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Messages - ItchyPanda

Pages: [1]
Battle Models - Weapons
Menu - Backgrounds and Avatars
Field Models - Characters
Battle Models  - Characters
Battle Models - Enemies
World Models - Characters
Battle Textures
Media - Music and Sound
Spell Textures
World Textures
Gameplay - Tweaks
Field Textures
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
Menu Overhaul

This is the link for my save:!E08QBCZZ!PSOwKoyzUX6WHrNxooRGB-XDnlYBhunEcNcHQYpPwVU

Thanks for your answers! One final question...
Why is it that when I try to do the battle against Dyne I have to fight Reno and Rude?
Sorry for the inconvenients!
I tried the method on the first page but it doesn't seem to be resolved

I just want to know something,
What the hell?  ???

I have a question: Can I mod a Yuffie model with bootleg having installed the 7th Heaven?

It seems I got everything to work perfectly, just some minor slowdown in the menu and when receiving exp and items

Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this? :(

Also, even with the mods on, sometimes, some of them won't load...

Thanks in advance.

Well, apparently, the game doesn't run as smooth as I'd like it to, do the mods affect gameplay speed?

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-09-04 01:07:31 »
Thanks again Miseru, I feel bad for asking so many questions :x

But I've been trying to find how to cut parts in blender...cant seem to find it  :|

I guess i'll upgrade to 64bit if all of that doesnt work  :-D


Whenever i run FF7Config.exe it crashes...says it stopped working

Windows 7 32-bit Version

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-09-03 06:48:33 »
Im so looking forward for this Mod...looking really sick so far~

FF7 Tools / Re: [REL] Omzy's .MAP -> .OBJ Converter
« on: 2010-09-03 06:44:09 »
Awesome, not that I have worked with World Map yet...
But it should be pretty useful  :)

yeah thats what i told him,
better speak english or search spanish forums..

Well i can translate that for him if you want..

Dicen que aqui en los foros no puedes hablar en español ya que estos foros fueron creados para posts exclusivamente en ingles, por eso debes de buscar un foro el cual sea en español, dicen que hay muchos de esos.

Y que no escribas mas en español.

My main language is

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-09-03 03:40:52 »
Thanks a lot for answering my questions Miseru, you are being really helpful.

So basically, i have to "recreate" the parts that the original model has and cut the model I have, so i get the exact number of parts of the original?

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-09-01 00:53:14 »
So it doesn't matter if lets say the original Aerith model has a lot of parts (head, a hand, an arm, upper body part, lower body part, etc) 47 exactly, and my Aerith model has only a few parts? Can i still replace that?

How is that process?

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-31 22:16:36 »
Everything is fine until PCreator, When i Open the 3DS Its backwards and the objects aren't forming the model they are to a side.

I know i can align it with Blender, but why are the parts not forming the model sometimes? like its position its somewhere else its supposed to be?

Thanks for answering and sorry for the trouble.

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-31 17:19:28 »
Here it is:

Also nice topic with VERY usefull spreadsheet.

Thank you Miseru, once again.

Another question, I was creating an Aerith model using blender, and then i exported every part of the model, and I added the head to PCreator but when i try to Import the UV it says '"the number of UV coords must match the number of vertices"'
What is that?

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-31 01:59:45 »
That was really useful!
Thanks Miseru

EDIT: Sorry about that.
Anyway can somebody link me to the PCreator files?
The wiki is broken, and search wont do...

General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-30 20:33:01 »
Well i found this "kimera" program for model editing, currently trying it out and toying around :)

Good thing you made me search...because there were some errors on my OS that made me unable to load it...but its working


General Discussion / Re: Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-30 18:16:57 »
Moved to General.

To answer your question.   If you had made even a small attempt to search you would have found plenty of other situations where models have been edited/created from scratch

Warned because I'm in a bad mood.

Oh, ok sorry for asking...

General Discussion / Hi, Newbie Question...
« on: 2010-08-30 17:58:26 »
I've been crawling this forum for a while, and i find it interesting how you guys modify the game.

So the question is...I'd love to create custom models for each of my characters  (-cough- Yuffie  8))
So i was wondering, how can i edit BATTLE models? do i have to edit the animations for them as well?
Sorry if this has been asked before / is on the wrong part of the forum / anything i have done wrong, i just want to be part of this.

Thank you!

Pages: [1]