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Messages - kevinlekiller

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I've been doing the tutorials the last 2 days, I got to a part with lighting but I never got it to work and going through google looking at pages didn't turn up anything, I think its a problem with my computer, basically I place a light then I choose all the options ( color , intensity etc ) but it never appears, even when rendered. The only way I was able to get any lighting at all was in the options at the top there is "Solid OpenGL Lights" but those light up everything. All the other tutorials so far have been without a probably and very fun to go through, I spent hours making landscapes!

This is my first time doing 3d, I think its very fun, I google'd a few pages and read up a bit up Maya / 3ds max, Maya is out of my price range and looks too advanced, 3ds looks more user friendly, there are many tutorials, Lightwave seems popular also. I might pick up 3ds max for fun, will need to read more about it.

Anyways, thanks for getting me started in 3D!

I finished it Friday, I liked the last section, lots of great battles. Graphics looks really nice, wasn't a huge fan of the voice over, Vanille's voice is annoying ( she is 19 but sounds more like 13, she makes these moaning sounds all the time as well ).
The story is alright, it was hard to understand at first ( took me a while to figure out the whole l'cie / fal'cie thing ), what is really great with this game is the combat system it is like turned based mixed with real time , you only control one person at a time. Its not the best FF ever but definitely worth playing.

Thanks timu sumisu , I too will start learning Blender, I have alot of spare time and hope to be of help.

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