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Messages - CrazySteve88

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When I apply hotfix 9 the thunder animation glitches. The game still works but there's like some transparency issue going on.

At first I thought this was because I was using Satsuki's texture pack but even after I disabled that it still didn't work. So I disabled Reunion in the options and it worked again.
I deleted everything and started fresh, reapplied R06c and once more thunder worked. However as soon as I applied the hotfix it glitched again.

I started a whole new game to make 100% sure it wasn't something to do with the save. I also disabled fancy transparency and a few other options to see if that would fix it but nothing helped.

*EDIT* Man hotfix 9 is buggy. Shortly after escaping from the reactor and talking to Aerith the game loads a completely different map when leaving the area. I haven't played the game in a while but you can see Cait Sith standing by some stairs. My character's stuck and I cannot proceed. Disabling Hotfix 9 fixes this.

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