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Messages - andreese

Pages: [1]
Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-27 02:40:41 »
[pyrozen] i think its awesome but he's right about the stripes, they look weird. Try making them not as dark, they seem to be a bit harsh and stand out too much. And you might want to make them larger but less drastic (have it gradually fade over a bigger area), i think it might look a little better.

Good work with that one though i like the texture and everything.

EDIT: and yah, i think the flag logo i made was a little too modern :P doesn't really fit the style of the game

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-25 10:48:50 »
^ i actually think that one is pretty cool, simple and iconic!

 I liked the one of cloud with the reflection too but it seems a little too dramatic haha :p It's not my decision though and i think they wanted that red flag design

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-24 00:17:22 »
Thanks for spoiling the whole ending for me! *cries* im just joking :P  but the Comet idea was scrapped anyways and now its a skull/cross bones with the letter A on it, i believe.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 05:48:29 »
I think it fits in with the Team Avalanche's B.A. punk attitude =P

i stuck to the actual image pretty well as far as the outline goes

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 04:17:31 »
what is this thing going to be used for anyway? should it be shaped like a square or long and skinny like a banner?

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 03:57:40 »
guys calm down lol... it's the logo for Final Fantasy 7 i basically just switched out the "Final Fantasy VII" with "Team Avalanche." Meteor/Comet, same thing... besides it clearly has a tail and comets have tails.

but what's with the colour in the back? Doesn't suit the game.:P And the Meteo in the logo doesn't have white circle around.

color in the back? you mean the weird grey, that's the forums' color. It has transparent background and if you put it on a white background it has no white circle around it. Has the same colors from the game logo (almost identical). Plus, this was just a suggestion, im not saying they have to use it or that i can't change it or start over if it's not what they want. I was trying to make it simple and elegant

And Covarr that truly is an amazing work of art you got there!

heres the FFVII one

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-22 22:54:35 »
I'm not sure how long ago you guys wanted a logo,or if you already decided on an official one, but i completely remade the FF7 Comet into a .png with smoother gradient and the whole comet (even what was under the original text) for future use =p and i added the team avalanche text. Plus i wanted to help in some way >.<

I know its not the final fantasy font but i don't have it and i liked this one. Can easily be changed though i have it saved safely as a PSD.

Team Avalanche / Re: Project goals
« on: 2010-08-22 20:01:01 »
hey guys, im new to this whole thing, but it looks like this whole project is really recent and very active ^-^ i think i may be able to help you out with background images if someone can point me in the right direction. I do a ton of work in Photoshop (all on my spare time for fun), 2D only for now but if you need someone to do those backgrounds... maybe we can work on the most prominent/important ones first.

Dang though, i had no idea there were over 600 bg's. Might be able to work out some sort of batch file to automatically fix up some of the lesser backgrounds, that way it can be cranked out very quickly. Big question is, how much of an overhaul are you looking for on these backgrounds? I know they are really bad in the original game but what kind of quality are you trying to get? Anyways, get back to me if you need some help, if nothing else i'm a big FF7 fan with some spare time :P

Really nice package you got here=] thanks to all the people who developed the mods and to the up-loader as well. Got it working after turning off UAC, checking the box for Nvidia GPU's and changing the OpenGL configuration a bit, then manually running the registry edit file.

Quick question: is there a list somewhere of things that were removed in this remix? I can't help but notice that i don't have Bio materia... hmm. I read a bunch of the previous pages (but not all 40 something of them) and didn't see anything relating to this so sorry if you covered it already.

side note: if you have Nvidia chipset that little fix really does do the trick. Without it, it wouldn't load the opening scene.

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