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Messages - Vorlin

Pages: [1]
Hey, new here. Pretty much made an account just to ask this question.

Really appreciate the work and time spent in making the mods. I grabbed FFVIII on steam mostly so I could play Triple Triad. I saw that an updated mod has been made for the textures which is great because currently it looks like slices of potato.
However I'm having difficulty (and I've noticed a few others with the same issue) actually downloading the zip of Tripod. The hash is on googdrive but perhaps I'm missing something. Some end-user mod downloading tactic. So far for the past couple of hours I've tried to magically get around a site infested with ads and I'm not even sure a file exists on the other side of it. I tried on multiple browsers, white-listing, taking off all anti-ad extensions as well. No dice.

So then I did some deep searching of the internet to see if this mod existed anywhere else (except on all the peoples computers above this reply of course). Alas, it did not.

So kindly and graciously, I'm requesting that if anyone has a zipped up version of Tripod (preferably ENG) that would be able to email it, dropbox or google-drive link it. I would love that.

Really would rather not like to load up PS/AI to start doing this myself, when it seems to have been perfectly done anyway.


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