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Messages - Genesis

Pages: [1] 2
Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaked FFXIII trailer
« on: 2008-07-28 15:49:07 »
ah well, nevermind, just have to get a ps3 when it comes out

to me versus looks very real day based (look at the dress sense) whilst XIII the one with lightning looks very futuristic

both look cool, wonder what there doing about haeresis

Completely Unrelated / Re: Leaked FFXIII trailer
« on: 2008-07-27 14:48:29 »
that blonde guy who was walking with who look likes hes main character looked like he was walking like reno did in advent children but with a gun over his shoulder instead of a rod

this looks awesome

but i dont have a ps3 or a 360 but it has been announced thats its coming to pc as well
so yay!!  :-D im well excited

Archive / Re: Modding Characters
« on: 2008-07-17 12:02:38 »
if you download his swapping tutorial it tells you where to get the program and how to change parts etc

if that doesnt help, have a look round for topics here

you can find kimera on google i think its on version 0.84b , just google it and it should come with some links for download

Archive / Re: Modding Characters
« on: 2008-07-16 11:41:48 »

this has some patches and also how to edit things and tells you what programs you need and has a tutorial with it

Archive / Re: Modding problems, please please help
« on: 2008-07-15 16:34:58 »
sorry my mistake

Archive / Re: Modding Characters
« on: 2008-07-15 14:37:06 »

this topic might help you, if not just search for what your looking for in the search bar at the top, im sure theres enough topics about everything you want to know

Archive / Re: Modding Characters
« on: 2008-07-14 19:05:27 »
to get the programs doesnt take long, the simplest one is using kimera

to build the models can take as long or as short as you wish, depends on how much detail you want to put into it

the more detail and care you have, the longer it will take but it will be much better

if you havent had much expirience with a computer just do small mods and dont expect to make a full fledge perfect detail character on your 1st try, take your time

and always keep a back-up of the original files so you can change anything back to its original state

Archive / Re: if i was to change the limits........
« on: 2008-07-13 11:21:43 »
ok thanks again destiny  :-)

Archive / Re: Modding problems, please please help
« on: 2008-07-13 11:20:54 »
ok thanks for help, i know it was stupid question lol

thanks again destiny

Archive / Re: Modding problems, please please help
« on: 2008-07-12 20:51:24 »
not yet, i think i need to make the new file into battle.lgp, well thats what ive been told to do by someone else (not on the forum)

Archive / Modding problems, please please help
« on: 2008-07-12 13:57:53 »
ive tried to add characters to ff7 and they appear in biturn but they arent appearing in game, can anyone help?

the file size did increase but i dont think that would cause cloud to appear as normal in battle,

any help would be great

Archive / if i was to change the limits........
« on: 2008-07-07 15:45:28 »
i know its possible to change the lmits of the characters around but if i had multiple people with for example clouds limits would only one person be able to learn omnislash or will they all use there old limit 4 items but have the animation of clouds limits?

Archive / Re: Working on FFX mod
« on: 2008-07-05 13:36:47 »
sounds like this will be a good mod, would you be able to release this is my only worry about this

if your building the models from scratch then fair enough but if your not then you won't be allowed to release it if thats your intention

for the music i think your able to delete the MIDI files if you don't want them, i think thats why they are playing together

i guess red could be auron coz the whole mystical thing they both kinda have, as for jecht i would have no clue, would you be changing the storyline att all to go with this?

Archive / Re: Anyway of shrinking the bone structure?
« on: 2008-07-01 15:59:33 »
well the '+' and '-' technique works to a point

his arms are still quite far out, i'll use the hex editor technique as there is more freedom but takes more time

and JordieBo yes i will be releasing this along side several other characters in a new patch im doing, im going to release genesis alone first to make sure it works well and people can report bugs and then im going to work on the 'SOLDIER' patch which will be replacing all the characters with characters from SOLDIER and this will include a new dialogue and some more character changes, making Hojo the main antagonist in the game =)

Archive / Re: Anyway of shrinking the bone structure?
« on: 2008-06-27 17:07:47 »
i was going to replace cloud but this mod is goin to be part of a set of characters

Archive / Anyway of shrinking the bone structure?
« on: 2008-06-26 19:51:10 »
some of you maybe aware that i am in the middle of creating genesis for FF7

im using kimera and having genesis replace barret, so other characters can soon replace the others

but im having problems with barrets bulky size as it involes a large bone structure which genesis would not fit

ive moved the parts in but it still isnt great

should i use another program or can i actually shrink the skeleton down for him?

Archive / Re: About Adding Sephiroth Into Party
« on: 2008-06-26 15:47:17 »
i think you'll have to switch the models around but then it would aerith in sephiroth skin, meanin ghe would hold the staff like her and use her limits etc

Troubleshooting / Re: Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-26 15:02:23 »
noted obesebear

i'll finish genesis off and then do the other guys

would be sweet if i could do a 'SOLDIER' patch, i tried making weiss last night and i got the pants done and the torso but its just his hair, its so IMMENSE!

Troubleshooting / Re: Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-25 17:44:04 »
lol slightly excessive i think

im tempted to xpand this project and make what i would call a 'crisis' patch which would have seph angeal zack and genesis as characters

or a 'SOLDIER' patch which would be characters from the ff7 series that were in SOLDIER, so basically the same as crisis but would include Weiss from DoC

what you guys think?

Troubleshooting / Re: Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-25 13:57:38 »

well thank you for the comments, i will try and talk to apz_freak to ask for some tips bout texturing

one problem im having though is that it wont open this model all together, i have to choose sephiroths skeleton and then add the parts into the correct places, does anyone know why this is happening?

fair enough

thanks for the comments, i may try and take this up another time but for now i need to get Crisis Core  :-D

Troubleshooting / Re: Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-24 19:19:58 »
i can steal his model from crisis core?

where can i find the model of that?

Troubleshooting / Re: Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-24 18:54:39 »
ok, i'll see what i can find

ive been going off crisis core videos to try and get it right, texture is the next step, i think th main problem is the hair i think, it looks too bushy IMO

any suggestions on what i should do?

FF7 Tools / Re: Teioh - a FF7 kernel2 editor
« on: 2008-06-24 17:19:16 »

this is a great program! thanks a lot for this one! :-D

Troubleshooting / Ok new character i designed
« on: 2008-06-24 17:08:51 »
since i am such a huge Genesis fan (one of the SOLDIER's from Crisis core) i thought id give it a shot creating him

this is the first time ive tried to create a character and i know theres lots of flaws in it

i used sephiroth cause he dresses very similar to genesis so i did coz i guess i was being lazy 

i used kimera to do this

and here is one with the bones if your interested

please honest feedback and suggestions to improve it

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