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Messages - Makavelii

Pages: [1]
Hi, new poster here. c:
I've managed to make most of the mods on this forum work without problems, but after working on this particular one for over a day now, I turn to you good folks for some help. At first I couldn't choose the resolution I placed into the FF8_Launcher config (3840x2400) but after updating RaW to it's latest version that's no longer an issue. My problem now is that when I try to play with the custom res the game launches in a small window with a larger black box over it (when I don't use FF8+.exe to launch, it's the same but without the overlying black box). When switching it from full screen to windowed in the launcher's options, the windowed mode gets much larger but still not ideal to play on. The tool definitely improves the gameplay on my native resolution (1920x1200) thanks to the SweetFX, but not being able to get the downsampling aspect of it to work is a bummer.

Edit: Downsamples correctly when I use the default 3840x2160 instead of the 3840x2400 I added, though I have to change my moniter's res to 1920x1080.

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