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Messages - aodev

Pages: [1]
7th Heaven / Re: Problem with Step 4. No menu for Aali's
« on: 2019-06-21 19:18:44 »
I had the same problem. I removed and reinstalled the game (Steam version) and it worked after.

7th Heaven / Re: Music not playing on VGM
« on: 2019-06-19 13:04:15 »
I managed to get the sound by switching the audio device to my TV HDMI.

I am running the game with HDPI compatibility mode to avoid having the screen split in half. It lead me to think that maybe it's an issue with the HDMI sound output. That said it is weird, normally the PC simply send the sound to the TV. (and I dont have this issue with the normal game)

7th Heaven / Re: Music not playing on VGM
« on: 2019-06-18 17:38:13 »
Hello, I have the exact same problem. Short sound when the game starts then nothing. Like you, if I start the game through Steam, I do have sound.

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