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Messages - SuspectEgg

Pages: [1]
Releases / FF7PC Tsunamods Cosmo Memory Sound
« on: 2023-10-27 19:27:19 »
First of all, I want to thank everyone who worked so hard on this mod. It enhances the game in a great way and I can't bring myself to play without it now.

I just found a funny item that I thought you would want to know about. In Junon, when you are performing for Rufus and Heidegger. Should you fail the performance enough that your prize from Heidegger is " A beating", his grunts are those of either Tifa or Yuffie. I am in no way complaining. I find it hilarious to hear that sound coming out of his big, chunky physique. I absolutely love it!!!

Keep up your excellent work!

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