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Messages - Tarts

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Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-28 20:34:13 »
DLPB, I agree with the all of your points on EU and most on Islam. Most, because confrontations between hostile powers do not occur at all times. Nazis collaborated with the Soviets from 1939 to 1941, and in fact Stalin instituted trade agreements with Germany after Hitler took power. We all know how much those two regimes were different and actually hated each other, apart from the police states they both instituted. Come to think of it, the democracies themselves allied with the Soviets, even though that regime is widely considered the most bloody in 20th Century, and slaughtered many millions of people prior to WW2, as well as in it (not as much afterwards). Jews helped the Muslim Moors invade Spain because their rights had been restricted under the Visigoths (though internal Christian infighting was also important in them being overrun by the invading armies) and hoped to attain a better situation under the Caliphate, which in fact they did for a while. In response, Christians persecuted Jews in Spain after 1492. CIA (which would be expected to install an US-backed type of democracy) actually overthrew democracies in Iran (1953) and Brazil (1964) and installed dictatorships. As you can see, just because countries, ideologies and religions dislike each other, doesn't mean they won't have truces or even temporary alliances for their own gains, as well as seemingly contradicting operations.

It's true that we shouldn't resort to extreme and wild unevidenced theories in regard to anything. With that said, however, I don't see what's wrong with BUILDWALL's post. Plenty of world famous people over the ages have stated similar concerns, including Cicero, Voltaire, Henry Ford, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cervantes, Chaucer, Churchill, Chekhov, Charles d*ckens, Dostoyevsky, Erasmus, Benjamin Franklin, Charles de Gaulle, Hegel, Heidegger, Shakespeare, Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant, Goethe, Martin Luther, Tolstoy or Mark Twain. Are we going to simply dismiss their thoughts critical of Jews the same way the mass media dismisses and ridicules all criticism of Islam as "Islamophobia"? Anti-semitism is born out of both rational and irrational actions, and reasonable Jewish writers like Bernard Lazare, Hilaire Belloc and Samuel Roth (who like many Germans, also admit guilty actions in WW2) have written as much. If we're going to dismiss any criticism of a single group, why shouldn't we dismiss that of others as well? Why not dismiss all the obvious actions of Muslims over the last decades and before? Why not dismiss the killings by Christians in the Middle Ages? Why not claim the Soviet Union killed at most 5 million in its existence and also call as conspiracy theories statements to otherwise? If we're truly open-minded, we need to listen to all the points of view (including Muslims, which are one of the biggest and definitely the most visible threat to Europe) and not become like many close-minded Leftists, who say they're "liberal" and "tolerant", but then turn around and say "Anyone against multiculturalism is a racist!", "Controlling your borders is fascist!" or "Stop stereotyping, you privileged white male!".

I know you're listening to PJW, but people aren't flawless, while he's great on the EU, Leftists and Islam, for example, and I use him as a resource for that, he refuses to read the same kind of literature and material about Jewish people. However, it's also true that there are plenty of nice and hard-working Jewish people, and in fact 1871-1933 German Jews were highly influential in world science and arts. Hans Zimmerman and Howard Shore, for example, are outstanding modern composers. Einstein is pretty famous as well. There are way more examples, but it's enough for now. It's also true to anyone who reads Jewish history that they're incredibly lively, industrious and ethnocentric people, who have established Europe's modern banking houses and even Reuters, the first worldwide hub of international news. And because of their internal connections, they've used them to benefit themselves in times when anti-Semitism ran rampant, such as WW2. However, in the process they often also screwed other people, and it is these events that are at the heart of these "anti-Semitic conspiracy theories", which I dismissed the same way you once did the anti-EU statements. Just like there have been influential German, Turkish, Arab or Japanese extremists, there have existed Jewish ones over the span of history, and it would be abnormal if any person, let alone people, wouldn't resort sometimes to dubious actions for their own benefit. Plenty of literature from both Jews and non-Jews has been written about such incidents over the ages from highly-articulated, intelligent and well-read people, who referenced and sourced their findings, so I don't understand your knee-jerk reaction. But let's talk about Muslims now.

Unfortunately, they're a serious problem in Europe, and no PC wallowing can change the facts. They've created no-go zones, where police and special services are afraid to go in. They've created a mass underworld drug industry. ISIS has been supplying terrorists to Europe and participate in terrorist attacks. However, the true extent of participation of Muslims is unknown, since false flag attacks can also be used for the EU to increase the police state, which they proclaim is to fight "Islamic extremism" and "racism" online. Which means that whoever participates in these attacks, EU benefits by widening the police state and thus strengthening the positions of the rich EU-funded Leftists who live in gated communities, away from high immigrant populations they claim to support. Muslim participation in these attacks is the most likely out of all groups, since that way they can "inflict revenge on Westerners".

Rotherham is simply the tip of the iceberg of the sex crimes in UK, and there are lots of undocumented smaller-scale "industries" of these, and probably even bigger ones that haven't been uncovered yet. Muslims (like many other non-European immigrants) vote Labour, since these will continue the welfare and pro-immigrant agendas Europe's been suffering for decades. As DLPB correctly said, these parties are aware of that and are trying to outdo each other in how much they can appease foreigners. In fact, I've read immigrants voted more favorably for "Stay" because of that, but have no link now. Check out this link, where Muslims attending the conference do not feel themselves as "British", and think Sharia Law should rule UK! Note also the timing. Finally, and most importantly, their population is the most rapidly growing in Europe. In fact, Muslims have the highest population growths all over the world, and have increasingly taken over more and more influence in India, for example. Just imagine how it's in Europe, where the native population has no kids anymore! German adults are slated to become minorities in their own country's demographic by the end of this decade because of the influx of millions into its country, for crying out loud! In 2015 alone Germany received a documented (there have been reports of hundreds of thousands who went into hiding) amount of people of over 1% of its own population, and it's only increasing!

I leave the conclusions to the reader.

Completely Unrelated / Re: What Leftism Is
« on: 2016-06-24 21:57:13 », while UK may now be officially out of the EU, negotiations still need to be held to formalize it. Some excerpts: "Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty says that a member state seeking to leave the EU has two-years to complete negotiations on how it will withdraw and what it’s relationship with the bloc will be like post-Brexit.".


"Although contractual ties could be dissolved in two years, Tusk said that getting every country to approve the agreement could take much longer.

Every single one of the 27 member states as well as the European parliament would have to approve the overall result. That would take at least five years, and I'm afraid, without any guarantee of success.”"

The bolded passage implies that the process could be stalled or even reversed by fellow members and the European Parliament. I doubt it, however, the negotiations may indeed go a long time before things like EU legislation are actually phased out.

I predict hard times for UK, not because of Brexit itself (which I support), but because the elites in power, who still support the EU, are going to sabotage and blame all the post-vote ills on the final result, even though initial economic problems were always gonna happen no matter how bad or good the leadership was. With these crooks in power, however, it's definitely not gonna be as smooth. It's not out of question that after UK's economy suffers a slump, that they'll propose another referendum "to discuss things more soberly now", probably even citing the fact that only slightly under 49% were against it. strawberries, am I giving them ideas? :P

NFITC1, opposition to immigration is perfectly legitimate due to identitarian and economic problems. Despite media disinformation in that respect, most of the people that entered Europe in 2015 weren't even refugees. It's deceptive to constantly show images of children and old people when young men of fighting age who were surprisingly healthy were and probably still are the most represented demographic of people freely entering Europe and against the best wishes of native Europeans.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Norway - The Land of the Insane
« on: 2016-04-20 19:02:20 »
Yup, this is completely ridiculous. In the "idealistic" Scandinavia the very thought of a "punishment" consisting of anything but a cozy confinement in a hotel-like prison is frowned upon as "barbaric violence". It is all about being non-confrontational and "not hurting anyone", regardless of what the accused did. This simply sends out the message that you're free to do any crime you want. As long as you pass through the interrogation by the police and courts, and avoid the newspapers and any other people not unconditionally bound to you, you'll get at the very least a nice warm cell and food that you did not deserve at all, at the expense of the taxpayers. I've also read of Breivik complaining about being given a PS2 rather than a PS3 to play with!!!

IIRC, Sweden prohibited parents to even give a mild slap to their children (let alone any other form of physical punishment) as early as 1979, and I did read about an Italian father being fined for slapping his child there. Norway might be similar.

OK, I've had very few posts here on this forum, but been lurking here and this thread for many years now.

DLPB, you're not alone. I remember how ever since I settled back in Western Europe (about 10 years ago) I was taught all of this about "human rights", "multiculturalism is nothing new", "tolerance" and similar claptrap, but off course that narrative's been around for longer. The problem is that we're taught about freedom of press, but there's virtually none: nearly the entirety of our press is controlled by a few corporations with very similar views that continue to affirm the very policies that are bringing ruin to the world. The link is about the United States, but USA's been controlling Europe since 1945 and (I'm firmly convinced) is behind the creation of EEC (later EU). No offense to Americans, this is just about the American government and other institutions on its soil that steer the policy of the continent.

Non-conformist voices are largely drowned in this sea of disinformation that preaches things that don't correspond to reality: "multiculturalism is nothing new", first of all, state-sponsored mass immigration IS new, most of Western and Northern Europe began it in 1960s and 1970s without any referendum or popular vote (in Britain it began as early as 1948). At most the parliaments approved it (like Sweden in 1975), but again, almost all politicians represent the upper class of society and break promises so regularly after getting elected, no one can honestly say they voice the opinion of the larger population. What was the next devious step to make it somehow look legitimate and natural? Buy up and beat into submission/ruin the editorials that noticed and criticized the policy. And that's where almost all of the population got its "news" from. Here we like to look down and criticize Russia, Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and other dictatorships in North Africa and Middle-East about how they repress dissenting thoughts, yet somehow we naively assumed this wasn't happening in the "free world". Popular opinion in Europe has always been opposed to mass immigration, but it was never given the due air time and all we ever saw was occasional angry rebuttals on radio, dailies and TV about how "ignorant", "racist" and "fascist" those opposed to this undemocratic policy were. And even when such opinions were seen, they had no effect on the governments, which even promised to curb it once elected, but surprise, surprise! scaled it up once in power.

Then, after immigrants from outside Europe gathered sizable numbers, the press started parading about how "wonderful" and "multicultural" our countries had become. Feature films, programs and documentaries started appearing and showing their increased presence in the society. The entire education from cradle to grave was written by people that strictly adhered to this new ideology. The newer generations gradually stuck more and more to the leftist ideology of the 60s sexual revolution (again, supported by the press) and were born into a more and more advanced state of "multiculturalism", which is where the perception of it being "natural" comes from. They were led through an entire education and environment where all of these myths were affirmed, not knowing about reality in the past and/or being conditioned to be disgusted at it. Crimes and problems that arose because of this development were covered up, especially that of Islam in Europe. off course, the Left also pushed the narrative of how bad colonialism was (which is true to some extent), while refusing to acknowledge the good aspects of it, along with claiming that "everyone is mixed", which created guilt in the former colonial nations and also tried to validate mass immigration by saying "we're all mixed anyway, so why are you racists somehow against it now?". Leftists claimed that they were merely "telling the vanquished's side of the story", which is fine enough, but then proceeded to make it the only acceptable one! Meaning, they simply reversed the situation. This stuff is, btw, what I hear in my university, which does not tolerate counter-arguments (I also know it's the case in most others). It's especially bad when students are frequently just as, if not even more intolerant of them than the teachers. Basically, aside from probably Japan, entire societies are taught about how evil their ancestors were, while failing to teach about the invasions and enslavement of Europeans by Huns, Moors, Tartars, Turks and the Barbary Pirates, as well as things like the colonization of Africa by Arabs prior to the Europeans setting foot there. I'm all for the negative aspects about us being brought up, it's good for self-improvement as well, but at least be consistent and apply it to everyone!

I've only told here a small fraction of how deep the rabbit hole is (I could continue for dozens of times the amount I wrote here), but in short, our entire societies are constructed to continue this dire situation further and further. I said after the Paris attacks (which themselves followed the January 2015 shooting and others before) that these terrorist attacks would increase in number, and sure enough, the bloodbath in Brussels proved me right. And off course, the entire media is silent, or in denial about the link to Islamic terrorism and the ongoing catastrophe of the millions of illegals and Muslims (comparatively few are refugees, yet another of the media lies) flooding into Europe, which sparked a vast increase in crime. What kind of free press is this?!?! Why are mass demonstrations all over Europe against this madness covered up, while those in favor of it get wide coverage? Why is Merkel putting in prison Germans that criticize this insanity??? One doesn't have to be intelligent to predict this is going to continue to get worse. One just needs to have access to different sources of information, and that's what the majority of the population lacks. Hence the total denial of reality from so many people.

Now about the presidential elections, I see all this fear-mongering about Trump, but echoing DLPB's sentiment, even acknowledging that he's not perfect, being the only likely anti-PC candidate in the elections, that automatically makes him better than the others. Also, what is wrong about stopping illegal immigrants from Mexico and being in a partnership, rather than constant antagonism against Russia? Political correctness is the disease of our societies that prevents honest discussion and constructive measures to be proposed, only allowing room for those points of view that perpetuate the calamity, while silencing a priori those against as "hateful" and "unworthy". I honestly don't see Donald Trump changing that much even if he's elected, and he may well also break his promises in that case. Heck, he may even turn out to be catastrophic as strawberries. Still, other candidates look even worse. He's at worst the lesser evil right now. Literally the only reason there is this entire attack by the Western press on him is because he's resolute and doesn't accept their prejudiced view of how the world really is.

P.S: I'll try putting posts like these in a more appropriate thread, but I needed to respond to DLPB's thoughts here just this once. This kind of stuff affects everyone, I really wish humanity could progress, but it's difficult with this kind of people ruling us...

That error message means the loader for FF8 wasn't able to load the "ff7_opengl.fgd" file. That should never happen if you've installed it correctly. Make sure virtual store/UAC/antivirus/whatever isn't screwing you over and try again.

Oh I really need ff7_opengl.fgd? I thought you only need the ff8_opengl.cfg and eax.dll...

Ok thanks anyway! I never thought of installing that file!

^- maybe add a space between the show_missing_textures and the load_library command lines? probably a dumb suggestion, but it's worth a go.
Add a space or a line? Added both still error.

Quote from: Mcindus
- what is your folder path for your mods? it should be /mods/avalanche
changed, still error.

Quote from: Mcindus
- you should also make sure you have the correct shaders in your folder
But I don't want shaders.

Quote from: Mcindus
So, the real reason I'm responding -- post your app.log in the same way, please.  it gives Aali something to go on.

I can't seem to find the app.log, I searched through the entire computer and only found 2 which are from FF7.
I'm probably doing something wrong for not having the app.log am I?

EDIT: I can't post the APP.LOG because of this "Then, post your APP.log that lies inside your FF7 folder..." (or FF8 in my case) "... (only relevant if you launched the game at least once) like this:"

Hello everyone!

I have a problem running FF8 with the custom driver (the most updated one of course, 0.8.1b). FF7 works fine with mods, no problems. However, FF8 seems to fail no matter what fix I give to the game.

Here is the ff8_opengl.cfg

Code: [Select]
# ff7_opengl-0.8b config file

## If you just want to play the game, these are the only options you'll want to change.

# set the window size (or fullscreen resolution) of FF8
# 0 means use original resolution in window mode, your current desktop resolution will be used in fullscreen mode
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 0
window_size_y = 0
preserve_aspect = yes
fullscreen = yes

# mod directory
# subdirectroy of mods/ where textures will be loaded from
# does not affect the old external textures feature, those should still go in textures/
mod_path = avalanche

# check your driver settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = yes

# allow FF8 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
linear_filter = off

## All the little extras that weren't part of the original game, default options include only trivial bug fixes.

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
#post_source = shaders/
#enable_postprocessing = no

## Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.

# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = on

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = no

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = no

# store external textures in a compressed cache for increased performance
# compression is not lossless, some artifacts may appear when this option is in use
# texture cache does NOT update automatically if the source image changes, however, deleting anything from the cache
# will cause that file to be recreated from the source
compress_textures = yes

# max size of the texture cache to hold in RAM, in megabytes
# don't set it any higher than 1GB unless you want your game to crash
texture_cache_size = 256

# use pixel buffer objects to speed up texture loading
# might crash horribly on ATI cards but should work for NVIDIA users
use_pbo = yes

# use mipmaps (anisotropic filtering) for modpath textures
use_mipmaps = yes

## These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# show every failed attempt at loading a .png texture
show_missing_textures = no
load_library = "RaW"

The error message it gives is "Failed to load custom driver."
It doesn't crash, it just doesn't initialize the game
Note that I tried even without mods, it always gives the same error.
As you can see I deleted the popup thingy so I don't know what to do now.

If you think there is an obvious derp of an error in my part, please tell me what it is.
If the problem still persists, I will post the problem in the troubleshoot board along with my system specs, mods, and everything I did to make the game work.

I tried every possible fix, search through the entire forum, spoke with people, still same error.

Releases / Re: [REL] Menu Overhaul Project
« on: 2012-03-24 21:28:26 »
I have a problem.

When I downloaded the mod, I tried it out and a problem arose with a New Game. As I reached the screen where I need to name Cloud, I was able to type, delete and replace text for the character's name, but I can't for my life accept the name's choice and leave the screen to continue the game. It seemed that whatever button I was pressing (yes, I tried every single one!), I could only change the name and make appear the "Do you want to exit FF7?" screen, where BTW I get stuck too every time I reach it (it just freezes and the game won't answer any button). The thing is, when I go to the same "Do you want to exit FF7?" screen in a save later in the game, it works no prob and I can leave it, which makes me think that there's something wrong with the "Insert name for the character" screen.
If it helps, I'm using a laptop with the "ff7input.cfg" file.

I concede that I did do these things prior to Menu Overhaul's installation (and no more after it!):

1 - Did a clean install of the game in a new directory (of course, with the "Maximum Install" choice).
2 - Installed Aali's latest driver.
2 - Installed the latest FF7Music pack (and ran the game through the program).
3 - Installed the "Anxious Heart" music pack, in order to play it in the game with FF7Music.

DPLB, can you see if it's related to the mod or did I mess up somewhere (I don't know how those mods I installed prior to MO Project conflict with it)?

Here's my applog:

Nevermind, the same thing happened without the mod. And I solved it simply by pressing "Esc". How the heck could I have forgotten about that?
Still, it'd be nice if we were able to delete our own posts...

Quote from: PC World Article
Next you need to patch the game: Download the latest Final Fantasy VII patch you can find (you can get the Final Fantasy VII 1.4 patch at the Strategy Informer site), extract it into the directory where you installed the game, and allow it to overwrite any redundant files. Simple as that (the '90s were a simpler time, with nonexecutable patches).

No, WTF! You don't need that at all! It can only bring harm  :P

But seriously, that step they mentioned should be cut, burned forever and obliterated by Omnislash.

EDIT: Yeah, and NPC Reconstruction Project too. Also, TrueMotion 2 codec? The heck? That s*** is at least 4 years old  :roll:

Team Avalanche / Re: Midgar Remake
« on: 2011-08-18 20:58:15 »
Just curious, does anyone know where the highway where Cloud and the gang espaces through after finishing with the Shinra HQ is in the model? Is is there in the first place? If so, where it is, or should be in the model?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Anyone play chess?
« on: 2011-06-01 22:59:44 »
I want to play in this mini-tournament. Don't wanna miss my opening game (that is, if the tournament gets to start), but if I do, then don't hesitate to announce a loss for me.

I'll try to participate though, as long as the game is played in my free time (I have too much of it).

Troubleshooting / Re: FFVII Install problem. Please help.
« on: 2011-04-04 19:17:35 »
Did you try to just press "OK"? I think that message appeared at that point when I was installing the game too, so maybe it's the same with everyone.

Team Avalanche / Re: Newsflash !
« on: 2011-02-14 22:03:35 »
Btw, who from Avalanche is smoking? does anybody knows?

I'm pretty sure Cid's the only one who does.
Cid isn't in the Avalanche base at the beginning of the game. In fact, by the time you get Cid, the place has already been destroyed.

I can't think of anyone who smokes at the beginning of the game except for maybe Barret, Biggs and Wedge.

Team Avalanche / Re: Newsflash !
« on: 2011-02-14 21:07:29 »
Btw, who from Avalanche is smoking? does anybody knows?

I'm pretty sure Cid's the only one who does.

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