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Messages - Jeehan

Pages: [1]
Hello ! we will have next update on AngelWing ?

Could we have a little update on the progress of the project please?  I find it incredible, but I can't imagine how much work it is! Is it a very complicated project to realize?

This is amazing !

Salut Snouz ! Comment vas-tu ?

J'ai une petite question, pour le retraitement des décors de jeux, qu'est ce que tu as utilisé ? et ça t'a pris combien de temps ? Tu penses qu'il serait possible de trouver une façon/un outil normalisée pour retravailler les décors, je pense à Final Fantasy 7 et Jusete, JMP qui se sont lancés dans un parcours du combattant pour recréer tous les décors de FF7.

Autre question, si je devais me relancer une partie de FF9, tu me conseillerais d'installer là V.1 ou la beta V.2 ou d'attendre la V.3 ?

En te remerciant !

4, you can google translate it and check if you want ! This retraduction's patch is compatible with the FF7.exe French-Pal version but i don't know with 7h. Do you think it can be compatible ? Do you think i can install 7th on my FF7 French steam version or convert it ?

Sorry for my questions  ;D

Also, do you know where i can contact those french traductor for start the work ??

Thank you

Also with the 7th Heaven, can we play with the Neo-Midgard french retraduction ?

Hello ! I can help for the french translation but i need to know : The FF7 french pal version is compatible with 7th Heaven ??

I've read there is no compatibilty with FF7 Pal version and 7th heaven.

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-04-21 10:33:10 »
Thank you ! 98 Fields completed, it's an enormous amount of work..Do you know how many fields there are in the original game ?

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-04-20 10:04:32 »
Hello Jusete ! How are you ? Your works are literraly splendid !

Some questions for you : Are you working alone on this project ? In the forum, i've read that some others guys are working on scenes too ! i don't want to seem impatient, but do you have a percentage of finishing work ? Because there are many many object and i can't estimate the amount of work (i don't know anything about 3D, rendering etc).

i'll donate some money at the end of the month ! Your work are amazing and need to be supported !


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