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Messages - UntimelyDeath

Pages: [1]
Current Tonberry v1.61 issue!
To prevent collisions, you must download these 2 files and place them here:
(/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/tonberry/)

Redownloaded the files and transferred them to /tonberry and /tonberry/hashmaps, just to be safe. Files still seem to not load for the city, but loads for the outside world. it seems to come and go but could be the result of that duplication for the outside map.

Hello all,

I seem to be having an issue since upgrading to Tonberry 2.0, wish i could help where i am located in the game. It appears though that eden is partially loading in some spots and in others it does load in the town im in. I just came back from doing the Forgotten king where you get the Brothers GF. Screen capping is also appearing to allude me. Files are blank when i try to copy and steam is not allowing me to screenshot it.

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