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Messages - g_west

Pages: [1] 2
I see. I thought I was supposed to replace rather than add.

    SetTextVariable( 0, 300 )
    SetTextVariable( 1, 301 )
    SetTextVariable( 2, 302 )
    SetTextVariable( 3, 303 )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_0 = 0
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 = GetItemCount(300)
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(301) << 1 )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(302) << 2 )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(303) << 3 )
    while ( ( !VAR_LocUInt8_0 ) && ( ( VARL_GenUInt8_358 & 240 ) != 240 ) ) {
        EnableDialogChoices( ( ( VAR_LocUInt8_1 & ( ~( VARL_GenUInt8_358 >> 4 ) ) ) & 15 ) | 16, 0 )

This is what I'm using now, and it seems to be working.

Thank you for being patient with me, it's very much appreciated.

Hey Tirlititi,

I, uh, I may have spoken too soon...

So the code works with the blue stone, when I pick it up (now a sapphire) and I go to deposit it, there is no longer an option to deposit the blue stone. That part works perfectly. However...

Pictures of my new problem (the flametongue is just a renamed flame saber). I'm currently looking at the altered code, but I'm not sure what's going wrong.

Here's the altered code you gave me.

    WaitAnimation(  )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_0 = 0
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 = GetItemCount(300)
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(301) << 1 )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(302) << 2 )
    set VAR_LocUInt8_1 |= ( GetItemCount(303) << 3 )
    while ( ( !VAR_LocUInt8_0 ) && ( ( VARL_GenUInt8_358 & 240 ) != 240 ) ) {
        EnableDialogChoices( ( ( VAR_LocUInt8_1 & ( ~( VARL_GenUInt8_358 >> 4 ) ) ) & 15 ) | 16, 0 )
        WindowSync( 0, 0, 144 )
        if ( GetDialogChoice == 4 ) {
            set VAR_LocUInt8_0 = 1
        } else {
            set VARL_GenUInt8_358 |= ( 1 << ( GetDialogChoice + 4 ) )
            SetTextVariable( 4, GetDialogChoice + 300 )
            RemoveItem( GetDialogChoice + 300, 1 )
            WindowSync( 0, 0, 145 )
            RunSoundCode3( 53248, 1339, 0, -128, 125 )
    if ( ( VARL_GenUInt8_358 & 240 ) == 240 ) {
        WindowSync( 0, 128, 146 )
        if ( 0 ) {
            RunSoundCode3( 53248, 108, 0, -128, 125 )

I may have messed up and there is something I'm not seeing? I can't find the values for any of the items listed in the images, but as you can see, the item name for the red stone changes depending on what other stones I've picked up.

Any ideas?

Also, I made sure to change the Local Variable Panel to "allocate 2"

Hot damn, that worked!

Thank you Tirlititi, you're the greatest. I think I'm starting to understand this stuff a bit better.

Thanks again.

Hey Sombra,

To change the chocograph treasures you need to to go to Environment -> World Map -> Global Map. There you'll see a list. "World Map: No Transport," "World Map/Event: Cargo Ship," etc. In the first one, "World Map: No Transport," look for "Function World_Chest_39" and you'll see something like this.

Function World_Chest_39
    set VAR_LocUInt8_8 = ( ( Chocobo_WorldChestFound >> ( GetCurrentChocograph - 1 ) ) & 1 )
    switch 2 ( VAR_LocUInt8_8 ) from 0 {
    case +0:
        switch 24 ( GetCurrentChocograph ) from 1 {
        case +0:
            set Chocobo_WorldChestFound |= 1
            set VAR_LocUInt8_9 = 239 -> WHAT THE TREASURE IS
            set VAR_LocUInt8_14 = 2 -> HOW MANY YOU GET
            set VAR_LocUInt8_10 = 237
            set VAR_LocUInt8_15 = 3
            set VAR_LocUInt8_11 = 238
            set VAR_LocUInt8_16 = 4
            set VAR_LocInt16_12 = 140
            set VAR_LocUInt8_17 = 2

This is the first chocograph. I already changed mine so the "140" value at the bottom will be different for you. Underneath this in the same function window will be all the other treasures. "Case 0" is the first chocograph and "Case 1" is the second and so on.

To change the cracks and bubbles, it is the same thing, except it's under "Function World_Chocobo_15" and ""Function World_Chocobo_16" respectively.

Now that being said, it'll be different for each category under Environment -> World Map -> Global Map. So for example, in "World Map: Blue Narciss" it won't be ""Function World_Chest_39" it will be "Function World_Chest_41" It changes for each category, and you have to change them all because the game sees the same chests as different depending on how far along you are in the story. I find the best way to do this is to make all the changes in "World Map: No Transport," -> "Function World_Chest_39," and then just copy and paste the new list into the others i.e., "World Map: Blue Narciss" -> "Function World_Chest_41" and so on. You can skip the ones that say "Event" or "Dagger," as you don't have access to a chocobo during those times.

As for the Grand Dragon problem, I don't know how to add moves, but changing them is easy. So, for example, Grand Dragon has two Thundaga moves and we want to make one of them Curaga. So click on one of the two Thundagas and on the left hand side by the spell name, click the ... and manually change the name. Below the spell name is the type of attack, change it to "Magic Heal." "Power" and "Element" are self explanatory. "Accuracy" is tied to the "Status." If you want to add a status to a move, you need to also increase the accuracy. Some attack types can't add statuses, like "Magic Heal," for example. Below that is MP Cost, which should be self explanatory, and below that is probably where your problem is. "Animation," you have to change the animation in the drop down menu to the far right AND under "Edit Animation." At the bottom of the main spell page, make sure to change the targeting parameters, or the Grand Dragon will be healing your party.

Hey Tirlititi,

It's been a while and you probably don't remember. Last time I asked you about the colored stones and switching things up a bit with that. Well I picked up modding again FF9 again, and I reread through your reply regarding my last question, but I find I'm still stuck. I know very little about coding, but so far I've managed to change quite a bit. I have hit a road block however, and it's making me want to pull my hair out.

I want to change what the player receives from depositing the colored stones in Conde Petie Mountain Path, and I want to change when this is possible. I got the first part working no problem, the second part eludes me. My plan was to switch out the Blue Stone for a Sapphire (no problem) and put the Blue Stone in a chest in Mount Gulug (again, no problem). This way, the player has to wait till disc three to deposit the last colored stone. However, when I take the sapphire out of the Blue Stone statue on the Mountain Path, the game registers it as me having the Blue Stone in my inventory, even when I don't, as it's been changed to a Sapphire. I'm guessing the simple act of removing any item from the statues triggers some kind of command to let the game know to make the "Deposit Blue Stone" option appear in the Deposit Statue. My question is, how would I remove that command and tie it to the chest it Mount Gulug instead? Is this even possible?

Thanks Tirlititi!

Hey Tirlititi,

Fist off, thank you for the awesome update. I didn't even realize you were still working on it.

I had a question. I know you edited the game so that Quan's Dwelling scene couldn't be done until disc four, and I was wondering if I could do something similar. I wanted to edit the colored stone deposit shrine on the Conde Petie Mountain Path (1554: Mountain Path/Roots) so that you can't deposit the items on disc 2, only on disc 3. I was hoping to simply edit the message that pops up if you try to do it on disc two with something along the lines "looks like it's not working."

If this is too difficult, or not possible, it occurred to me that I can just hide one of the stones somewhere else in the world only available in disc three, and make the player come back later.

I just thought of something. The easiest solution would be replacing one of the stones with an ore. The other solution would be having a message pop up at one of the stone shrines that says "it seems to be empty," and then placing the stone somewhere else. My only problem is I have no idea how to go about doing that.

Hey Tirlititi,

Fist off, thank you for the awesome update. I didn't even realize you were still working on it.

I had a question. I know you edited the game so that Quan's Dwelling scene couldn't be done until disc four, and I was wondering if I could do something similar. I wanted to edit the colored stone deposit shrine on the Conde Petie Mountain Path (1554: Mountain Path/Roots) so that you can't deposit the items on disc 2, only on disc 3. I was hoping to simply edit the message that pops up if you try to do it on disc two with something along the lines "looks like it's not working."

If this is too difficult, or not possible, it occurred to me that I can just hide one of the stones somewhere else in the world only available in disc three, and make the player come back later.

Hey Tirlititi,

I know I've been asking a lot lately, so I apologize if I'm coming off as pushy or demanding. It's not my intention.

I've been strongly considering making the switch from the PSX version of the game to the Steam version, as I believe my laptop is new enough to handle it. I was reading on the Steam page that Memoria isn't compatible with Hades workshop, but I think that may be outdated information? Could you possibly direct me where to go so I could read up on using Hades, Memoria and Moguri all together. I've never used or modded a game with Steam, and the task of getting started seems a bit daunting.

On a related note, I was wondering if HW is capable of editing spells animations? I'd like to use Magnitude 8, but whenever I use it the ground shakes underneath the player team and not the enemies targeted. It's the earthquake animation used by Hilgigars.

Thank you for your time and all your responses, it's been much appreciated.

Got it. So when I go to Batch and chose the two different export text options, all I see is an option for what I assume are in game dialogue and reading signs and such, as well as an option for the various UI menus. I don't see a way to export all of the spell/item names and their 'help' descriptions. Those are what I've changed the most.

edit: Ah, never-mind. Those are in fact under UI it seems.

Expect 100%. It's not impossible that there are situations in which the conversion would be easier, but don't count on it.
You can however use Text Batching (export/import) that eases the process for the Text panel.

I'm not entirely sure what the second half of this statement means? Eases the process for the Text panel? Are you implying some of the text would translate if done that way?

Would I be able to import the text and then just go through and manually spell check/fix the bugs, or do you think it's going to completely scramble everything? Realistically, how much of the text would I have to rewrite or copy/paste? 100%?

Thank you. One of these days I'll get a good enough computer to play the steam version of this game with the moguri mod. When that day comes, will I be able to load the .HWS file I've been working on with the PSX version of the game and change the Steam version? I'd made a significant amount of changes and I hate to have to do it all over again.

Also, my new current problem is trying to find the scrip for the frog catching awards. I want to change some of the items but I can't find it anywhere.

I think I got it, thanks. In the World Map > Battle Spots tab, what is the difference or significance between Normal, Mist, Alternate with Mist, and Alternate? Different points in the game?

Edit: I added some new enemies to Popo Heights (49 and 50 in Battle Spots), and now HW crashes whenever I try to export a PPF. I also changed those enemies battle scenes in the Enemy tab. I changed them to mach the scenes that are used in Popo Heights. It still makes the PPF, but when I try to patch, is says it's trying to write outside the disc image. Can't remember the exact message. I'm guessing I can't add Yans to Popo Heights on Disc 1?

Hey Tirlititi,

Is it possible to add new enemies to a location? Could I add new monsters to Popo Heights on disc 1, for example? I've been playing around in the battle spots tab and I'm pretty sure 49 and 50 are Popo Heights, I see I can change the monster, but not the battle scene.

Hey Tirlititi,

That indeed worked, thank you very much.

Hey Tirlititi,

I'm playing around with the first Earth Guardian boss fight on Disc 3, and I wanted to change the last attack in his move pool to something else. You have it set to Firaga. I've done this with other enemies, so I know how to change the name of the attack as well as the animation, that's all done, but Earth Guardian targets himself every time. I want this new attack to target Zidane and Quina instead. I figure it has something to do with his script in the "Function Earth_Guardian_ATB," but I have no idea what I'm looking at and I was wondering if you could tell me what to change in his script so that last attack in his move pool always targets my party instead of him?

Thanks again.

Ignore me. I figured it out. I completely forgot that you have to edit the world map depending on where you are in the game. Blue Narciss or Invincible.

I don't know what's wrong. I can change the world map treasures. Dive spots and Chocographs, but it won't path them to the ISO anymore. I changed some in the a few months ago, and they are still working, but is won't patch anything I change now. It'll patch spell name changes.

Hey Tirlititi,

I'm having some difficulty editing the treasures for the chocobo dive spots. I've located the treasure values in "Function World_Chocobo_17" and I've changed the value of what used to be a "Black Robe" but when I save the changes, create a PPF, and patch my game, I still get a "Black Robe." I'm loading a proper save file evey time, not a save state. Am I missing something?

Function World_Chocobo_17
    RunAnimation( 8139 )
    WaitAnimation(  )
    RunAnimation( 8141 )
    WaitAnimation(  )
    SetObjectFlags( 14 )
    Wait( 60 )
    SetObjectFlags( 5 )
    RunAnimation( 8138 )
    WaitAnimation(  )
    switch 1 ( VAR_GlobUInt8_34 ) from 2 {
    case +0:
        switch 5 ( VAR_GlobUInt8_36 ) from 7 {
        case +0:
            set VARL_GenBool_1465 = 1
            set VAR_LocUInt8_37 = 226
            set VAR_LocUInt8_42 = 10
            set VAR_LocUInt8_38 = 15
            set VAR_LocUInt8_43 = 1
            set VAR_LocUInt8_39 = 190
            set VAR_LocUInt8_44 = 1
            set VAR_LocInt16_40 = 594
            set VAR_LocUInt8_45 = 1
        case +1:
            set VARL_GenBool_1464 = 1
            set VAR_LocUInt8_37 = 247
            set VAR_LocUInt8_42 = 10
            set VAR_LocUInt8_38 = 100
            set VAR_LocUInt8_43 = 1
            set VAR_LocUInt8_39 = 109
            set VAR_LocUInt8_44 = 1
            set VAR_LocInt16_40 = 592
            set VAR_LocUInt8_45 = 1
        case +3:

The bottom list of items is what was changed. The "100" is an armlet, it's what used to be a "Black Robe"

Hey akirat9, I had this same problem. When you try to rename an enemy, you can't just type it in the bar. You have to click the ... button next to the enemy name and then edit and apply.

Wow I'm dumb. Sorry, I didn't even look at that tab. All these years later and your still out here answering questions. Thank you, really.

The first string was under "Function Moogle_Male_59" I also found this under "Function Moogle_Male_64"

    } else {
        if ( VARL_GenBool_809 == 0 ) {
            WindowSync( 6, 128, 221 )
        } else {
            RunScriptAsync( 6, 25, 30 )
            set VAR_LocUInt8_1 = 0
            while ( VAR_LocUInt8_1 != 99 ) {
                SetTextVariable( 0, 251 )
                EnableDialogChoices( 255, VAR_LocUInt8_1 )
                if ( Chocobo_ForestHighScore > 0 ) {
                    SetTextVariable( 2, Chocobo_HotColdPoints )
                    WindowSync( 6, 128, 226 )
                } else {
                    if ( VARL_GenBool_1087 == 1 ) {
                        WindowSync( 6, 128, 225 )
                    } else {
                        WindowSync( 6, 128, 224 )

Both contain the line you quoted, but I'm still very lost.

I found this in "Chocobo's Forest"

Function Moogle_Male_64
    switch 3 ( Chocobo_CurrentField ) from 1 {
    case +0:
        SetTextVariable( 2, Chocobo_ForestHighScore )
        SetTextVariable( 3, Chocobo_ForestGamePlayed )
    case +1:
        SetTextVariable( 2, Chocobo_LagoonHighScore )
        SetTextVariable( 3, Chocobo_LagoonGamePlayed )
    case +2:
        SetTextVariable( 2, Chocobo_GardenHighScore )
        SetTextVariable( 3, Chocobo_GardenGamePlayed )
    SetTextVariable( 5, ( Chocobo_ForestGamePlayed + Chocobo_LagoonGamePlayed ) + Chocobo_GardenGamePlayed )
    SetTextVariable( 4, Chocobo_HotColdPoints )
    if ( Chocobo_Lv99 == 0 ) {
        WindowSync( 7, 128, 240 )
    } else {
        WindowSync( 7, 128, 243 )
    if ( GetDialogChoice == 0 ) {
        set VAR_LocUInt16_9 = 0
        set VAR_LocUInt8_2 = 8
        EnableDialogChoices( 511, VAR_LocUInt8_2 )
        WindowAsync( 6, 4, 246 )
        while ( VAR_LocUInt16_9 < 1 ) {
            set VAR_LocInt8_29 = 1
            EnableDialogChoices( 511, VAR_LocUInt8_2 )
            SetTextVariable( 4, Chocobo_HotColdPoints )
            set VAR_LocInt8_30 = 0
            while ( VAR_LocInt8_30 < 1 ) {
                if ( IsButton(655360L) ) {
                    set VAR_LocInt8_30 = 1
                Wait( 1 )
            switch 9 ( GetDialogChoice ) from 0 {
            case +0:
                if ( ( Chocobo_HotColdPoints >= 10000 ) && ( GetItemCount(175) < 99 ) ) {
                    set Chocobo_HotColdPoints -= 10000
                    AddItem( 175, 1 )
                    set VAR_LocInt8_29 = 0
                set VAR_LocUInt8_2 = 0
            case +1:
                if ( ( Chocobo_HotColdPoints >= 8500 ) && ( GetItemCount(208) < 99 ) ) {
                    set Chocobo_HotColdPoints -= 8500
                    AddItem( 208, 1 )
                    set VAR_LocInt8_29 = 0

The 208 at the bottom there is the Rebirth ring. The WindowAsync near the top: "WindowAsync( 6, 4, 246 )", is where he says "What do you want, kupo?" I just can't seem to figure out how to alter the menu text.

Hello Tirlititi,

I was hoping you could help me with something. I've edited the rewards Mene exchanges for H&C points. I've changed Protect Ring to Rebirth Ring and Wing Edge to Elixer, however, I can't seem to figure out how to change the text in the menu. It still says Protect Ring, even though I receive a Rebirth Ring. Any help would be appreciated.

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