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Messages - Navihank

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2021-05-25 21:27:59 »
Is this just a gameplay mod, or are you going change some of the story beats like VII?

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] New Threat Mod (v0.3)
« on: 2021-02-19 21:11:49 »
Does this mod work on the remastered edition, or only vanilla?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2021-01-29 16:25:29 »

Oh, while I'm here: do you have any estimation on FF8 New Threat's 1.0 release date? I'm very eager to play it.
What would FF8 new threat even do? you would need to rebuild the junction system from the ground up.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2021-01-28 23:17:20 »
I was playing around with the settings and forgot which way it was before thats why i was asking

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2021-01-26 22:24:44 »
I just started New threat and I was confused on the hard mode toggle. is it the little window at the end that shows the current difficulty setting?

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