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Messages - Adrianx

Pages: [1]
Hello. I want to talk about a bug that is annoying to me and preventing me to play the pc version of this game (and also this beautiful mod). I know it's just a minor glitch but for me it's ruining the experience. This glitch is about the "ambience sounds" that you can hear in the background, for example the owl sounds in the evil forest, or the crowd sounds in Alexandria at the start of the game. The problem is that these sounds loop at every screen change. You can easily hear it in the evil forest, it always start with the same sound. In the psx version, these sounds continue between each screens. I hope I can make myself understood (I'm not English (french)).
No one is talking (or even seems to be aware of) about this glitch so I wanted to create an account just so it could maybe be fixed in the future.
Thanks and congratulation for the creator of this marvelous mod.

I've the same problem :( I don't want to play this game until there is a solution...I want the complete FFIX experience lol

Please, any help?

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