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Messages - Zakkura

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Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2021-04-07 20:30:21 »
The Wutai update is available (89 edited textures).
It contains every edited textures of my previous post and some others.

I'm now doing a walkthrough and editing some textures along the way.

Here are some update in the Shinra building :

Carpet pattern is redrawn

I also made some updates in Banora.

Soil + Tree trunks

Brick wall

Palm leaves

I also redrew the pink flower texture to look more like the original texture

I think I will edit more Banora textures before continuing my walkthrough

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2021-02-28 22:20:43 »
I've just realized I didn't post here the last update I made some while ago.... So here it is :
The laboratory is "fully" edited. I might do some more edits later on the lab device again when other maps will be edited too.

I started to work on the small forest map after Wutai too. It's still WIP, I think I can try to upscale some of the background textures to get a better base to work on or merge with my current edit.
Anyway, it's now uploaded if you want to see it.


I'm  currently focusing on all this Wutai area. Today I've started to edit some textures from the forest before Wutai until the end of the fortress.
I 'm almost done fixing this area. I still miss some crates in the fortress and minor edits, maybe some edge fix on the foliage too.
I still need to fix the outside and inside of the Wutai Arena after that.
(These edits are not submitted yet)

Ground, grass, rock edit

Fake tree edit

Rock edit

Small wall edit

Floor stone, ground, rock

walls, red buildings

wall, ground

Wood structure(might edit shadows/color again), ground

WIP chest

The new upscale tool is really good to get clean base textures. It's really time-saving, I think I'll be able to work quicker now.
I'll try to get a day off this week, I want to continue editing these textures.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-11-09 20:20:24 »
I've just submit the fix I did last week. I've submit on the "Dev" branch this time. Is that ok ? Or do I still need to do it on the "master" branch too ? Let me know if you need me to do something else.

I've fixed the CA on the brick gate + added details and fixed the small issue on the floor. I've edited and submit the missing train textures too (front side).

I've also fixed the beam as a wood beam as you said -Ori.

I'm currently editing the floor of the Shinra laboratory. Here's a WIP screenshot

I've sent you an email too as you asked eqprog.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-11-02 23:25:59 »
I've edited the lamp and the Shinra logo. Also I've fixed a mistake I made in the Japanese number on the train (different from the remake). I'll edit the wall and floor issue tomorrow.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-11-02 22:02:37 »
This texture below bug me too. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be wood planks/box or if it's a metal beam ?

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-11-02 21:48:51 »
Sure, I can edit the Shinra logo as well as the lamp and other textures you mentioned.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-11-02 20:35:28 »
Here's my edits for the train :

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-26 20:07:03 »
Hey eqprog ! Don't worry, I understand that you must be really busy with your work these days. And thank you for your kind words ! Feels great to work with you and Devina on this project.

Good job Devina on your floor edit !

Here are some new edits :
I've edited the door, the metal above the door and the brown wall. The brown wall texture was too damaged to be used as a base so I recreated a new one using the original one as a reference.

I've fixed the electrical box thing, not sure how to call it in english. I've added a small shadow and a lighting effect on top of the yellow sign to make it looks more realistic.

My next task will be to fix the train. It's a huge object so I'd like to take the time to make it looks better. Other texture are less visible and will be fixed after.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-18 13:11:21 »
Sorry for being slower this week, I was quite busy with my job.

I've fixed the floor, brick walls and the textures under the rails.

Those walls, air conditioner and beam have been edited too. The walls still need a small color and noise update. I'd like to edit the lamp as well.

I'm going to edit the following textures next. I'll fix the blurry details on the first one. I'll edit the metal door and the brown wall too.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-14 21:01:36 »
Thank you Devina for the save file !
I'm not done yet with the Edits below but here are some WIP. I've started to edit the brick walls + floor.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-12 17:45:32 »
She looks so much better now with the last update ! Love it !
I'm starting working on the train station now. I will fix the walls first. If you can share that save file it would be great, thanks !

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-11 16:34:59 »
No problem, I still have the psd. I've fixed what you told me. Feel free to tell me if it still need an update.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-10 21:05:08 »
Love your edits !
I'm ready for the train station. Sorry that I didn't submit my work earlier like I said I would.


I've recreated the "Three Stars coffee shop" sign, so we can now read it. Also I've added some details on the lamp post

I've fixed the texture seam on the red brick textures + add details on the door that was blurry

The strange doors upstairs are now normal windows

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-06 22:05:48 »
The door definitely looks better this way. I like to use photo too as a base when details are too damaged on the texture.  I also like to add a simple texture, like concrete one with a mask, on top of my layers to get some "clean/realistic noise" when needed.
Thank you about the added details, the no handles door bothered me too x) I think it can makes environment more natural without loosing the game identity to add some details too. I think I'll add the details above the door on the bricks one too. I still have to fix that texture seam it has too.

Edits :
I've edited the Loveless theater wall/column. Maybe I still need to add a little of shadow on the flower ornament ?

I've updated all those brown window/wall. Also I've updated the fake interior/curtain to add a little more diversity to get a more natural setting.

I've edited this wall too just to get some details back

I made a really small update on the ground by adding more color detail between the brick instant of a uniform color.

The fountain is also updated

I didn't fixed the shop sign yet, I didn't got enough time. I though it was not that important so I fixed the shinra building texture instead. I've exported the shinra building model from an other scene, added more edges to the spotlights to make them less low poly,  added lights and rendered it as a new png. By the way, is that possible to edit Psp game models or only textures ? I'm just curious

I still have minor fix I'd like to do (texture seam on the brick walls + at least the text on the shop sign would be nice + I'd like to edit the lamppost too and the strange door that make no sense upstairs behind the clock. I'll try to finish that tomorrow

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-03 11:36:49 »
You're both right about the FFVIIR textures, I don't want to loose to much of the game identity too. I will try to recreate the blurry sign.
Sorry for my mistake, I've accidently swapped the wall and window texture. I've submit my fix for that. Thank you for reporting the issue.

Your Cloud edits looks great !

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-02 21:12:07 »

I've finished to fix the arch wall texture

I've updated the trash can because there are a lot of it in Sector 8. In this texture there are also some paper that we can see on the ground. Maybe we can try to put a Loveless flyer

WIP - I've also recreated some ornaments on these two textures that were blurry

I've replaced the "Loveless" huge poster with FFVIIR one. I think this design looks cleaner and better with the lighting setting and it's easier to read when walking

I've edited the windows below. I might work on the brown wall behind the window later to fix the little tiling issue. Same on the brick one there is a small tiling issue that can be fixed.

Next I plan to fix this column texture below. I'm also thinking about replacing some shop sign with FFVIIR textures to make them easier to read

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-01 22:40:36 »
Thank you eqprog, I'll try that !

I'm currently working on this arch wall texture. I've made it lower so it can hide the low poly shape of the mesh.

I'll fix some windows texture tomorrow using the previously fixed one I've done, so all windows should be fixed in Sector 8.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-10-01 16:25:33 »
I've submitted my fix for the grey walls but I'm not sure if I did it right this time with the GitHub app. I might only do it on the website next time. I'm really sorry if I made a mistake, feel free to tell me if it's the case

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-30 22:35:07 »
I agree, it may have been easier having textures organized by area for me too but it's ok that way too.
Thank you Devina for explaining how you find texture, I'll try it next time. I was so slow finding what I needed.
Zack and Aerith look great with these eyes color ! And it's nice to see the church's glass pattern now.

I'm still working on the walls textures, I hope I can finish tomorrow. I want to make sure all those fixed textures I did go well together. I used Sector8 door from FFVIIR for the shape on the stone above the door. I still need to fix the door on the red brick wall. I realized it's not only used for the "Goblin's Bar". There are like 3 of it in the other section of Sector 8, so I will not add a bar sign on it. Not sure yet what we can add on it that can be seen multiple time without being strange. Maybe just nothing on it. I still have to fix the window on the white brick wall too.

Two weeks per area sounds good to me too. I might be too slow for one week

Edit : I just saw you worked on the red brick walls too eqprop. It looks good so I'll stop my fix on those ones. I think maybe I can at least fix the window shape on your fix version since it's the same window as on the large stone wall that I've already redraw last time.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-27 20:53:58 »
Thank you eqprog !

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-27 19:35:22 »
Ok I see what result you want to achieve. It will look nice with this color contrast !
Sure, I can fix more wall textures, I was thinking about that too. I'm currently fixing the brick wall one you mentioned (+ window and door ones). I can fix the white wall after.
I agree, it would be nice to add something on the door.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-26 20:45:23 »
Yes, I'm done with the floor textures. I'm just thinking about adding "smart sharpen" filter on it or the "paint daubs" one on Photoshop to make it "pop" more like you said but that's it. What do you think ? I've made a pull request with the above version if you want to get the files and try something else.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-26 17:28:55 »
Ok no problem, thank you ! You're welcome !  :)

I fixed some textures in Sector 8 :
-Stone wall texture + stone window one
-I also fixed the ground texture. I've recreated the original pattern and fixed texture seams. Same for the sidewalk.

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-25 11:39:29 »
Thank you for your feedback ! :) You're right, I'll check these type of textures first next time. I should be able to work more this weekend

Releases / Re: FF7 Crisis Core Upscale Project
« on: 2020-09-25 08:06:31 »
I looked in the priority folder yesterday to start helping with textures. I fixed this one in Mt Nibel. I hope it's ok. It's my first time using Github but I made a pull request for this if it can be useful.
Spoiler: show

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