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Messages - PokeFaize

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I got around to getting a Gold Chocobo on Disc 2, and running through the Materia Caverns and umm... The one near Mideel seems to have a slight bug.

This purple materia just... exists in this room and cannot be interacted with. Is this supposed to be something? or is it not supposed to be there?

Additionally, where was Comet moved to? The documentation for where items are says it's still in Whirlwind Maze, however I didn't come across it during my playthrough (I also didn't get any Added-Effect materias until Tifa's Piano on Disc 2). It seems the Where Items Are document needs to be updated, since I also got a Steal-As-Well materia MUCH sooner than the document says I should've.

Coming back to New Threat again after getting the itch to play OG FF7, and this time I'm using 7th Heaven instead of the other option.

Nothing too big to say so far (other than it's still amazing!), but I noticed I had picked up Added Steal much sooner than when the Item/Materia/Enemy Skill documentation says I should get it, but I forgot where exactly I picked it up from. I suspect the documentation may need an update lol (I'm in Type A for reference)

I'm mainly here to say that the nerfs to HP and MP draining moves are way too harsh across the board. I fully understand that weapons and Added Effect=Drain needed to be nerfed (along with draining attacks used by enemies), but it comes with the consequence of abilities like Osmose being borderline useless. If possible, I suggest having 2 Drain Formulas: one being the nerfed drain called Partial Drain, and the other being a 1:1 drain called Full Drain. Partial Drains can apply to most enemy attacks, draining weapons, HP Absorb, Nanaki's Blood Fang Limit (since it drains both HP and MP), and so on, while Full Drains being used for Osmose, Player Drain Spells, Nanaki's Sled Fang Limit, and other spells & abilities you feel are suited for the Full Drain property.

I'm also here to complain once more about Howling Moon still being one of the worst limits in the game lol. There really isn't any point in the game where choosing Howling Moon is ever worthwhile due to the Berserk status. Like I mentioned last time I talked about Howling Moon, random battles end far too soon for Howling Moon to be worth using (and Earth Rave will often end random battles outright), and bosses are far too dangerous to use Howling Moon against due to the Berserk. Not to mention the fact that the Dragon Force enemy skill does basically the same thing but better and on demand. My suggestion is to remove the Berserk entirely, and tweak it to give some buffs to Magic Attack in some way, like giving the party one charge of Quadra/Octa-Magic for all of their spells and either an MP Regen effect or a No MP Cost Buff that lasts for maybe 4 spell casts, if these are at all possible to implement. This would improve his Lv.3 Limits Set by giving better utility effects for the party, and make his Lv.3 Limit Set actually appealing to Magic Based Nanaki builds.

All in all, it's been a blast to play through again!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-11-25 19:07:48 »
Still on my to-do list; mastering all the green materia to get Master Magic. But was the Huge (Green) Materia changed to require mastering Splinter materia as well?

The "item location" document says they're not required, but I mastered them anyway while AP Grinding Mega Alls and the like just to be on the safe side

I hope we get more Restorative Weapons to make more use of most of the splinter materias (and also a fix so they work with Added Effect. I noted that buffs didn't work with added effect earlier)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-11-23 21:20:11 »
I've played through again, and to expand on this a bit - the problem is bosses where the high DEF is a mechanic. Carry Armor is one of them: you're supposed to kill the arms first, then the body's DEF drops to normal levels and you can kill it. But DEF-ignoring attacks allow you to skip that. It's especially egregious once you get multiple DEF-ignoring weapons, as bosses like e.g. Proud Clod or Hojo's final form get their effective HP cut dramatically if you simply ignore their "armor" and go straight for the body with DEF-ignoring attacks. Something that is easy, even trivial, to do once you get two heavy hitters like e.g. Barret and Cid stacked with STR and Drill Arm/Spirit Lance.

At least Comet has a limiting factor in that it's an MP sponge. Attacks are free, can be multiplied by Added Cut & W/X-Attack and counters, and take little special setup (since you're doing what you'd normally be doing on any attacker).

Even against bosses without that sort of mechanic, Defense Ignoring Attacks completely overshadow all other means of damage by a longshot (even moreso with x2/x4 Cut, W-Magic, Quadra-Magic, Deathblow=Added-Cut, Magic-Counter=Comet, and Counterattack)

My original statement about Comet being overpowered was including Comet 2 since that's 6 hits of non-elemental damage boosted by Turbo MP. Even Aerith with near max Magic quadra-casting a Turbo MP'd Pearl on Ozma (who is weak to Holy) couldn't outdo Turbo MP'd Comet 2.

Also while I had the game open to double check how many hits Comet 2 did, I scrolled over Dragon Force (Berserk + Haste + Auto-Crits) then compared it to Howling Moon (Berserk + Haste + Wall + Atk+) and laughed at how bad of a Limit Howling Moon is. Maybe scrap the Berserk entirely from it (unless it's hard-coded), and change it to a party-wide buff that grants MP Regen (call it Surge or smth) and, if possible, maybe give a single "charge" of Quadra-Magic to all of the party's spells? or maybe grant Magic Critical Hits if possible? Idk just something to get rid of Berserk while also not being made redundant by an Enemy Skill, but also sticking with Howling Moon giving buffs.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-10-25 06:05:41 »
I had honestly forgotten about Defense ignoring weapons LOL
I'll have to keep them in mind for my run in Game Mode B :D
still, I think Comet should be pushed further back into the game to limit it a bit more (and maybe sorta un-nerf damage boosts when hitting Elemental Weakness?) lol

I can definitely see that Counterattack would be super strong with Ignore Defense weapons (it was stupidly powerful even in 1.5 with Cid Venus Gospel Drain Tanking, hitting back 4-5 times each time he took a hit lol), though it's underwhelming with other weapons (also I think Ozma was able to counter counters? I still don't really know what was going on with that lol).

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-10-13 21:39:58 »
Came back to this for the most recent version, and once again NT does not disappoint! I do miss some of the extra stuff from 1.5, though I haven't touched Game B yet.

A Few things I wanna say

-Hard Mode is barely any different from Normal Mode aside from no Gil and steals being slightly harder until you get Free Sneak Glove Yuffie. Gaining no Gil from randoms was the Real Hard Mode since it made all of your shopping up until Mideel very strict, and making you decide between stocking up on recovery items, new materia, or new weapons, and even who gets new gear. Once you reach Mideel, money becomes abundant via being able to morph a crapton of Crystal Gloves to sell for 8k Gil per glove (which becomes even easier and faster to farm once you get the majestic Mega All Materia).
 >I feel like making a Hard Mode with enemies (especially bosses) that are actually stronger that require planning & strategy beyond Wall+All & Haste+All and specifically designed around No Gil from Randoms would make for a brilliant NT Hard Mode.

-I Love the changes to limits, especially the Lv.4 Limits. Everyone (except Tifa and Aerith) having Physical and Magical Limits is great since it rewards players for stepping out of a character's preferred role (most of these being some form of Physical Attacker lol). I love the additional effects Nanaki and Yuffie get on their Lv.4 Limits, and it makes me wish the others got a little more love to their Lv.4 Limits as well
 >I think Nanaki could do with either having Howling Moon and Stardust swapped, or having Howling Moon giving him a boost to his Magic Damage and give MP Regen. His Lv.3 Limit set is kinda very lackluster on the magic side, plus Berserk is too harsh of a drawback against bosses and rather pointless against Randoms when you could use Earth Rave and likely clear out the randoms even faster than with Howling Moon buffs + Berserk.
 >Cait having Transform as a Lv.1 Limit and a Slots Limit is very redundant and makes getting the roll for Slots Transform even more disappointing. Maybe swap one of the two to an attack that uses his Current HP for damage? His HP (and his Luck) is his greatest strength for most of the game, so it'd be nice to give him a way to weaponize it other than staying at dangerously low HP for using the enemy skill ? ? ? ? (hell, giving him a weapon or two that uses Luck for damage calc would make for a fun physical attacker Cait build if that's possible)
 >Everyone gets new additional effects to their limits except Tifa. I can kinda get why given how her limits work, but it does kinda feel like she got the short end of the stick, especially since none of her limits are Magic based. Is there anything you could do to spice up her limits, especially to encourage other builds for her besides dumping all her SPs on Strength boosting ones?
 >It's a massive pain grinding out everyone's limits until you get Slash All. I had gotten up to Cosmo Canyon/Gold Saucer (i don't remember which off the top of my head) and just barely got Cloud's Lv.2 Limits unlocked. I can understand Cloud's kill count needing to be higher than the others to unlock his limits, but I feel the others could do with a lower kill requirement for at least their Lv.2 Limits to encourage shuffling around party members more. (Vincent is the easiest one to get all limits, but Vincent still sucks lol)

-I do want to mention that a few fights that did survive from 1.5, mostly related to Lv.4 Limit quests, have been toned down a little too far for my tastes.
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-Da Chao Spirit was one of the hardest Lv.4 Limit fights from 1.5, and now she's barely strong enough to even be considered a boss. Removing the Quicksand Final Attack from her Familiars was a much needed change since it was just Excessive in 1.5, but they still barely had any bite to their bark.
 -X-ATM Prime wasn't very difficult to begin with in 1.5 if i remember right, but now it barely puts up a fight.
 -Cait Sith's sidequest boss was... There. I was sorely disappointed that it barely even got in one attack before I beat it, and I'm pretty sure that one attack was casting Haste on itself. It was even more disappointing since a lot of work had gone into making and refining the models used for this fight, along with the really eerie and well done set-up for it. (Also does the Dark Matter you get from this sidequest do anything?)
 -Totally-Not-Gilgamesh was more fun than in 1.5, though he was still kind of a pushover. Since you get a full recovery between Ziegfried and fighting Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh could definitely stand to have a bit more going for him. Also side note but it was nice seeing the COMMANDO Gal from 1.5 making a cameo in the Special Round
 -Shinryu and Omega was also an improvement from 1.5, not much to say other than it's better than before lol

and on the other end of the spectrum...
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 -I'm not entirely sure what's going on in Ozma's fight, but at one point in one attempt, Ozma got like 8 turns in a row obliterating my party. On the positive side, Ozma is no longer the absolute joke it was in 1.5. on the negative side, Ozma feels even more RNG than its original battle in FF9 since it can pull out a devastating Meteor as a counter.
 -Emerald Weapon is Excessively Powerful and is W A Y too bulky for a 20 minute timer. I'm even being cheap with Nanaki and Aerith for infinite Limit Breaks, and I still don't think I even got halfway down Emerald's HP pool before the 20 minutes ran out. the Eyes attack FAR too fast, and Emerald being able to Haste itself is way too much on top of being able to remove your buffs.

A couple issues I've noticed while playing are Renew being affected by MBarrier, making it a Worse Cure 3 (even moreso with Cure 3 being able to be paired with All/Mega All), Mustard Bomb has No Sound at all, and there's a purple materia in Rocket Town post-Rocket Launch that I can't interact with. I assume this is supposed to be where Long Range gets moved to if you missed it earlier (I picked up Long Range as soon as I was able to)

-A smaller issue I noticed was with Added Effect=Materia with positive status effects. I tried having Aerith hit the party with Regen via a normal attack and... Regen doesn't apply to anyone. Tried it with Barrier, MBarrier, and even Reflect. Nothing worked. (also could we maybe get more weapons like Aerith's healing staffs for other characters for fun support things that the splinter materias with positive effects are for?)
-Goblin Song costs no MP, which is pretty OP considering it's Life 2 on the party + Fury on the enemies. Might wanna fix this :P
-I'm not sure if the extra bosses in this game have extremely high physical defense, or if Cloud's Ultima Weapon isn't working right, because Cloud's Omnislash barely reaches 350 per hit, even with Elemental Materia paired with the boss' weakness. I'm hoping it's the latter, cuz battles have mostly been spamming Turbo MP'd Comet 2's until the boss dies.
-Speaking of Comet, it's really much too strong from the time you get it, and even moreso with Turbo MP. These two Spells basically render all other attack spells moot. even casting Pearl from Aerith with Turbo MP on a Holy Weak enemy struggles to match Comet 2's power.
-Small note, but sometimes when killing Emerald Weapon's eyes, it's mode change causes the pop-dialogue "Carmine is switching to Limit Mode!" rather than the intended "Emerald is switching to Limit Mode!"

I'm still working my way through the end/post-game content, and i'm enjoying it for the most part! I'm about to go against
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the super secret boss behind the cryptic puzzle,
and after I finally beat the weapons, I think I'll try out Game Mode B

EDIT to avoid double posting:

I got around to finishing Game Mode A (sorta. the game softlocked in the Cloud Sephiroth 1v1 because Cloud had Sneak Attack=Wall equipped... whoops...) and I wanted to give more thoughts before diving into Game Mode B

 -I finally beat Emerald after accidentally discovering a devastating strategy while taking a swing at Ruby of Party Reflect -> Pandora's Box. It almost felt like it was necessary to be obnoxiously cheap without resorting to Peerless to ignore incoming damage against Emerald while still beating it within the 20 minute time limit given how much time it wastes with its attacks and especially its eyes.
 -Ruby felt like a fine battle after I had Pandora's Box to heal my team while keeping up the damage, and it felt like it'd just be a matter of planning out my support materia set-up for Ruby.... until I accidentally discovered Pandora's Box is reflectable when I had put up reflect in hopes Ultima could be reflected. Then this fight turned into bullying Ruby into oblivion
Spoiler: show
 -The Calamity was honest to god everything I had been hoping for from a Hard Mode: incredibly difficult while not being impossible. It felt somewhat RNG since its Attack x4 move could KO 2 characters if one of them didn't get a lucky dodge to bring it down to only one KO'd and one badly injured, but I never felt like the fight was beyond my control. This fight made me have to rethink my materia and even my accessories to obtain victory, and boy that victory was the sweetest thing in NT.

 -Sephiroth was an understandable step down from the previous boss, though the Safer form was... boring, since it was just Doublecasting Comet + Mime spam until he died since his defenses were far too high to attack him in any other way.

 I was originally worried that I'd have to make use of Peerless to beat The Secret Boss, but the more I tried, the more I realized that I just needed to refine my strategy and my gear more and more, and I really wish more of NT Hard Mode had that. too many bosses could be brute forced through with Comet/Comet 2 spam without much thought, so much so that I only bothered levelling up Contain, Hydro, Pearl, and Ultima just to get the Master Magic Materia, and didn't even bother levelling up the Core Materia. I think that Comet should be pushed into later into the game because it really is so obscenely powerful it makes even Ultima pale in comparison. Maybe swap its placement with Contain?

Oh also would it be possible to add a 2nd Final Boss for the 2nd Party you make against Bizarro Sephiroth? I always found it weird and kinda disappointing that they never got a fight after Bizarro, even as a kid.

one final thing I wanna add before diving into Game Mode B is that I feel draining moves were nerfed a little too hard across the board, especially in the case of Osmose. Osmose drains so little it's basically not worth using until the extra bosses where it will always drain ~250MP per cast. I totally understand why HP Draining needed to be nerfed, since it really was hilariously broken (my main strat back in 1.5 was Cid Drain Tanking for the team with 2 Covers and 4 Counter Attacks while wielding the Venus Gospel, so I'm VERY aware how broken it was lol), but MP Draining is almost not worth slotting in Osmose/MP Absorb at all, aside from sticking it on the Master Magic Materia.

I'm gonna go and beat Sephiroth while avoiding the softlock, then dive into Game Mode B. I can't wait to see what Mode B has in store! :D

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2020-11-23 18:31:48 »
Also played the demo and I actually agree with everything on your post, but to me, the Edea Seifer battle was on the borderline of difficulty. I found it hard, buffing them up could mean they would be OP. Might be just me I dont know, but since I agree with you in so many points, I really think this battle shouldn't be messed with.
I think the fight is perfectly fine as it is, but it was much more manageable than I had anticipated given some comments about how hard they were in earlier posts on this thread. There really isn't a whole lot of room to buff them without making the fight nightmarish to manage without Selphie's DemiCure (or Quistis' White Wind if it exists in the demo) to keep up with the damage they do.

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2020-10-27 02:04:43 »
Just finished the demo! A very solid battle to end Disc 1! I'm super excited to see what you have in store for this project! :D

Here are the notes I took as I wrapped up the demo

Character related notes:
Spoiler: show
-Selphie is in a weird spot where she's definitely made of glass, but missing the cannon part (both physically and magically). Her speed makes her great for rapidly Stocking Magic from monsters but that's about it. Maybe buff her Strength and Magic? or swap her Speed, Vitality, Spirit, and HP with Quistis?
 -Selphie's Slots can take ages to bring up the right Selection, and being fragile puts her at even greater risk of being killed while searching for Wall or DemiCure. Being tanky would help reduce the odds of this happening, and having low speed would make her Slots' Double and Triple Casts much more valuable imo.
 -Quistis' low speed doesn't do much to balance out her ability to freely choose which Limit she uses, especially when she's more than durable enough to risk staying at lower HP ranges (her high HP making her "low HP" range much safer than most everyone else's) to repeatedly fire off Multi-Target Limits before casting a White Wind to heal the party to full/near full when things get too risky.

-Everyone else plays just fine imo. No real complaints for anyone besides Selphie.

Gameplay related notes:
Spoiler: show
-Brothers boss was a total pushover with Float on everyone + the Brothers. If possible, maybe consider adding Dispel in some form to their move list?

-Iguion x2 was a pushover, which is fine imo.
 -(Had the option to Draw Carbuncle from them, so I did to ensure I got it)
 -(Carbuncle is Lv.13 when obtained.)

-Both the Brothers and Carbuncle have Mid-Magic Refine

-Reflect and Shell give the same amount of Elemental Resistance. Maybe buff Reflect's Elemental Defense boost?

-Hi-Potions heal 1000HP on the field like the description says, but heals 750HP in battle

-Edea + Seifer battle was easier than anticipated, though Edea's Tornado being Single Target is a huge blessing as having Tornado hit the party like normal would make this fight significantly more difficult without Selphie's DemiCure (or Quistis' White Wind if it's available at all in the Disc 1 demo)

Glitch & Crashes related notes:
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-Fought a Grendel in the forest where the 2nd Laguna Sequence happens. Game froze when it killed Squall.

Gonna try taking on the extra boss at the end of the demo! Great work so far, and I can't wait to see what you come up with! :D

EDIT: well that went about as well as expected lmao

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2020-10-26 19:13:56 »
I think I've got a number of the glitches mentioned here sorted but will check the enemies as the AI bug can be quite subtle sometimes and not crash in certain formations.

Zell's thing with Duel was I think an experiment to see if I could set him up so that the goal becomes to get to the finisher rather than repeating the same few moves for maximum damage, with a dead-end reached if the path to one of the finishers wasn't met (or the finisher wasn't unlocked though I think they can be used anyway if you know the inputs; plan with that was to change the inputs for the book-locked finishers so the first playthrough at least can't use them early). I recall there being a problem with Zell or similar where an enemy would start to attack infinitely or behave strangely after Duel, but I think that was resolved after 0.3 went up so it won't be in the final build.
Oh that sounds neat with Zell's duels. I should take some time to figure out the path to Burning Rave then lol

Glad to hear that some(/most?) of these glitches have already been caught and dealt with :D

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2020-10-26 18:21:51 »
Heyo! Since your work on FF7 New Threat was absolutely superb, and hearing you'd start focusing on this project after the next FF7NT Update, I figured I'd give this a try and help out with feedback!

I LOVE the changes to junctioning, with 1 stock =100 stocks for stat boosts. It makes playing Magic characters as Mages feel actually viable without shooting yourself in the foot.

I've made it to Timber where Rinoa officially joins the party, and I've intentionally avoided abusing Triple Triad, Card, and Card Mod (mostly because I really hate Triple Triad). GFs also have not been used in Combat.

Character related notes:
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-If Selphie is intended to be a hybrid glass cannon, maybe buff her base stats so she hits harder than/as hard as Squall? At least for the early game, especially where her lower bulk gets her killed super fast.

-Rapture Description typo: "Float,Regen,Hass te to all."
 -(Also, all of Selphie's Limits are "unlocked" from the start, but so far only DemiCure has shown up in her Slots.)
 -(I think DemiCure should have some status healing to make up for no longer healing the party to full HP.)

-Some of Zell's "paths" in his Duel Limit wind up at dead ends

-Rinoa's Strength and Magic are both naturally higher than Selphie's (while also being at a lower level), which undermines Selphie's Role as a Hybrid Glass Cannon.

Gameplay related notes:
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-Ifrit nearly wiped me cuz I decided to play risky with Squall at low HP to spam limits (had less than 5 minutes to beat the fight). Very good, really enjoyed the difficult fight.

-With Enemies hitting harder, it may be a good idea to lower their speed during the early game. Too many close calls & game overs from enemies attacking non-stop despite being in Wait Mode

-Elvoret wiped the party after using Siren Song (which did absolutely nothing) and started throwing out Thundaras, doing roughly 650 damage to whoever got hit. Rematch went rougher against Biggs+Wedge due to how fast they are and Biggs' Confusion on his Attack, but smoother on Elvoret due to being better prepared.
 -(Siren Song still did 0 Damage on the rematch, but succeeded in inflicting Silence)

-X-ATM092 nearly wiped my team in the first forced fight with it since I spent a couple turns Drawing Protects and Shells. Opted against abusing the AP Trick with it to avoid the risk of a Game Over.

-Granaldo Fight was fairly tame. Protects on the Aldos left me having to spam Quistis' Ultra Sonic Wave to take them out before Granaldo could wipe me with its hard hitting combo attacks.

-Maybe change Ability Description to include Base Power, like in recent FF7NT updates? Would help a lot for getting the most out of Quistis' Damaging Blue Magic Limits.

-Diablos' Party-Wide Doom is pretty unneccesary and kinda overkill for Disc 1, especially since he can apply Aura, Double(?), and Haste(?) to himself
 -(Already mentioned, but camera doesn't work right when Diablos summons Cerberus)
 -(Diablos having Nether Blast to circumvent Blind cheesing him also makes his Party Wide Doom very overkill for Disc 1)
 -(Beating Diablos gave no EXP, and Diablos joined at Lv.9)

-GeruGeru was a complete pushover, though I did spam Squall's and Zell's limits. Maybe boost its Vitality and HP? Auto-Protect too? The team is very physical oriented at this point, so making GeruGeru physically resistant could make it more of a challenge?

Glitch & Crashes related notes:
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-Draw Point in Library (Sleep/Silence) crashes the game when choosing to Draw Silence. Choosing to Draw Sleep produces no game crashes.
 -(Have been avoiding choosing the second draw point option since then, due to not having saved recently upon approaching new draw points in the event choosing the 2nd Draw Option is what made the game crash)
 -(Chose Draw Aero from the Water/Aero Draw Point in Dollet Tower; no crash. Seems the one in the Balamb Library might be bugged?)

-Already mentioned, I think, but Items used in Field are different from when used in Battle. Would probably just be better to cut down Status Healing Items to just Remedies?
 -(Potions say they heal 400HP, but only healed 200 in field and 250 in battle)
 -(Note for others: Luna Tonics heal Blind in the Field)

-Battle Formation Bug Bite x2 and Caterchipillar had Caterchipillar invisible until both Bug Bites were dead.
 -(Same battle, the Now-Visible Caterchipillar proceeded to repeatedly attack despite being in-menu on Wait Mode, resulting in a Game Over as I tried to heal)

-Weird animation glitch: When leaving the training area after talking with Quistis in the Secret Area, the event for the Granaldo Fight triggered as normal, but Squall ran in a circle before exiting the screen.

-Game froze during a battle against a red Galbadian Solder after GeruGeru battle, when Squall dealt a critical hit to him.

Really enjoying the mod so far, and will continue to keep taking notes as I go!  ;D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9)
« on: 2020-08-08 00:03:50 »
The chance is the same as added effect so about 12ish% The wiki says 20% but not sure if that's the legit value as I've gotten bad info from there in the past.
Huh. that's a pretty low chance to land it. Though it makes sense to be so low considering it's a free Barrier=Added Effect.

By the way, has Cait's Lv.1-3 Limit been removed? or was that another mislabeled "use Limit Lv.12-2" count to unlock it? Because I've used Cait's Transform limit a little over 10 times by now, and still no Lv.1-3 Limit.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9)
« on: 2020-08-07 21:49:44 »
Aerith's healing rods that apply Barrier or MBarrier aren't giving their respective Barrier buffs. Is this a percent chance thing to happen? or are they just not working as intended?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.8)
« on: 2020-08-06 19:48:13 »
Oh yeah, will there be further script/event changes in the future of Game Type B? The changes prior to Wall Market were really solid (and were exceptionally refreshing after having done the Reactor Bombings several times lol), and I really hope there are more event changes like that in later versions of 2.0 Type B.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.8)
« on: 2020-08-06 00:40:58 »
It's in the Item and Materia placements file
I'm looking at the one bundled with the installer and it doesn't have Enemy Skill locations. Does the one from the documents download link have the locations listed?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.8)
« on: 2020-08-05 23:42:19 »
Hopped on my Game Type A file while waiting for 2.0.8 (which released as I was about to type this up lol), and wanted to let you know Aerith's healing staffs trigger Cover. Cait had this problem in 1.5 with his MP Restoring Megaphones, and I assume his scaled off of Strength rather than Magic like Aerith's healing staffs used to. I remember you saying that you changed Aerith's healing staffs to scale off of Strength so Strength and Luck would have some use on a Magic focused Aerith.

EDIT: almost forgot, where's the documentation for the "where to find enemy skills"?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.7)
« on: 2020-08-05 01:01:10 »
I went past the vending machine, deciding a
Spoiler: show
Hero Drink Classic
wasn't worth the wait, and came across an event glitch I believe has been brought up before. After rescuing
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from the jail cells (which played out as intended), the event cut to the bloodied hallways and Red sitting by the broken Jenova cell, telling me that Jenova had fled to the upper floors (despite never having met Red yet). I'm on version 2.0.7

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.7)
« on: 2020-08-04 01:51:11 »
The Shinra Vending machine is broken again, saying I don't have enough money to buy a drink when I have well over the requested fee. Strange, considering it was perfectly functional in Game Type A prior to this update.

EDIT: Updating to 2.0.7 now. I'll see if the vending machine is still broken then or not.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.5)
« on: 2020-08-03 20:09:23 »
One way to check is with the black chocobo save editor which records character kills. Current kills needed for 2-1:
Cloud 180
Barret 120
Tifa 120
Aeris 100
Red XIII 100
Yuffie 100
Cait 6
Vincent 6
Cid 50
Goodness, that's a lot of kills for 2-1 Limits (aside from Cait's, Vincent's, and Cid's) lol
I had checked the Respectable Inn in Junon for the Limit Unlock requirements, and it said 90 kills were needed for Cloud's 2-1 and 180 for 3-1. If those are wrong, you might want to update their dialogue to reflect that.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.5)
« on: 2020-08-03 19:52:06 »
A minor thing I may have found is that Lv.2-1 Limit Breaks (aside from Cait's) refuse to unlock no matter how many enemies I kill. I'm not entirely sure how many enemies Cloud and Barret have slain, but I would've thought I'd have Cloud's 2-1 Limit by now (just finished the Wutai side segment). Cait's Lv.1-3 Limit also refuses to unlock, even though I've used his 1-2 Limit at least 6 times by now. I'll keep working at unlocking them, since it's entirely possible I haven't hit the kill/limit uses mark yet. Is there an ingame way to see how many enemies each character has killed?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.5)
« on: 2020-08-03 02:52:55 »
Made it to Shinra Mansion and stumbled across a peculiar softlock. Hitting Ying & Yang with a summon made the game softlock (and the two parts desync in movements). I think the game was trying to pull up the "Ying/Yang is excited!" thing, but failed.

Also, gotta say the White Megaphone only having one materia slot at double growth is a pretty harsh nerf to it. I'd say 2 slots at triple growth or 3 slots at double growth is a pretty adequate way to balance out having an easy MP Refill weapon without heavily limiting Cait's options for battle, and better make up for fewer Materia slots for Materia levelling.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.5)
« on: 2020-08-02 19:05:12 »
I've a feeling that guy is hanging around somewhere, just maybe not in that 'timeline'.
Looking forward for that other 'timeline' and seeing what other fun and creative bosses are in store there! ;D

I remember you asking for a means of picking Sources manually, and am still planning to do it but I held off for now due to time.
oh neat! totally understandable to put it off, given current world problems, and all the other hard work you've put into this mod :)

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.5)
« on: 2020-08-02 16:17:25 »
I've reached Gongaga in 2.0, and I gotta say I really missed the Lich machine boss from 1.5 :(

I noticed that the Rank Ups didn't have an option to let us freely choose what stat ups we get from a set number of "points", and I recall (but couldn't find where) you said you'd planned to include an option for this. Is this for a later update? Or was this scrapped entirely?

Really excited for Game Type B releasing tomorrow! :D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.2)
« on: 2020-07-30 03:26:53 »
He passively regens MP for himself, but when Defending it extends a stronger MP regen effect to both himself and his allies (+10 MP to everyone per post-action tick).

Oh that's really cool! That makes him SUPER useful as a tank for a Magic Focused party :D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.2)
« on: 2020-07-30 00:49:25 »
I haven't updated to 2.0.2 yet, but I've reached Gongaga with only one minor thing to report:
Cait Sith's MP Regen seems to sometimes affect party members too. I can't remember if this is what the game said to do this from the ingame Beginner's Hall info on Innates & Cait's Innate Info pop-up when he joins, but I figured I should report that it happens sometimes, most notably while he's defending.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0)
« on: 2020-07-29 03:30:31 »
Is it consistently crashing for you? The field is loading on my end when I use the installer version. Definitely the latest installer version being used?

I just tried again, and it loaded in just fine. Not sure why it crashed the first time. And yes, this is the latest version, unless a 2.0.2 was uploaded when I wasn't looking lol  ;)

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