it out entirely). This is because GRAVITY is trying to pull/hold the mass of the aircraft down to the ground. The friction between the wheels/ground is irrelevent.

Because the wheels are free-wheeling and we have assumed zero friction at the hub, it follows that the conveyor belt, no matter how fast it is moving, CANNOT EXERT ANY FORCE on the aircraft with respect to forward motion!  There is no force in our experiment that can oppose the thrust vector of the aircraft.

If the conveyor belt cannot exert any relevant force on the aircraft, you can completely ignore it.  Ergo, the aircraft takes off as if nothing unusual is happening.

Here, somebody went wrong big time. The conveyor belt, by moving in the opposite direction to the "thrust vector" of the aircraft, CANCELS OUT the forward motion of the aircraft, in relation to the surrounding air. It's NO DIFFERENT than a person, bike, or car "keeping pace" on a treadmill. The method of force tranferance doesn't matter, the results are still the same. ZERO relative movement to the surrounding air.

It isn't the conveyor or treadmill exerting force on you.. it is YOU (or the object) exerting force on the conveyor. That's an important distinction, because the conveyor (when not turned on) is no different from any other stationary surface. It's only when it's in motion, that it adds or subtracts to our relative speed, depending on our direction in relation to its movement. The airframe is only trying to move relative to the ground (because of gravity and inertia). This gives it forward speed, and in addition, airflow over the airframe. But because it is on a conveyor which is running in the exact opposite direction, and same 'apparent' speed, this would in fact cancel out the forward speed of the aircraft.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-03 23:39:56 »
However, this shows that an opposite running conveyor would, in fact, negate that forward momentum.

How? How does it show that? How is the belt affecting the plane in any way? It doesn't even touch it. Only thing the belt can directly affect, are the wheels of the aircraft... and in case you haven't noticed, they can turn freely.

The wheels ARE important, because they allow the aircraft to ROLL and accelerate forward. They redirect the energy and inertia of the craft. Otherwise, you wouldn't need them. You could just throttle up until you reached the proper turbine rate, then release the brake for an almost instantaneous take off.
Why do you think runways are so long? Why do you think aircraft carriers have catapault launchers? If a conveyor system worked like you think, it would not be a lot cheaper (not to mention SMALLER) to use, than a 1/2 mile long deck with 3 x 50 ton, steam-driven catapault?

It would be just like being on a ten-speed bicycle on top of a treadmill.

Okay, have you noticed that the aircrafts actually move by pushing air? Air. Not belts. They are not wheel driven, like cars or bikes (which, like I said earlier, actually could accelerate from the belt as well, provided that the situation matched the one described in the question).

The aircraft is very much accelerating in relation to air, just like they always do.

Aircraft do not move by PUSHING AIR. It is the SHAPE of the aicraft moving THROUGH the air that produces lift. The engines burn fuel with air to produce thrust, put they're not simply 'moving air'.

The engines transefer kinetic energy to the airframe (via reactionary force), which then transfers down to the wheels, and then the runway itself. The shape and structure of the wheels allows the aircraft to move forward (which tranfers kinectic energy away from the airframe). As the aircraft rolls forward, the air begins to flow over the surfaces of the airframe. Once the aircraft reaches a certain speed (which varies from one aircraft model to another) the airflow level produces enough lift to support the airframe in flight.

However, if you take away the forward speed (via the conveyor belt), then the nessesary airflow from the airframe accelerating through the air never happens.

Again, this is why aircraft carriers are designed the way they are. The aircraft are connected to the catapault. The aircraft throttles up his engines. Then the catapault pulls the aircraft forward (at a vastly accelerated rate) so it is at the proper airspeed/airflow at the end to maintain flight (0-175 MPH in 2 seconds).

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-03 17:59:34 »
The thing is, the kinectic force is being transfered. The aircraft is pushing down on the conveyor and forward. The conveyor is push up towards the aircraft and back. A little ASCI art might show this better:


Normally, the aircraft is only dealing with the up-down forces (along with inertia) so it can direct it's energy to forward momentum. However, this shows that an opposite running conveyor would, in fact, negate that forward momentum. Unless the conveyor slows down or stops, the plane has a net sum of 0 mometum for forward motion. Therefore, it is ,in a sense, standing still in relation to it's surroundings (except the conveyor itself). It would be just like being on a ten-speed bicycle on top of a treadmill. Do you think you would feel a breeze if it was running full speed? No, because you are not moving in relation to the room, only in relation to the treadmill surface. And, in this case, the aircraft is not moving in relation to it's surroundings, merely in relation to the conveyor.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Puzzle for you
« on: 2007-01-02 18:33:29 »
To Jari and Otokoshi,

You have to remember that thrust is a vector quantity, with both speed and direction. If the conveyor speed is exactly matched to the aircraft speed but reversed direction, then in fact the two vectors (aircraft and conveyor) cancel each other out. Bernoulli's principal, which is what governs the "lift" of aircraft wings, states that the airflow has to be significantly different between two sides to produce the "lift" nessesary to allow an object flight. In most cases, an aircraft requires 100 (for small)- 175 (cargo/passnger) miles per hour forward air speed (FAS) to acheive enough airflow/lift to maintain flight.  However, on a conveyor system like you suggest, you cancel out the forward direction needed.  Discounting the airflow to/from the engines, the aircraft would experience no more airflow over the craft then if it were standing still, hence it could not "take off".

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Materia Growth
« on: 2006-12-23 17:13:09 »
Emerald Weapon is MUCH easier to beat than Ruby. Just be aware that his "Tam Storm" attack is based on the total number of materias posessed by your party. W-Summon/KotR and Mime materia, along with Final Attack/Phoenix helps a lot. He's got 400,000-500,000 HP's.

Ruby Weapon is MUCH,MUCH harder. He's got 2,000,000 HP. And he starts off with a "Sand Storm" attack that sucks away a random party member. Most guides suggest going into the battle with 2 party members DEAD to avoid this. Plus, if you use KotR, he/it responds with Ultima immediately after the casting (including in-between W-Summons).This is almost always certain death. You will probably need a mastered Final Attack/Phoenix pair.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Materia Growth
« on: 2006-12-23 06:08:55 »
1). You CAN leave the North Crater, as long as you don't go pass the area where the two parties rejoin. You can climb out at the top and get to the rope to re-join the airship.

2). Here's a simple way to get 3 master materias including: Master Command (yellow), Master Magic (green), and Master Summons (red). Simply defeat Emerald Weapon.

First, go to the underwater area in Junon (close to the sub's). Have one of your character's equip the"Morph" Materia in a weapon. Roam the 2-3 sections of the 'glass hallway' before the final elevator. Once you get in a fight with a "Ghost Ship", make sure the char. with the Morph makes the last "killing" blow ('Sense' materia helps). You will get the "Guide Book". Take it to an old man in Kalm, in an upstairs room. He will give the "Underwater" materia. This will remove the timer from the Emerald Weapon fight (which might be helpful).

If/when you defeat Emerald Weapon, you will get the "Earth Harp". Take it back to the old man in Kalm, and he will give you the "Masters Set" in trade for it.

P.S. If you can defeat Ruby Weapon, you'll receive the "Desert Rose". The Old Man will give you a Gold Chocobo for it.

General Discussion / Re: FFVII Materia Growth
« on: 2006-12-21 17:47:31 »
Wow, awesome list...just tell me how to get rid of a magic pot :/ I haven't played the game in a while so I haven't gotten fighting them yet, but...IIRC, I could just never damage them with magic or physical attacks.

Yeah, they're immune to attack UNTIL.. wait for it.. you give them a .. ELIXER. :-D
Movers are what you really should target. They're the orange bouncy balls in the north cave, and usually come in groups of 3-5. Slap your materia in that 'Triple AP' weapon of choice, and you're talking 7,200-12,000 AP per an encounter. That will ratch up your materia pretty quick!  :wink:

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