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Messages - CarlosNery

Pages: [1]
7th Heaven / Crash after square logon
« on: 2017-12-07 20:48:53 »
Hello everyone I am trying to use these mods after 2 years I think but the game closes and the error after I press the button to start the game can not go to the start screen

Same problem here  :roll:

Hi good morning ty Alysa ty all try help me here hehe i got it working good now beautiful start menu now  8) :lol: ;)

The TA Fields are a Miscellaneous category because they are not the entire game...only a handful of fields from the beginning of the game. It states that in the description when you download, but I understand your English is not the best, so you just misread. That's ok :)

You should use Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields + Field Textures - Omzy/yarLson/satsuki (you only need one). If Menu Overhaul is activated, then you need to have Workshop -> Settings -> FF7 Exe set to use ff7_mo.exe. That will change all the menus to new textures.
My English is too bad, I'm Brazilian sorry   :-D but I understood or hope to have understood lol  :roll: I'll try to download the onzy texture I'll see how it goes later and noticed and it's good or it's still bad.Hey you do not want to access my PC by team viewer to see if there is something wrong in my 7th heaven?

Your main menu has the buster sword art, which is a texture mod, so your setup should be ok. The field textures are still the original game because you don't have a field texture mod activated. The blue monster doesn't have any new texture mods. In fact, most enemies don't have new textures because no one has worked on them yet.
I have active team avalanche fields only and I have not really downloaded field texture omzy and others.So when I download and activate these texture field omzy or other the graphics both from the main menu and internal game graphics got the new textures of the mod?  :wink: and ty to atention.

Check your Workshop -> Settings -> Aali Modpath. It should be pointing to E:\Final Fantasy 7\Final Fantasy VII\mods\Textures. None of the texture mods will show if that path is wrong.
;D Yes is on the right path the problem is not due to this  :-( .Any other reason can cause poor graphic quality? :|

I have the img now ty bro.

why the monster blue no have new texture?

7th Heaven / Re: Screen does not adjust
« on: 2017-01-11 22:18:41 »
What did you change? It has the whichever ff7 exe you use In 7h. Not 7h itself
Yes that's right but dont work for me continues with low resolution ridiculous graphics I think I'd better delete this I spend all day trying to solve it and I can not.And still crash when I get the first materia in game before the first boss in the reactor  :cry: sad but ok cye guys i quit it  :-D

7th Heaven / Re: Screen does not adjust
« on: 2017-01-11 19:40:29 »
well i go try it too ty
dont work lol i stil with bad graphics its like low relsolution graphical  :-X in statr menu the new game and continue are serrated,If nobody helps to solve this I will delete it from my PC When I played with bootleg this was with good graphics resolution

7th Heaven / Re: Screen does not adjust
« on: 2017-01-11 19:33:53 »
I don't think this is a good solution but I get around this by right clicking the exe you use amd disable DPI scaling
well i go try it too ty

Upload your image to, and the grab the url it gives you and paste it here. You can't upload directly to the forum.
:o ty i go try

   idk how put image

7th Heaven / Re: Screen does not adjust
« on: 2017-01-11 11:46:53 »
I'm not able to set the resolution to properly fit my screen. This is what I get:

My settings are the following:

I've tried to change them but I get even worse outputs.
Anyone know what to do?
Hi you have ugly graphics? yeah me too i have serrated things how the start menu "new game and continue"   :-o :?

Serrated? That's a first...I need a screenshot and your Profile Details. I probably know the problem, but can't confirm until I see those first.
Ok but how i can send one image in this forum? no anex option here, or you can acess my PM using team viewer ?  :-D

Hi Alysa I did a new installation and I'm downloading it through the catalog,hhy do I have ugly graphics on the home screen?The names "new game" and "continue" are serrated help me if you can  ::) :P ;D ;)
ty to attention .

Code: [Select]
FF7 GameConverter, Version 7th Heaven
Creator: Kompass63
Editor: EQ2Alyza

Start running at    Date: 10/01/2017    Time: 18:37:44,46
P gina de c¢digo ativa: 850
ActualPath C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002

You are running "Windows 10 Pro" on a 64 Bit Operating System (AMD64)

Real Management 32Bit WOW64

This patch is already applied.
Variables are taken from GameConverterKeys.

Selection is:   Overwrite


Copying Registry Keys...
Removed CompatFlags from "ff7config.exe"

Setting GC Registry Keys...

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\GameConverterkeys

Found 4 Languages fdse 
Use which language?
Selection 4

Setting language to en...

Detecting drive letter for FF7 Discs...

Drive letter for FF7DISC1 --- D:\

Movies path found at...

"E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\"

Copying English Files...

Copying 1.02 patch for ff7.exe...

Copying Aali's Custom Driver, version 0.8.1b...

Moving OGG music files...

Adding more Registry Keys...
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound
Adding Registry Key to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe

Please check over the settings for FF7Config...

1) Sound tab should have a Sound device set. Do NOT leave it blank.
2) Perform the Sound and MIDI tests.
3) Graphics tab can be ignored.
4) Click OK when finished.

Inserting Multi.dll, Hext.dll, and Languagefile...

Patching FF7anyCDv2...

Install the Laptop Keyboard Patch?
(Choose YES if keyboard does NOT have a NUMPAD)

Patching complete.

Check FF7_GC.log for details.

called with ""C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat""
Arguments: "C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat"

Actual Path:                     C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002
Product Name:                    Windows 10 Pro
Architecture:                    AMD64
Running in Modus                 32Bit WOW64
OS Bit Version                   64
Reg-Keyname Steam                HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 39140
Reg-Keyname Re-Release           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{141B8BA9-BFFD-4635-AF64-078E31010EC3}_is1
Reg-Keyname 1                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.
Reg-Keyname 2                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe
Reg-Keyname 3                    HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.
Steam Release is present:         
Steam Release Path:               
Re-Release is present:           Yes
Re-Release Path:                 E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII
Original Release is present:     
Original Release Path:           
Destination Path:                E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII
Source Path:                     E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII
Videos Path:                     E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies
Original Videos Path:             
Original Language                en
Converted Language               en
Original Drive Letter:           
Converted Drive Letter:          D:\
and now clear up Variables...
Ending at           Date: 10/01/2017    Time: 18:38:33,02

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2 3.3.0
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Using PBO
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1400x830, output resolution 1400x830, internal resolution 1820x1080
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 60, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] INFO: E:\Final Fantasy 7\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\eidoslogo.avi; vp8/vorbis 1280x960, 30.000000 FPS, duration: 11.133000, frames: 334
[00000056] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00000121] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00000121] Entering MAIN
[00000121] set music volume: 127
[00000121] Exiting MAIN
[00000121] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000460] WM_CLOSE
[00000460] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000460] Field Quit

First of all --> <-- You can't do this! I'm not trying to be mean here. If you download mods manually, you will never get update notices. Since you posted that link, I have updated some mods many times. But if I don't know if you've updated to the latest mod files, it makes it too difficulty to help. Please try downloading from the Catalog tab again, and be sure to download each mod separately. Downloading them all together at once can sometimes freeze the downloads. If it freezes, right-click it in the Download window and select "Cancel" and it will start over and work.

Your movies path is set to E:\ff7\movies, so you need to make sure that path is setup in Workshop -> Settings -> Movie Path. Your game is either not reading from the correct movie path, OR you don't have a mod enabled with the eidoslogo.avi file in it, OR you don't have an eidoslogo.avi placed in the E:\ff7\movies folder.
I just downloaded the large files manually dnd I updated everything I had to update yes.Download by catalog is freezing for files with more than 2 GB if i cancel download it resume from 0 and this is boring because I have often had a download of more than 2 GB and this came back from 0  :'( :-X

7th Heaven / Help me plz cant movie file and black screen
« on: 2017-01-09 11:30:25 »
 Hi Alyza can help me? i have black screen and it mensage : couldn't open movie file: e:\ff7\movies\eidoslogo.avi it appear in inicial screen when i start game it turn black screen and crash after  segunds 

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2 3.3.0
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Using PBO
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 640x480, output resolution 640x480, internal resolution 3840x2160
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 60, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] : couldn't open movie file: e:\ff7\movies\eidoslogo.avi
[00000001] : couldn't open movie file: e:\ff7\movies\sqlogo.avi
[00000002] set music volume: 127
[00000225] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00000290] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00000290] Entering MAIN
[00000290] set music volume: 127
[00000290] Exiting MAIN
[00000290] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001309] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00001309] Entering MAIN
[00001313] Exiting MAIN
[00001313] Field Start
[00001314] : couldn't open movie file: e:\ff7\movies\opening.avi
[00001552] WM_CLOSE
[00001552] Field Quit


Code: [Select]
FF7 GameConverter, Version 7th Heaven
Creator: Kompass63
Editor: EQ2Alyza

Start running at    Date: 08/01/2017    Time: 20:45:38,19
P gina de c¢digo ativa: 850
ActualPath C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002

You are running "Windows 10 Pro" on a 64 Bit Operating System (AMD64)

Real Management 32Bit WOW64

This patch is not yet applied.

old Release is installed in "e:\ff7"

Installation path found at...


If an installation path IS found, press ENTER.

If an installation path IN NOT found, TYPE IT IN and press ENTER.

EXAMPLE: "C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII" (parenthesis included)


Copying Registry Keys...
Removed CompatFlags from "ff7config.exe"

Setting GC Registry Keys...

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\GameConverterkeys

Setting language to en...

Detecting drive letter for FF7 Discs...

Drive letter for FF7DISC1 --- D:\

Original release detected...

A "movies" folder has been placed into the data folder of your game directory...
TYPE the path to this "movies" folder, then press ENTER.

EXAMPLE: "C:\Games\Final Fantasy VII\data\movies" (parenthesis included)

It may have been typed incorrectly...

Using "e:\ff7\movies" instead...

Movies not found...

If custom Movies are located somewhere, change the "MoviePath" Registry Key entry at:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII

Movies path found at...


Backing up files to be modified...

Backing up more files to be modified...

Copying English Files...

Copying 1.02 patch for ff7.exe...

Copying Aali's Custom Driver, version 0.8.1b...

Moving OGG music files...

Adding more Registry Keys...
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\MIDI
Adding Registry Keys to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Sound
Adding Registry Key to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe

Please check over the settings for FF7Config...

1) Sound tab should have a Sound device set. Do NOT leave it blank.
2) Perform the Sound and MIDI tests.
3) Graphics tab can be ignored.
4) Click OK when finished.

Inserting Multi.dll, Hext.dll, and Languagefile...

Patching FF7anyCDv2...

Install the Laptop Keyboard Patch?
(Choose YES if keyboard does NOT have a NUMPAD)

Patching complete.

Check FF7_GC.log for details.

called with ""C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat""
Arguments: "C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002\FF7_GameConverter_7H.bat"

Actual Path:                     C:\Users\carlo\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.002
Product Name:                    Windows 10 Pro
Architecture:                    AMD64
Running in Modus                 32Bit WOW64
OS Bit Version                   64
Reg-Keyname Steam                HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 39140
Reg-Keyname Re-Release           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{141B8BA9-BFFD-4635-AF64-078E31010EC3}_is1
Reg-Keyname 1                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.
Reg-Keyname 2                    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\FF7app.exe
Reg-Keyname 3                    HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Square Soft, Inc.
Steam Release is present:         
Steam Release Path:               
Re-Release is present:           
Re-Release Path:                 
Original Release is present:     Yes
Original Release Path:           e:\ff7
Destination Path:                e:\ff7
Source Path:                     e:\ff7
Videos Path:                     e:\ff7\movies
Original Videos Path:            E:\FF7\Movies
Original Language                en
Converted Language               en
Original Drive Letter:           E:\
Converted Drive Letter:          D:\
and now clear up Variables...
Ending at           Date: 08/01/2017    Time: 20:47:01,14

7th Heaven / Re: Dynamic Cloud Weapons bug
« on: 2017-01-08 19:20:56 »
Okay, I'm a total idiot....didn't think to update the Field Models as well before making this post  :-o

Dynamic Weapons are working great! You can disregard this thread.
lol  :-D

7th Heaven / Re: 7th Heaven issues
« on: 2017-01-08 15:44:11 »
You're crashing ingame when a battle starts? Post your Profile Details.
Hey i got crash game too it happens after firstt load screen

7th Heaven / Re: Cant download
« on: 2017-01-07 22:20:46 »
I go try for manual download i found it links from MEGA -Removed- here have all files  8-)

No, sorry. This is not the way to download the mods. Manual downloads will miss out on any future updates, and if mods are not updated, how can anyone provide accurate support? And that link already has many outdated mods. ~EQ2Alyza

7th Heaven / Re: Cant download
« on: 2017-01-07 19:29:17 »
Yes I already did this, but I never completed the download

7th Heaven / Cant download
« on: 2017-01-07 19:03:03 »
Hi guys, for two days I can not download Media-Music and Sound the transfer rate freezes and the download stop  more or less  70% plz can help me? ty :oops: :roll:

7th Heaven / Re: FF7 - Vertical Lines
« on: 2015-12-28 15:46:15 »
yes i have it same problem and i using win 10 but this problem happens when I change the internal resolution because if I leave in 3840 x 2160 the game is slow. Anyone know how to fix it?

7th Heaven / issues with Graphical
« on: 2015-12-19 16:39:21 »
Hi Hi am new to the forum need help...
to begin with I want to say that I was playing FF VII by bootleg was perfect no issues with Graphical the 7th heaven and
I do all right but the problem is internal resolution (3840 x 2160) it slows the game and when we reduce the internal resolution this presents several video failures appear stripes in a green and colorful on screen I've done several tests but can not solve it.another thing is if I use internal resolution (640 x 480) the graphical resolution is very bad It is as if all serrated but the speed is normal as the bootleg,if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it... its all cya O__O


Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2 3.3.0
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] GLITCH: Unable to turn off vsync
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1420x820, output resolution 1420x820, internal resolution 2800x1500
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 60, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 2048
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: e:\games\ff 7\movies\eidoslogo.avi
[00000001] ERROR: couldn't open movie file: e:\games\ff 7\movies\sqlogo.avi
[00000002] set music volume: 127
[00000650] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00000715] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00000715] Entering MAIN
[00000715] set music volume: 127
[00000715] Exiting MAIN
[00000715] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000931] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000931] Entering MAIN
[00000935] Exiting MAIN
[00000935] Field Start
[00001207] Field Quit
[00001207] Entering MAIN
[00001207] Exiting MAIN
[00001207] Entering FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL
[00001207] Exitting FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL
[00001210] Swirl sound_effect1
[00001210] stop_sound
[00001210] End of Swirl sound_effect1
[00001289] Entering FRAME_QUIT SWIRL
[00001289] Exitting FRAME_QUIT SWIRL
[00001289] Entering MAIN
[00001291] Exiting MAIN
[00001291] [BATTLE] Entering FRAME_INITIALIZE
[00001291] [BATTLE] Scene# 438
[00001291] [BATTLE] Exitting FRAME_INITIALIZE
[00001352] [BATTLE] Begin main battle loop
[00001589] WM_CLOSE
[00001589] [BATTLE] Entering FRAME_QUIT
[00001589] [BATTLE] endof battle.
[00001589] [BATTLE] Exitting FRAME_QUIT
[00001589] Field Quit
my PC is 8GB CPU dual core G306 2.7 win 10 pro. x64

Pages: [1]