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Messages - SnowMutt

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-09-04 05:27:22 »
Is Boxer missable? On Disc 2, trying to get Goblin Punch. Been running around the forests in Gongaga for a while now, can't encounter him to save my life.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-09-03 07:51:52 »
Had something REALLY weird happen just now in Gaea's Cliff.

Took out a pair of Cuahl with Alexander, and they each Final Attack'd "Lvl ??? Holy" against my party. Each one took out a single party member, leaving me with just Cloud (at full HP mind you) and... I got a Game Over.

lolwut??? Thankfully I had saved right before, but... WHAT? I've never encountered anything like this before. I'm just gonna run from these guys from now on. o--o

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-09-02 03:31:41 »
If it hasn't already been mentioned, it doesn't look like Garudas ever use Aqualung willingly. I spent about an hour hanging out in battle trying to convince them to use it, but it just didn't happen. In the end I had to use Manipulate.

Cid's "Dragon" limit doesn't seem to restore HP/MP when used against specific enemies. Those lizard dudes around Wutai, specifically- I haven't gone out of my way to test it against other enemies.

There's an apparently known issue with Cid's "Hyper Jump" limit. When you use it against an enemy that's immune to instant-KO, the game crashes. Is this fixable via modding?

I see the double-Reflect soft-lock is still alive and well. Is that also fixable through mods somehow?

I'm about to dig up the Lunar Harp in my game, and the command materia I've collected include 1 Enemy Skill, 2 Steal, 1 Manipulate, 1 Throw, 1 Morph, and 1 Sense. I got a Command Counter materia FOREVER ago, and it's just been collecting dust because none of these are particularly useful with it. Did I miss a command at some point that would have been useful with Command Counter, or is it just normal to get Command Counter long before you ever get a useful command to pair it with? I'm assuming that Enemy Skill and Throw just plain don't work with it since they open menus, and nothing else is consistently useful throughout a battle- you'd generally use Steal and Sense at the start of a battle, and Morph isn't really "counter" material; you actively seek out or create opportunities to use it for farming purposes.

On a balance note, am I missing something, or does Red XIII just get the brunt end of the stick when it comes to weapons for a BIG chunk of disc one? Before Wutai, the strongest weapon I had for him was the Howl Comb with 31 Atk, but only 3 single slots, and the best weapon for slots was the Silver Barrette with two pair and a single, but only 27 Atk. Meanwhile, the other characters are generally getting access to much stronger or more useful weapons with bigger bonuses, like Barret's W-Machine Gun and Enemy Launcher, or Tifa's Powersoul and Motor Drive.

Also, I never got the "Fort Condor Battle Available!" reminder after getting the buggy. Dunno if this is a known issue or an isolated incident.

I think that's it for now. Will come back to this later.

P.S. I notice there is a new IRO for New Threat. I'm using 7th Heaven; how do I patch this in? Do I just swap out the IRO file and Launch Game, or do I have to do something different? Will doing so mess with my current save and force me to start the game over?

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