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Messages - Headbomb

Pages: [1]
Or, alternatively, how do I get Remako to work without 7th heaven, and the game to run in 1440p?

So what exactly in 7th Heaven do I need to disable for this to work? 'Dialog Boxes'? Other things? I don't see any options to play with menus anywhere.

I followed the steps from here (steam version):

The only mods I have are the ERSGAN background mod and the 7th heaven mod manager. It could be that the transparent dialog box from 7th heaven causes issues, it's just weird that it doesn't do that on its own.

Hey, first time using The Reunion. Or doing much of any extensive modding on FFVII.

I'm running into two issues. The first is that the text in windows is often... misaligned. You'll have something like

Hello, my name is Bob Fugeldorm
and I am a nice man.

Instead of

Hello, my name is Bob Fugeldorm,
and I am a nice man.

It always seems off by one character, punctuation especially. In-game example

The second is that the game simply cannot progress when you're in the train on the way to the Mako 5 reactor. Specifically, the game cease interacting (it still runs, but it doesn't respond to any input anymore) when Barrett says

"Alright, in three minutes
we're jumpin' off this train..."

For the blocker, my solution was to uninstall Reunion and re-install it after the next save point. I'd take a screenshot, but FFVII doesn't behave well enough for that to be possible apparently.

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