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Messages - psaez

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server is saturated ATM, need to way or try one of the direct's link mirror

i won't release a portable version, it's not the goal of the pack, if some antivirus see false positive, i can't do anything about it
1/68 for update and 3/68 for main installer ins't that bad as it's only suspicion and from no realy quality antivirus... if you don't trust me just don't use my work ^^
ps: the pack main exe is also seen as 1/68 false positive so a portable version won't change that ...

Is it easy to intall the mods of your package manually in the steam ff7 install? Do I have the possibility to achieve it by some way? any help will be appreciated

Hi, I'm playing FF7 modded via Steam Link, but I don't use 7th heaven (because I still haven't managed to have the language in German). Instead I use the installer ff7_syw_unified from satsuki.
None of the mentioned problems occurred.


The problem is that the FF7_SYW_Unified.V1.03.exe file has not one but 3 virus alerts on and the 1.04 update has too. It's impossible for me (and for sure for more people) to install content with alerts on my computer

if it were portable without exes and alerts whould be perfect... thank you


To install them manualy it's amost as easy as using a ".iro" file :
-Download the .7z file
-Extract it (with 7zip for exemple)
-In 7th use the "Import Mod" button, then "From Folder" and select the folder where you have extracted the mod (do it for each mod you want to import).


A guy from this forum send me the link to this mod because it's exactly what I'm searching for. I can't install ff7 mods with 7th heaven because I play in another room with STEAM LINK and 7th heaven is not compatible with this, because steam link can't open the game throught another software and must open the game from the game executable.

This mod allows to install the mods directly on the folder on the game and uses the executable of the game so it's perfect.

The problem is that the FF7_SYW_Unified.V1.03.exe file has not one but 3 virus alerts on and the 1.04 update has too. It's impossible for me (and for sure for more people) to install content with alerts on my computer so please... can you release a "portable" version of your mod that allows to install it without any executable? I'll be very happy if you do that. The executable does not help, you can simply paste a small guide of where to put all the content and that's all.


Thank you.

Yes, a portable version has always been available: . Unzip all files and subfolders to a directory of your choice (C:\7th Heaven\ is the default).


the link is dead. Is there a section of the web where you upload portable versions?

Can't find it, and the positives are still present

Any info about this?


A lot of us like to play with steam link in the living room with the big tv instead of the pc. Steam link is perfect for that, the problem is that 7th heaven is not compatible with steam link.

I managed to add 7th heaven to steam link and launch automatically the game, it's easy, you simply need to add 7th heaven as an external game, and add /LAUNCH as launch parameter of the steam external game. It will launch the game. Well, first it will display a windows alert asking for permissions  >:( it only happens with 7th heaven, not with other applications and steam link.

Bug the big problem is that when you play with steam link, the controllers are linked with bluetooth to steam link, and not directly with the computer. That was not an issue for some emulators like CEMU or Citra, you can easily do the buttons mapping on the emulators when the controller is linked to steam link and you have steam link connected to the computer, but 7th heaven don't detect the controller buttons when you press them...  can this be solved please?


I know it's near to impossible that this software has a virus inside, but is being marked as trojan by two antivirus in as you can see here:

Personally I can't install a software that is marked as virus by virustotal. I hope someone can show this to the creator of the software and maybe if he know this, he will release a portable version. Why? because 99% of the positives of free homebrew software in virustotal are caused by installer generators, which adds trojans or false positives in the installer. Releasing a portable version solves this issue, because no trojan or false positive is injected.

Please, show this to the creator of the software, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one don't want to install a software with two positives in

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