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Messages - Gabriel535667

Pages: [1]
Solved Problems / Re: Cosmo Canyon Crash
« on: 2011-11-30 10:27:09 »
THAAAAANK YOOOUU Finally I can play \Õ/

Solved Problems / Re: Cosmo Canyon Crash
« on: 2011-11-29 21:48:05 »
Thanks :DDD will do it xD
Used Debug Room, what should I do now?

I entered the Debug Room, with the Black Chocobo, where there is Barret with his Sailor Suit on the floor, Red Dressed Aerith, Rude, A dog and other stuff, it seems is the Debug Room 3, so, what do I have to do now?

Solved Problems / Re: Cosmo Canyon Crash
« on: 2011-11-28 16:17:40 »
Hmm, I was looking around the threads and found something called gyptNEW, does this works?

About the char and other stuff that I changed, I tried to do as you said but that part still crashes :(

Solved Problems / SOLVED: Cosmo Canyon Crash
« on: 2011-11-27 15:59:55 »
I was playing normally but after that FMV tha shows the planets etc. the game frozen, anybody help? Is that problems of char.lgp?
I changed the char.lgp file and the same thing happened, after talking to bugenhagen the video ran ok but after it, frozen again, I'm trying to fix this in  everey way possible :/

Ok, thanks ^^ I'm gonna do it, soon I'll say again :)

Ok I exchanged the char.lp flevel.lgp and battle.lgp and it worked very well ^^ and I have Aali's Custom graphics driver and got no problems with it, at least that's what I know, but i believe it's about the musics, I'll try to use covarr :)

About the battles, i fixed, but the FF7Music still crashes, the music repeats all the time and sometimes dissapear :(

Triple posting is not allowed, and entirely unnecessary when your posts are all in the same day. Please take this chance to familiarize yourself with the rules. ~Covarr

Yeah, I'm using some mods that are prohibited here but I'm uploading a video to show what happened.

I know that the AC MOD here is not permitted, but is this problem happening because of this?

Well I did everything and the music is working fine, but the battle still crashes :/

Ok, I'm gonna look for it, but, what about the Battle Crash? No one moves, I tried to fix it myself but couldn't do anything :(

No, I'm using the Ficedula 1.51 Music Patch

Hey guys can someone help me with this? Here's what's happening, since I started the game I decided to change the crappy songs from the PC version to the PSX version, but there's one thing, whenever I get to another place, the music starts again all the time, the other problem is, I am at the Cargo Ship in Junon but, when I get my normal clothes back it's allright but when I enter in a battle, nobody does anything, I do select the attacks but no one moves, not even the enemies, could someone help me?

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7ACMOD weird glitch
« on: 2011-11-19 14:03:22 »
Hmm ok, sorry for anything :D

Troubleshooting / FF7ACMOD weird glitch
« on: 2011-11-19 13:18:52 »
Hey guys, I just downloaded Kula Wende's Models Complete, but there's some weird glitches O_o take a look:

Can you help me to fix this? Aeris is Beheaded and Tifa is like...Naked O_o

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