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Topics - xLostWingx

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General Discussion / FFVII Fan Games II
« on: 2011-02-05 05:11:28 »
A few years ago I played some fan game of VII.  I couldn't remember the name of it so I searched "FFVII Fan Game French Vincent Sephiroth" and found a short thread on Qhimm which answered my questions :) After reading the thread I have some new questions though.

Anyone find anymore fan games in the past year, or have any been made?

If anyone played these games, how are they?

EDIT:  The old thread -

Completely Unrelated / Anime Suggestions for Everyone :)
« on: 2011-02-02 20:51:04 »
So my g/f is becoming interested in anime and I am not an expert or addict and I wanted to know some suggestions of either good series or good movies.  I will provide some info.

She loved Rurouni Kenshin (we haven't watched Samurai X), She absolutely loved Elfen Lied, She hasn't seen many episodes, but she enjoyed what she saw of Full Metal Alchemist.  Now I have watched all the Adult Swim shows and I have seen some Ghost in the Shell and Deathnote and other movies, but I am by no means as familiar with anime as I am with say...Final Fantasy.  Those of you who are hardcore enthusiasts may scoff at some of the shows listed above, but she is interested in the genre and we are looking for some suggestions.  Hopefully I'm not killed for this, but I don't like Bleach much and am looking for some shows/movies containing some artistic quality and story with substance.  Any Not all suggestions will be appreciated.  Thanks.

FF7rules and I have been discussing some ideas for working together on a new PSX mod.  Yeah, most of you aren't interested, but to those of you who are...why not toss out some ideas.  FF7rules was formerly working on Climhazard and I released FFVII Lost Wing earlier this year (just so you have a bit of an idea of the context).  I'm creating this thread so there is a log of the ideas we discuss so we can easily go back to them at a later time and also for anyone who thinks they have a good idea to contribute it.  As of right now many of the things on the Climhazad thread apply to this mod - it is still his project at the core, I am just offering to help with some insight and the dirty work.  Once this thing gets rolling (as I really don't have time to "Work on it" right now and idk how much progress FF7rules has already made) this thread will have a bit more meaning.  Right now we are still in the planning stage, and this will serve as a place to discuss ideas.

Completely Unrelated / Sempron 140/145 Unlockable Core
« on: 2010-11-22 19:33:49 »
So I thought qhimm might be a good place to ask about this.

I was wondering if anyone owns one of these cheap Sempron 140s or 145s and whether or not you attempted/were able to unlock the other core.  I am not opposed to spending a few more bucks on a legitimate dual core but the success rate for stable unlocking on these appears to be fairly high.  I was also wondering if the 145 has anything to offer over the 140.  I'm not hardware illiterate, but I'm also not familiar with much of the new components out there.  Oh, I should mention I intend to stick it in a ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO AM3 AMD 785G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard. 


I know everyone is aware that most people don't read the rules, but I noticed something that really puts it in perspective.  I understand why Aali's driver gets so many views, but thats a ratio of 82:1  When someone comes in from google does it count as a view?  Probably.  In that case, even Halkun's Ultra Sticky has more than 3 times the views of the rules.

Good move removing the pedia, maybe stick some threads related to the former member in the trash

Releases / [FF7PC/PSX] FFVII Lost Wing (1.1)
« on: 2010-10-29 16:19:38 »
FFVII Lost Wing Version 1.1 Download Link

Reminder:  LostWing mod was designed for PSX and was an experimental learning experience.  It is unquestionably broken by just about any standard.  I would suggest avoiding it entirely.  I'm quite mystified seeing references to this mod on the google and youtube all these years later.  Try it at your own risk.  Please just know that I am not active on qhimm, I am not active on youtube, and I offer no support whatsoever for this mod.  If you still want to give LostWing a try, by all means, play it to your heart's content.  You've been warned.

Thanks to all the moderators, administrators, and mod creators here at qhimm for maintaining this treasure of a community.


**Attention New Steam Users:  Lost Wing is a FF7 Overhaul that completely modifies many aspects of the game.  It is moderately difficult until the Huge Materia quests, then it becomes Extremely Difficult.  Hacking/Cheating/Modding All Equipment and/or Materia is encouraged post-Diamond WEAPON.  Quirks appearing in the 1st Reactor Mission are NOT present throughout the game (i.e. Cloud not damaging MPs with Sword.  It's meant to keep you alert to changes in gameplay!).  Address all questions concerning the mod to THIS THREAD!!!  Use BOOTLEG to install this - it is much easier that way!**

You may only use Young Cloud and Sephiroth as functional characters on the PSX Version of this Game!!!

If you have any questions regarding the mod or need help beating any bosses or need to discuss strategies or possible materia combinations etc. - anything that you need help with, just post IN THIS THREAD.  Just leave your questions at the end of the thread and I will help you directly.

-Hundreds of enemy modifications.
-Extensive Weapons Modifications.  Use of previously unused damage formulas.  Weapons for Young Cloud and Sephiroth
-Armor and Accessories Modifications.
-Magic/Summons have been extensively modified.  Fat-Chocobo replaces Titan and Each of Odin's attacks are on their own materia.  No more KOR, but try out Zantetsuken
-A few new items for inducing Limit Breaks and Transformed status and power-ups
-New materia!  Not only new materia for new spells, but many independant and support materia have been modified.
-Toggle 2x and 4x cut between multiple (random) enemies, and single enemy.
-New character portraits
-If you have a gameshark hacking program you can use control Sephiroth and Young Cloud with Limit Breaks and they level up! (I can provide the codes at a later time)
-A buncha other stuff that is more subtle and difficult to list

Here is a demonstration of some things in my mod:

Changes to be made:
- Guard Skorpion for some strange reason gives you a Wizard Bracelet.  Do Not use this, you are not suppose to have it.
- Some of the initially equipped materia (On Cid and Sephiroth) are mastered. (Fixed)
- Young Cloud's level 1 Limit Doesn't work. (Fixed, changed to Slots)
- Sephiroth doesn't gain MP when he levels up (tried fixing this...not sure what the problem is)
- Jenova Birth was way too hard (Fixed)
- Get top tier accessory at Fort Condor 2nd battle (Fixed, now you get Ice Ring)
- Dyne needs to be more difficult. (Fixed)
- White Wind Always Misses (Fixed)
- Red Flash Doesnt work right.
- Rapps needs rebalanced


This was basically a practice mod for me.  I made it while learning how to use the tools and learning how to mod in general.  Fixing the problems with this mod ranks low on my list of priorities, but if anyone wants to fix it up, please go right ahead.  If the enemies beyond the 1st disc are too over-powered, or certain spells are working improperly, it is fairly easy to just open up WallMarket and ProudClod/Hojo and make the necessary changes.  Sorry guys, but right now I don't even have the time to work on my current mods.

Completely Unrelated / The Drunk Thread [PG-15]
« on: 2010-10-29 03:09:30 »
So, hopefully I'm not the only one that sits around at night and gets intoxicated only to wander on to qhimm and try and restrain myself from getting warned/muted/banned so instead make half-assed attempts to stay on topic.  If I am then this thread will die soon, but if not {[(c'mon Cupcake I know you will post here) sorry ObeseBear PG-15] <---- this is a joke btw} then bring on the hilarity and drunken antics.  Whoo Hoo!!!!

So I'm just sipping on a drink, deciding whether or not to play VII or just watch TV.  No class tomorrow.  Whatsup with everyone?

Completely Unrelated / Conspiracy!
« on: 2010-10-27 21:16:08 »

"Areas that I currently have access to" ?  This implies there are areas that I do not have access to.  Does that mean that there are secret mod only threads?  I smell a conspiracy!

Im kidding of course, but I did think it was strange that when I looked at Obesebear's profile then wanted to see his posts, this is what it told me.  I'll have to see if it says that for everyone or just for mods.  I wanted to start this in the trashcan, but I couldn't so just toss this out unless you think it could be a fun/humorous thread for people.

Well most people here are from the USA, and most people here would probably be labeled geeks/nerds w/e, so I was wondedring if anyone else here participated in Academic Decathlon when they were in high school?  It is basically the nerd olympics and involves lots of test taking on college-level material which needs to be crammed into a few month period.  Also, there are essays, interviews, and speeches (prepared and impromptu).  It was really fun, and it would be strange if no one else participated in it.

General Discussion / Using same Kernel.bin across disks
« on: 2010-10-23 05:30:05 »
I was just wondering if I can continue to use the modified Kernel.bin from Disk 1 that I've made for Disk 2 and 3.  It seems to work fine, but I haven't tested everything and I was just checking if there is a 'best method' for this, or if swapping them as-is is fine.  PSX version.

Edit:  Thank you Gemini.

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