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Messages - AhBeng2

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-06-15 09:32:08 »
sorry for the repeat post. Where is the X-attack/2x cut materia? I found it normally on my first playthrough but am having trouble remembering where it is on my second playthrough. currently at the glacier

Spoiler: show

2x cut materia is obtained from the cave at the Da Chao statue in Wutai using the Leviathan scales (on Disc 3 by fighting Godo the second time in the pagoda).

X-attack materia is obtained by exchanging the desert rose (Ruby Weapon drop) with the Kalm traveller, IIRC.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-06-11 01:16:11 »
Hi Sega,

Hope you are doing well. Are you planning to release an updated version of New Threat mod? Cheers.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2023-06-11 01:13:36 »
Amazing work on this mod. I finished a normal walkthrough on type B and am on a hard mode run on type B as well. Just have one question though.
Spoiler: show
How do I acquire a mute mask before corel prison to use on the deathclaw? I'm on hard mode type B so no enemies seem to have a mute mask steal or drop.

Spoiler: show
I think Eligor in the train graveyard drops the mute mask.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.999)
« on: 2022-08-27 17:58:50 »
Hi Sega,

I was just playing through the latest version and I found one oddity.

Spoiler: show
During Cloud's and Aeris's sidequest at Nibelhiem, right after the battle royale, both Cloud and Aeris engage in a conversation. There are now flowers located between both of them that weren't there previously. Do these flowers serve any purpose? These flowers seem to throw off Aeris's position on the screen when she approaches Cloud and holds his hand.

I tried to post a screenshot of this cut scene but unable to do so.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.998)
« on: 2022-08-19 03:45:51 »
It's pretty late and I'll need to think about this; if anyone has an opinion on it, then feel free to chime in. I did actually consider locking it to Type B a few times during the development of 2.0 but I had a couple of reasons for not doing that in the end, will go over those tomorrow. I'm open to changing my mind though.

Hi Sega,

I have some requests for version 2.1 if you do eventually create one. A while ago, I suggested that Aeris (if she is revived) should have a stronger reaction to Cloud handing over the Black Materia to Sephiroth at the Northern Crater in Disc 2. Currently, she is pretty much a passive observer to the whole event; which is very odd from a story perspective. Hopefully, you can add some dialogue for her in version 2.1 to make the whole event more coherent. 

I also did suggest having Aeris collaborate with Tifa to "fix" Cloud's mind in the lifestream during the Mideel sequence since in the OG, it was left ambiguous as how Tifa's (and Cloud's) mind survived after drowning in the lifestream. I understand that you were very reluctant to make this modification previously, but I hope that you will take this suggestion onboard this time around.

This one will be difficult but it will be good to have more story modifications (akin to the Midgar part) to the Type B version of NT; if possible.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.994)
« on: 2022-03-10 07:36:31 »

I looked at Ruby's rewards in the scene.bin and they're set to 50k exp (slightly more if on hard mode), 50k gil (0gil if on hard mode), and 50k AP. Previously, AP was at 5k or something like that.

Ok thanks. I'm getting 45k exp, 4500 AP and 45k gil from Ruby Weapon; it's weird.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.994)
« on: 2022-03-08 07:12:38 »
Hi Sega,

I have just completed Type B of version 2.0994 and I have noticed some issues that may need your clarification.

1. I still have Tifa's dialogue at the Da Chao statue during Yuffie's sidequest swapped around with Type A.

2. No change to the EXP/AP awarded by defeating Ruby Weapon. It is ostensibly the same with previous versions.

3. After the battle with the Calamity in Disc 3, I was brought back to the screen where the battle was triggered in the first place. However, without using the ???? item the second time, the battle simply restarted and the cycle just continued indefinitely. Also, there was no EXP/AP or item reward for defeating this boss.


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-08 11:27:06 »

I like your idea a lot, it would make Aerith's character feel more real, after all, the prospect of spending the rest of your life disconnected from reality, with the voices of thousands of dead souls screaming at you, all at the same time, constantly bombarding your mind with a incompressible mismatch of their memories, regrets and fears, its probably one of the most terrifying things anyone could imagine, it will be quite realistic for Aerith, to be way too scared of the possibility of failing, to even tell Tifa the true about Cloud's condition, but at the same time feel a desperate need to help her friends, in the mist of that moral dilemma, watching Tifa and Cloud fall into the lifestream during the earthquake in Mideel, knowing that they will be forever lost if she does not act immediately, would be the "push" she need to overcome her fear and face the danger of the lifestream.

Yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking. Aeris has always come across to me as an impulsive individual and her actions were always reactionary. She never appeared as someone who thinks things through before taking action but her heart is always in the right place. For example, she rushed towards Don Corneo’s mansion to rescue Tifa when she discovered that the latter was there without considering the possible consequences of her hasty decision. It was Cloud who stopped her and reminded her that it would be extremely unwise for being for so rash. Her instinct to immediately save Tifa despite barely knowing the latter at the expense of her own safety is testament to her selflessness and altruism.

Thus, I believe that if she intended to inform Tifa about her knowledge of the lifestream and how it could be harnessed to help Cloud, she would have done it the moment the party found him in his comatose state in Mideel. It doesn’t seem in line with her character to wait until much later to voluntarily divulge that information. Furthermore, it is imperative to note that at that point, she would be at arguably the lowest point of her confidence/faith in being a Cetra. After all, she just tried to pray for Holy, believed (mistakenly though) that she failed miserably and got “killed” in the process. The thought of using her powers again while running the risk of endangering both her and her friends’ lives would be reprehensible to her at that point.

Instead, if she was forced into a corner with extremely high stakes (such as falling into the lifestream with Cloud and Tifa), she would have no choice but to reveal that information regardless of how incredulous she was. The realisation that her continued silence under that circumstance would only spell their doom is a strong enough motivation for her to take the risk of using her Cetra knowledge to navigate the lifestream and help Cloud and Tifa. As you correctly noted, it would make Aeris’ character more real and also, the whole plot more credible.

I was not aware of this optional conversation, thanks for telling me about it, I like it a lot and think it is perfectly in character for Aerith, but I don't think it clashes with my suggestions, in fact, I think it rounds up Aerith's character arc even more, the way I see it, her arc is not about accepting her fate as a Cetra at the cost of abandoning her "human" life, her arc is that she was always a Cetra and she must learn to accept that part of herself, (according to Elmyra's flashback she used to vehemently deny having any powers when she was a child) but that does not mean she has to forsake all the other parts of her personality, she could achieve a balance in which she uses her heritage for the good of the planet, but still lives her own life in search for her own happiness, and to do that, she must rely on the support of her friends, specially Cloud and Tifa.

Achieving a healthy balance between fulfilling your responsibilities and pursuing your passions and dreams is a quite realistic character arc, and a very relatable one in my opinion.

A very interesting take on that conversation. I agree that Aeris’ character arc should not be about accepting her fate as a Cetra at the cost of her own well-being and life. However, her character arc was such in the OG because the developers wanted to use her as a conduit to deliver the theme of loss and death. Since NT 2.0 alters her fate drastically, it is instructive to explore the other themes of OG such as identity and your approach is perfect. I really like your interpretation a lot but I believe that the conversation will still need to be tweaked to clearly convey that message. I opine that her dialogue (as it currently is) is too dissonant with what you are suggesting here. Here is Aeris’ dialogue at the Chocobo Ranch in Disc 3:

Spoiler: show
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about why I came on this journey. I was trying really hard to figure out what a Cetra is supposed to be like. And, I don’t know, to copy that. But you know what? I don’t WANT to be like a Cetra. It’s all about travelling and putting everything else before yourself. You know, I used to think I’d stop hearing the Planet as I grew up. Actually, I wished that I would. I just wanted to live a normal life. Cloud, Is that a terrible thing to say?”

If the player chooses the option of advising her to just be herself and not force to be someone she is not, she does her signature giggle “Hehe” (typical Aeris; kudos to Sega Chief) and thanks Cloud for supporting her.

On the other hand, if the player tells her to ask the Planet instead, she proceeds to tease Cloud for still being a dunce and not able to “read between the lines”. She thanks Cloud anyway for his support.

I am interested to know whether you think her dialogue needs to be amended or not to better align with your interpretation of Aeris’ identity conflict.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-08 01:48:12 »
Hi there everyone.

I was lurking around seeing what is new with the mod and AhBeng2' s suggestion made me remember of a post I made here sometime ago, I agreed Tifa and Aerith could work together to repair Cloud's mind, here is how I proposed it could be done:

The “Mental recovery” of Cloud in Mideel, as it happens in the original history this event seems a little too convenient, almost a “Deux Ex Machina”, Tifa has no idea of how to help Cloud recover from his Mako poisoning (in fact nobody in the party has any idea about how to help Cloud), Weapon attacks, the earth cracks open and totally by accident both Cloud and Tifa fall into pure life stream, (Something that up to this point in the history has been presented to be something very bad, leading to dead or permanent insanity) and without any explanation Tifa resist all the negative effects of the life stream, somehow enters Cloud’s mind and helps him put back his memories and personality back together.

I think Aerith could help here, instead of making it a happy accident, it could be an intentional calculated risk, when the party visit Cloud and Tifa in Mideel the second time, (After completing the Corel Train Mission) Aerith would tell Tifa that when she visited the City of the Ancients by herself (Before she were attacked by Sephiroth), she listened the thoughts and memories left behind by the Cetra, and she came to understand the nature of the life stream a little better, due to this knowledge she thinks that maybe it could be possible to enter Cloud’s mind and repair it if the three of them enter the life stream together (Aerith because she could control the life stream to a degree, Cloud because she is the one in need of help, and Tifa because she was present during the Nibelheim incident and has the “Real memories” of that event, memories that are the key to repair Cloud´s persona), at this point Tifa will ask Aerith why she didn’t tell her this sooner, an Aerith will admit that is because she is really afraid of trying, as it’s is a very dangerous method and there is no way to know if it will actually work, if she is unable to keep the life stream in control the three of them will become permanently insane with Mako poisoning, but after searching her feelings she came to the conclusion that she has to try, because she cares too much for Cloud and for Tifa, to just let Cloud remain an empty husk for the rest of his life, Tifa thanks Aerith for being willing to do this for her friends, and together the three, voluntarily submerge themselves in a naturally occurring “Mako Hot spring” in Mideel.

The rest of the event plays out pretty much the same, Tifa manages to repair Cloud s memories and the three friends managed to get out of the Mako bath exhausted but alive and well. The only change to the original progression of the story is that the town of Mideel won´t be destroyed by an earthquake, but I don´t think that is too drastic of a change.

I agreed, Aerith was not some all knowing oracle, I think she was just trying to follow the instructions of her ancestors, to the best of her understanding, in fact, I think a good way to develop her character arc, would be she getting sad and distant after nearly getting killed by Sephiroth, not just because the physical pain of her injury but because her faith would be shaken, she followed the wishes of her ancestors, prayed with all her hearth, hoping for a miracle, and all she got for her troubles was a sword to the back, she would feel like she failed to fulfill her duty as a Cetra, or like her ancestors had forsaken her, so she would be understandably depressed, but after viewing the "video" in the waterfall of the City of Ancients, she would understand that her prayers were heard and that there is still hope for everyone, so she would recover her confidence and usual cheerful character.

Well that is it, I just wanted to share my ideas with AhBeng2, since we both seem to have a similar opinion about those plot points.

Brilliant. I could not have articulated this any better myself. One minor change I would make is to not have the three of them voluntarily submerge themselves in the lifestream. Instead, I prefer to have them thrown into the lifestream during the earthquake against their will and Aeris would be forced to reveal the knowledge she gleaned from the Forgotten City. This could be done when the lifestream erupts at Mideel (after the party defeats Ultimate Weapon). Cid beckons the party to return to the airship while Aeris insists on not abandoning Cloud and Tifa. She runs towards the clinic without sparing a thought for her own safety (in line with her impulsive character) and consequently, falls into the lifestream along with Cloud and Tifa. 

In this scenario, Mideel still gets destroyed and the rest of the events play out in an identical fashion. Meanwhile, Aeris regains some of her confidence as a Cetra; enabling her to be willing to share (albeit still somewhat skeptical) her original plan of praying for Holy when the party later revisits Bugenhagen at Cosmo Canyon. In my opinion, this would perfectly explain why she remained mum about her plan and Holy up to that point. And when she subsequently watches the “video” at the Forgotten City, she realises that her ancestors did not forsake her and her efforts were not in vain. As a result, her confidence is fully restored and she embraces her identity as a Cetra; thereby completing her character arc. As a side note, I have no qualms with her retaining her usual cheerful self throughout her identity “crisis” because I always thought that being goofy and cheerful was her way of coping with grief all along. 

One issue with your suggestion though is (not sure whether you are aware or not) that this directly clashes with the optional conversation between Aeris and Cloud at the Chocobo Ranch in Disc 3. There, she says that she doesn’t want to be a Cetra because it entails putting the interests of the planet above all else and that she just wants to lead a normal life. She even asks Cloud whether she is being selfish for harbouring such thoughts. That conversation ought to be removed if your suggestions are actually taken on board. 

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-07 21:57:19 »
On the Holy Materia: Based on just what's in the original game's dialogue, I think it's up for debate if Aeris actually knows what that Materia is or rather what it specifically does. When you first meet her she says that she has a 'useless' Materia that she keeps as a memento from her mother; you can read that a few ways as either she genuinely doesn't know what it does, she's keeping it a secret in case people try to take it, or that it's tongue in cheek and she doesn't believe there'll ever be a need to call for Holy and it's therefore 'useless' in that sense.

What clinches it for me personally is when Cloud 'talks' to her in that dream after the Temple of the Ancients and she doesn't seem 100% sure where she's going or what the end result will be. The game up to that point has also pointed out a few times that Aeris isn't as connected to the Planet as prior Ancients were and she usually has trouble communicating with it clearly.

The OG dialogue is (and bear in mind there's minor differences between PSX and PC release in case this isn't 1:1 what's said on PSX):

Spoiler: show

“The secret is just up here.”

“At least it should be.
   …I feel it.
   It feels like I'm being led by something.”

So you could read that as not being aware what the plan will be, which would be very unusual if you were aware that you had a Materia that could call forth something like Holy. She's praying when the player finds her again, so an argument could be made that she is aware of Holy at that point but there's no way to really know for sure based on in-game text.

I am not familiar with the PC version of the OG dialogue (I bought the steam version to play this mod) but I can verify that in the PSX version, whilst not identical, the dialogue is very similar. Therefore, it has always been my contention that Aeris was somewhat doubtful of her plan to use Holy and its efficacy in stopping Sephiroth. She was also oblivious to the fact that Sephiroth had the power to contain Holy and never had the intention to sacrifice herself. I was curious about your interpretation of her dialogue and why you wrote her lines the way you did. It is interesting to learn that we are on the same page on this matter because many people seem to believe that Aeris was in control all along, she was “aware” that she was going to die and willingly sacrificed herself to save the planet.

On the Black Materia handover: In the original builds, Aeris' script group was a copy of another character in most instances and I think I specifically tried to use ones where the character was most inactive (probably Vincent) to cut down on the amount of work needed and avoid adding too much story-wise or altering existing scenes (she was relegated to hanging out with Yuffie and suffering from air-sickness to avoid Highwind scenes; it should still be that way in the 1.5 build I think). I went back and made her more active in the 2.0 build on request, but I guess that scene at the Black Materia hand over wasn't revisited. You're right in that she probably should react in some way so I'll add it to my notes.

That’s great. Hopefully, any additional dialogue on Aeris’ part in future versions will solidify the overall plot.

On the Lifestream: I don't know actually why Tifa emerges with her mind intact from the Lifestream, maybe it's to do with prolonged exposure? Perhaps in the extended stuff like the ultimania they offer an explanation but I try to go with what's in-game from the original whenever I can. I also think of that section as an important part of their character development so I won't be tampering with it to add Aeris in or stuff like that. I already get enough flak as it is for ruining the story forever and missing the whole point of the plot. It also makes it harder to do low level runs.

Yeah, I don’t think it was ever explained. I never paid any attention to the compilation and supplementary material, so I may be mistaken. I concur that the lifestream sequence is important character development especially for Cloud and Tifa; although in my humble opinion, Aeris’ addition will not dilute that in any way. In fact, by playing a more active role, it enhances her character development since she will be directly meeting the real Cloud (after all that was what she expressed in the Gold Saucer date sequence). But, this is just my view and I don’t think it is in anyway consequential to the overall plot. 

However, I strongly disagree with the view that you have missed the point of the OG by making changes to the story. I am hoping that you don’t take that view seriously because the changes in Type B were very good and I wished that the changes extended beyond the Midgar portion of the story.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-04 20:33:31 »

Thanks for the donation, much appreciated.

The model files appear to be missing for this enemy as it was using the wrong model files previously; I'll be updating the mod later to add the missing files along with some other things.

No worries. It is just a token of appreciation for this wonderful mod.

I have a question about the conversation between Cloud and Aeris when the party revisits the Forgotten City. Bugenhagen informs the party that the White Materia is needed to summon Holy. Cloud then turns to Aeris and laments albeit mistakenly that Holy failed to appear because they did not have the White Materia. I can understand that Cloud is ignorant of the fact that the White Materia was all along in Aeris' possession. But, was Aeris herself unaware that she had the White Materia? Or she knew she had it but didn't know its purpose prior to Bugenhagen's revelation to the party at the Forgotten City? It seems rather odd that she did not rebuke Cloud for his incorrect deduction. As a side note, her dialog "A-ha. See, I told you I'd take care of it." at the end is simply hilarious and is totally in line with her goofy character. Good job.

By the way, at the Northern Crater, before Cloud hands over the Black Materia to Sephiroth, he says something along the lines "I'm sorry. Especially to you, Tifa. You have been so good to me. Maybe one day you'll meet the real Cloud." In my opinion, that dialog should be directed to Aeris as well (if she is in the party) since she did previously express her desire to meet the real Cloud. Also, I thought that akin to Tifa, she would try (in futility nonetheless) to persuade Cloud not to hand over the Black Materia to Sephiroth (due to her Cetra lineage) instead of remaining silent throughout.       

One part of the original story that was left unexplained is how did Tifa's mind survive after being drenched by the lifestream when Cloud got lost under similar circumstances? It was speculated that Aeris (after her death) actually guided Tifa in the lifestream; preventing her from getting lost. So, I think that it will be instructive if Aeris plays a more active role (alongside Tifa) in restoring Cloud's memories in the NT mod since she lives (or given the chance to live rather).

Maybe this is something that you can consider should you update the mod and make drastic changes to the story in the future. Cheers.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-03 19:48:14 »
Yeah, there's a donations link on the first post.

Cool. I will send over a donation soon.

Btw, I tried triggering the battle with the Silver Chocobo at the Great Glacier by feeding it the Zeio nut but the game crashes. This seems to happen (to me at least) only in ver. 2.0993 even without other mods active. I removed ver. 2.0993 and tried again with ver. 2.0991 (with and without other mods active) and there is no problem. I could enter the battle with Chokhmabo in ver. 2.0991.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-02-02 09:51:16 »
If your flevel was vanilla for a period of time then you may see other issues arise or some stuff may have been missed as a result. It's not really possible to tell what the scale of the damage is though without knowing how long it was like that or what was done in-game during that time. This might be why the dialogue was flipped for your wutai sidequest for instance as the variable flag used to differentiate between Type A and Type B is a repurposed one that is used in vanilla to track one character's affinity for the date scene; in a vanilla flevel, this value would be getting altered in ways the NT flevel isn't really expecting. Hopefully nothing game-breaking occurs.

That sidequest + fight was retired, it won't be going into 2.0.

All good mate. This mod is fantastic and I will be replaying it several times anyway. So even if I did miss out anything, its not a big deal. Thanks a lot again man.

Btw, do you still accept donations via paypal?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-01-31 00:12:35 »

Those are the vanilla items, yeah. That's very concerning because if that's giving you the vanilla prizes, it means your Flevel would be vanilla too; it's either not been patched or has been overwritten by another mod. The listed prize text should look like this:

Spoiler: show

10GP = Hi-Potion
20GP = Ether
80GP = Holy Torch
100GP = X-Potion
300GP = Gold Ticket
500GP = ? ? ? ? Bracelet
2000GP = ? ? ? ? Materia
10000GP = ? ? ? ? Weapon
Don't want to exchange

If this text is different in any way, it means the flevel isn't patched or has been overwritten. When you next run the game, try selecting New Game and see if the Game Type selection text box appears; if it instead just goes straight into the opening FMV then that'd be another indicator that it's a vanilla flevel.

By golly, you are right. I turned off the other mods and it is working fine now. I can get the Speed Plus materia and HP Shout now. All five levels in the sub minigame are restored and I should be able to get the 1/35 soldier now. Thanks a lot man.

By the way, regarding Tifa's dialog with Don Corneo at Wutai, is it meant to be switched around in Types A and B? Just wanted to know.

Also, I remember that there is a battle between Tifa and Zangan as part of her Limit Break side quest in NT 1.5. Is it possible to put it in for NT 2.0?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.993)
« on: 2022-01-30 20:52:31 »
I think these are likely related; will sort it out and update tonight.
All that would accomplish is dragging the respective fights out and wouldn't serve much purpose.

1 and 2 are probably linked, so will sort that out.

Will swap around if they're backwards.

There should be a 1/35 soldier won from the submarine minigame after all levels of it are cleared. Speed Plus should also be tradeable at Wonder Square for a prize; the prize list seems to update 3 times and it seems that Speed Plus is available from the 2nd set (likely after the party acquires the Tiny Bronco; I think that's when the first change occurs, if not then after acquiring the Highwind). HP Shout should also be buyable here once you unlock the Highwind or when reaching Disc 3.

Edit: That should be it sorted; the new Enemy Away pickup was toggling the Morph value instead of its own one. As the Morph pickup flag will remain flipped for players who encountered this, I've set Morph onto a new variable so that it can be picked up on affected saves.

Thanks for making the changes.

I still can't get the Speed Plus materia and HP Shout from Wonder Square. I assume it is obtained from the girl at the amusement arcade. There are three items labelled with ???????? that cost 500, 1000 and 2000 GP. I've tried exchanging all those three items and I got the carob nut, gil plus materia and exp plus materia respectively. It seems like these are the same items exchanged in the original game.

In the documentation, HP shout costs 10000 GP but there is no exchangeable item from Wonder Square at that "price". I've tried going to Wonder Square to exchange items after I got the Highwind and in Disc 3.

I have not played the sub game recently but I remember in 2.0991, there were 5 levels to choose from - the Junon reactor, Levels 1,2,3 and 4. And, according to the documentation, you need to win 5 times to get the 1/35 soldier. But, in 2.0992, there seem to be only four levels (The Junon reactor level is gone). I would presume that you only need to win the minigame 4 times now to get the 1/35 soldier?

By the way, just a minor question: Is Tifa dialog's during the confrontation with Don Corneo at Wutai in Types A and B meant to be swapped around because her dialog is still the same in 2.0993 Type A i.e. "I know you. You are the sleaze from Wall Market."?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.992)
« on: 2022-01-30 13:54:23 »
Hi Sega,

I've been playing your New Threat 2.0 (both Type A and B) mod and it has really put a fresh coat of paint on an old classic. The way you added the twist of saving Aeris and to seamlessly adapt her presence to the later part of the story is simply brilliant and very creative. I can only imagine how much work that you have put in to make this mod happen.

I have a few questions regarding the latest version 2.0992 (pertains to Type A but maybe Type B too):

1. I can't seem to find the morph materia. IIRC, it used to be in Aeris' garden in the earlier versions (eg. 2.0991) but it is no longer there. Has it been moved elsewhere?

2. The Enemy Away materia seems to be still equipped on Aeris when you first meet her in the church. Also, the Enemy Away materia that is placed in the junkyard seems to always spawn every time you return to the junkyard screen.

3. The dialog for Tifa when the party confronts Don Corneo at the Da Chao statue during Yuffie's side quest (the one where she steals your materia) seems to be mixed up for Type A and Type B. Apparently, in type A, Tifa says something along the lines "I know you. You are that sleaze from Wall Market." whereas in type B, her dialog goes like "That fall really hurt." It seems that her dialog makes more sense (story-wise) if they were switched around.

4. In the earlier versions, you could exchange GPs for the speed plus materia and also, win the 1/35 statue from the submarine minigame at the Wonder Square. Apparently, this feature is missing from this version. Did I miss something?

5. The documentation provided indicates that Cait Sith's weapon HP Shout can be obtained from Wonder Square but I can't find it there in this version. Did I miss something here as well?

Thanks a lot for this wonderful mod.

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