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Messages - CaffeinatedKing

Pages: [1]
Any news on how or when we might be able to get textures with smooth transparent edges to show up properly via Tonberry?

Graphical / Re: [FFVIII] Working on a font replacer
« on: 2015-01-27 17:53:06 »
As far as I could tell, the Dialogue lined up pretty nicely it looked fine but didn't look any smoother or better than the menu stuff, I'm going to keep working on this over time until it's about as perfect as it can be because I really like how the Japanese redone version looks, I wish I could get a hold of the font file from the Japanese PC release to see how exactly they managed to do it.

Graphical / Re: [FFVIII] Working on a font replacer
« on: 2015-01-26 22:38:43 »
Well most texture stretching can be fixed by squashing it into the right dimensions in the first place, so that the game stretches it back out to look accurate, this is a pretty common occurrence for older games.
But I don't know what you mean by feathered VS Anti-aliased, as all the edges of the letters and even the shadow effect are a solid color with simple Anti-aliasing, not feathering.

I wonder how I could get Tonberry to acknowledge an alpha channel or if it would support a TGA format or something, because there has got to be a way around this, I refuse to believe after all these years we still know so little about how this game's inner workings operate, some of the text boxes in the game are semi transparent, so it's just a matter of figuring out how to get it acknowledge the edges of things properly.

Graphical / [FFVIII] Working on a font replacer
« on: 2015-01-26 05:56:55 »
So I'm working on a new replacement for the font/text within the game.

I'm using a japanese font identical to the Japanese PC release of FF8, which had been redone and now looks much better and also cleaner than what is available for our version, so I wanted to copy that as closely as possible for the most pure experience with a slightly more modern look.

However after I got it working through Tonberry, I've run into a problem, in game it shows up all jagged and messed up, despite the fact it's a 1024x1024 texture and is perfectly smooth and tidy when viewed outside of the game, am I missing something here or is there some limitation that is unavoidable or what's the the deal here? Surely there's a way to fix how text displays.

Any information would be much appreciated.

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