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Messages - hank87364

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-27 01:49:00 »
The 1.35 build had a serious problem with MaxHP; it wasn't high enough. I tried to address it in a patch, assuming that it would behave in the same way as EXP, but unfortunately it wasn't the case and people were still being left with sub-3000HP after equipping their Materia. The intended max was 5000-7000; it is possible to beat these bosses with the original 1.35 HP but it needs serious preparation and some knowledge of the enemy attacks, AI, etc.

So you're not doing anything wrong, it's a balance problem with that particular version. As for a solution, the only viable one is to use a save editor and either add roughly 2000 MaxHP to each character or to add in some Mastered HP Plus Materia to raise their HP; if doing this though, make sure to do it while the game's Launcher is open and to then load the edited save file(s) and re-save with them in order to get around the Steam version's bizarre save-verification. I can provide detailed info on specific bosses too if you like.

Thanks for the heads up - my next question was which FFVII save editor, and how does one go about using it, but downloading the Black Chocobo save editor and making those changes was very simple and straightforward.

I'll give some of the bosses another shot now that I don't get killed in one hit, or have to focus entirely on reviving/healing every turn. I'll let you know how it goes and if I need any tips.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2016-06-26 21:01:51 »
Sega Chief - firstly want to say, excellent mod. I never dipped my toes much into the modding community for any game besides Elder Scrolls before, and even then it was mostly just for cosmetic changes. I never was a fan of content overhauls. However, I can safely say that your New Threat Mod changed that. This is by far the best mod I've played. With FFVII being my favorite game of all time, it was great getting to experience a somewhat new, fresh take on the game I've loved since 1997 when I was 8 years old. So thanks for that and keep up the excellent work! :)

Now onto a couple questions - I started this back in Q3/4 of 2015 and finally got to Disc 3/Northern Crater which has unlocked a lot of the new content. So I'm on NT 1.35 Sept 2015. It was challenging throughout, but now it seems like no matter where I go, or who I fight, I'm getting my ass kicked. Zack? Destroyed. Protoroth? Same. Aeris/Mimic? Can't do enough damage. I went to check out some videos to see if I could get any hints on how people are tackling these, and ran across people with what seems like a 2-3 times more max HP than I do. Is there an HP Plus materia in this version? It feels like I'm super weak for being ~Level 60.

My Cloud has got around 3000HP with little to no magic materia equipped. Aeris, my main magic user (plus I like using her because of the fact you can't use her this deep into the main game) - little over 1500... Tifa has about 2000. I'm almost getting one-shotted by some of these guys, and things still aren't much better when everyone's in the back row depressed.

Am I doing something wrong here (besides everything)? It doesn't feel like I'm nearly strong enough to take on anything, and levels don't seem to do much. Any advice on where to go/how to get stronger at the end game. Also, is there any issue with upgrading my version to 1.4 from 1.35?

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